Saturday, October 31, 2009

If I run a mile every day will I be guarantied to lose weight?

and will i lose fat all over my body or only on my legs
You will unless you increase your caloric intake. You will also loose fat where you gained it last.
A mile everyday is a good start, but you'll have to also change your diet. When you run you burn calories. When you eat you gain calories. So if you continue to eat at McDonalds or 3500 calories a day, this won't do it.You'll lose weight everywhere, but only build muscle in the areas you work out (legs)
99.9% of one mile a day runners report losing weight only in their feet (and ankle) areas.
If you are consistent with it. The main thing is to do it everyday, and as time goes on you will start to feel a lot healthier. Once you feel that the mile is way too easy for you, start doing a mile and a half, or maybe even two miles.Just don't expect immediate results, things take time to take effect.
Change your eating habits if you are worried about your weight, try eating more greens and absolutely no swwets, no soda, and no fast food.-Hope this helps.
you will lose fat all over your body
No, you are not guaranteed to lose weight. If you run a mile each day and do not eat healthily every day, or take in more energy than you burn, you will pick up weight. Cut down on the size of your portions, eat more fruit for breakfast, do not eat any white bread, pasta or rice after lunch, eat very small suppers if any (not later than 5PM) of low calorie and low GI foods. Do not drink coffee; drink Rooibos tea and water. Do not drink colddrinks with gas. You can drink something other than Rooibos and water if it is healthy or if it is in moderation. You should do exercises other than just running as well, although running is a great form of exercise. You will lose weight all over your body if you follow the correct regine but it will start in one part of your body and gradually make its way elsewhere, so do not become frustrated if one part of your body is not losing weight. Other parts of your body shed the excess weight first. If you continue with a healthy lifestyle, the rest of your body will eventuall follow. Remember too that it can take a year to see results, at least if you're trying to build muscle, so be patient. Understand that the body does not respond as quickly as we would like. Weight loss, of course, takes a lot less time if we follow the right regime. Make sure that when you exercise, you perspire. If your body is not working, then you are not going to lose much weight, if any.
My advice to you is not to run everyday, or at least have a day or two days of rest. Start running a mile and progressively increase the distance, taking note of your speed as well. It is researched and results show that it is the speed or intensity of a run, not the distance that actually prompts your body to use up more fat stores at rest. of course you would have to take in mind your current fitness level and build up your intensity as you progressive.
Where will your fat be burnt from? now that is a question that is still being studied upon. Different individual's body use fats from different part of the body for energy. However, if you are to keep at this routine, you should see results in 2 months or so (you will feel as though u have "shrunk"). Logically, since you are using your legs to run, there will then to be muscle build up in that region, but do not be turned-off by the fact that you have 'thunder thighs' in time to come. running alone won't result in that.
Just keep running, and have patience for results, your body will switch to your lifestyle(in this case running) and program itself to be more effiecent in burning fat from all over your body
Good luck!
you should lose the weight all over your body,but when you run,swing your arms too.

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