Saturday, October 31, 2009

If I had worked out / ate like a female body builder would I see I bigger decrease in cellulite than if...?

I just went on one of your average "eat healthy, work out 3 times a week" diets? I ask this because if I were to eat / work out like a body builder, I would lose much more fat and build a lot more muscle, and wouldn't that decrease much more cellulite? Because I don't have much to begin with, is it possible for it to completely disapear or almost disapear?
Yes it is possible. In order to have a body like a bodybuilder, you must train like one. This doesn't mean you will get bulky. It's not gonna happen unless you are taking some type of anabolic steriod. There are beautiful women, with BEAUTIFUL bodies who train professionally as bodybuilders. They are healthy, and have low body fat percentages. They eat right, and they certainly do their share of exercising. I say go for it, and don't fall for the 'bulky' hype. It's not gonna happen to you.

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