Sunday, October 25, 2009

I'am in 7th gr. and i weigh 105 and am5'3'' people tell me i am skinny but i feel REALLy fat!?

i want to loose weight but dont know how! can somone tell me! i'm not like bloted or anyting i just feel really fat. swimsuit season is REALLy close and i want to not be self concious about my body!
You are NOT FAT. at your height/weight, you should weigh 115 lbs! You need to gain ten pounds.
Based on this informaiton I will tell you: A female at 5' tall should base line weight be 100 lbs. Take 5 lbs for every inch over. 3"X5 lbs=15 lbs. Therefore, you should ideally wiegh 115 lbs.
Is there someone in your family who is overweight? That you are trying not to become like? Has anyone (friend/family) told you not to eat certain things, or too much of a certain food, so you won't get fat? Has anyone teased you about supposedly being fat?
You apparently have a highmetabolism, or are active enough you don't need to worry at all about getting fat.
Please, have your mom/dad make an appt. with your dr. for you, and see this dr. about your wwight, etc. Also, you may need counseling to get over this issue. Just to have someone to talk to once in awhile is okay. I wish you the best. Take care.
You DO NOT need to lose weight. If you think you are fat you need to talk to your doctor. You are heading for anorexia if you try to lose weight when you don't need to.
If people are telling you are too skinny, you probably are. Listen to your friends, not that voice inisde your head that says you are fat.It si dangerous for a girl your age to be underweight.
You can lose weight by NOT EATING! Wow, it's not that hard.
Your body image is not working right, and you are on your way to anorexia. Talk to your Dr. right away before you have an eating disorder.
ue not fat ur skinny ,u know that now stop complaining
You are skinny. Not too bad, but a little skinny. You are just a tiny bit under the ideal weight for someone an inch shorther than you, but nothing to be concerned about as long as you don't lose any weight. You are on your way to anorexia if you truly think you are fat. Please get this idea out of your head.
you do NOT need to lose weight. infact, 105 at 5' 3" sounds a little under weight. im 5'2 and about 110 pounds, which is almost at too low of a weight. it sounds more like you have more of a self-esteem issue than a weight issue. instead of pointing out the negative qualities about yourself, look in the mirror and tell yourself positive ones. [it may seem silly at first but i promise you, it helps.]although, if you feel like your tummy could use some tightening, try some crunches every night. start at 50-100 a night and work your way up from there. but dont push yourself too much.
You are actually underweight, but if you really feel like you need to do something to feel better about yourself, try playing on a school sports team, or join a summer league. This way you'll be exercising regularly, but also will be channeling more of your thoughts into the game, and off your body.

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