Sunday, October 25, 2009

Ice cream addiction!?

How can i over ocme my love for ice cream and chocolate!?? I used to be very good at portions and eating healthy but when i NEEDED TO GAIN 5 POUNDSfor sports i got addicticed and i didnt even gain much weight! I have a small bowl or 2 eveyr day and chocolate whenever i see it! Its cuasing me to break out and also im starting to get jiggle everywhere! What can I do to go back to what i used to be like!??
Do not eat any for a week. Most times it takes 48 hrs to get it out of your system.
ask for doctor to give you some medication for addiction control. (camprol might work)
Too late muahaha. you should keep the jiggle it is cool. I like jiggle. is it stopping you
YUMMOOOOO chocolate :D Very tough question.. i had this thing going on for more than an year.. every time i finished my choc-chip tub i bought the next the same day! Well no need to consult a doc.. I did it with will power!! Just stop going to the ice-cream section and use your will power!! Thats the only way i got over it! (FYI .. NO i am not overweight- i did a lot of exercise)
taper off sweets slowly.

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