Saturday, October 31, 2009

If i run about 2 miles in 20 mins how many cals will this burn?

no more than 200 calories depending on your body weight and BMR. If you're looking to burn calories increase the distance. If its cardio fitness you're after pick up the pace. To lose weight at least 30 mins at 75% max heart rate ca. 130
a lot
on average 100 cals per mile if you run it in 10 - 11 mins I think, thants what i got told and was working to.
it all depends upon the effort put in
Around 250 cal's but remember to stay hydrated as this could affect your workout
around 200-250 calories i think, no wonder ur name is zzzzz u must be tired
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i work that out`to be`-45`calories`which makes`it exactly`the same No of points uv lost this Week` on earth did u get to Level 2 at that RATE`
Whether you walk or run, you'll burn around 100 calories a mile. It doesn't really matter how long it takes you to cover the two miles.However, this is an average as the heavier you are, the more calories you'll burn, the lighter you are the fewer you'll burn. Perhaps what's more important if weight loss is your goal, is the proportion of those calories that come from burning body fat.Running at a lower speed is less intensive and enables your body to utilise more oxygen, which is necessary to metabolise fat. Therefore, running at a speed that keeps your heart rate at around 60-70% of your max heart rate (220 minus your age) will burn proportionately more fat than running at say 80-90% of your max heart rate. If you run more quickly for 20 minutes you'll cover more miles and burn more calories, but will burn proportionately less fat per mile than running more slowly.Obviously, the fitter you get the better your body gets at utilising oxygen during a cardio workout and the harder you can train whilst keeping your heart rate in the optimum fat-burning zone, eg 60-70%.If you'd like more info on running and weight loss you may find the link below helpful.
If you take into consideration that a human walks at 4mph on average taking twenty minutes to run two miles will not burn many calories,You must be a slow runner.
On the treadmill it takes me 22 minutes to run 2 miles on the flat, and that works out at about 300 calories. Ouside I suspect it would be a little more effort and so I would add a few on.

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