Saturday, October 31, 2009

If I go the gym 2x a week spending 45 mins doing weights, how long will it take me to get from skinny to built

I do several sets of 10 reps a go on the chest and arm curling machines and basically the upper body areas of the gym. I am 6'0 and 140lbs and my arms are sticks
I'd take up a martial art instead ..6 foot and 140 pounds sounds just right, in a sport where big muscles are actually
a hinderence...and skinny guys usually have a longer lifespan.
Lou Ferrigno( the hulk in the tv series) took 17 eggs for breakfast on a maintenence diet.
But yes plenty of carbs, pasta rice etc, not too much cardio vascular( jogging rowing,) Go 4 times and on your rest days REST!!
And nothing looks more silly than a hulk upstairs and a
chicken legs downstairs...know what i mean!!
Support your legs cos they support you!
Imagine your favorite athlete, the one you want to look like. Now imagine what he/she does for workouts. Now ask yourself if twice a week for 45 minutes is going to get it done.
Sorry dude, you aint ever gonna get built or ripped if ya only goin twice a week. double it at least and get a proper trainer to increase your work over time.
Good luck !
If you are skinny and want to build muscle, you need to eat a lot of good quality protein. Don't do too many reps but rather work heavy weights to exhaustion.
Don;t neglect the lower part of your body, you must go at least 3 time a week if you are only doing 45 mins, on a high protein diet, you should start seeing results after your first month, but always leave a day between sessions for muscle recovery, good luck skinny ;卢)
its gonna take time for u, most important thing is consistency and diet. you have a lanky build and need to make sure you are eating enough each day. the best mass building exercises are bench press and incline press for chest, deadlifts and bar rows for back, military press and shoulder press for shoulders, shrugs for traps, squats and lunges for legs, barbell curls for biceps, close grip bench press and skullcrushers for triceps, you should do about 3-4 sets of these exercises for 8-12 reps each set, about 1-2 minutes rest between sets. as you get stronger and can complete 12 reps, increase the weight. after a month or 2 of lifting, increase the weight and do sets of 6-8 reps to develop strength and power. as for food, if you are serious, eat about 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight each day, and 2-2.5 grams carbs per pound of bodyweight per day, try to eat at least meals daily, protein at each meal. good protein sources are lean cuts of red meat, grilled chicken, tuna, turkey, eggs, cottage cheese, yogurt. good carb sources are oatmeal, rice, pasta, potatoes, yams. also make sure to drink plenty of water, eat several servings of vegetables daily to help with digestion. this should get you started on your way, good luck. you gotta train and you gotta eat to grow, if you aren't doing both of these, you wont gain weight. be patient and work hard, and you will get results. only train each body part 2x weekly max, you need time to recuperate, if you are working hard when in the gym, you should need the 3 days off to recuperate. if you dont feel sore the next day or 2, you are not working hard enough. good luck and feel free to email me if you got any questions about what i wrote.
Talk to your gym instructor about a mass programme. You need to check your diet - you need to take in more calories than you burn and increase your lean protein intake i.e. fish, chicken, pork tenderloin, lean steak/mince. You'll also need to up complex carbohydrate and maintain a moderate fat intake with plenty of fruit and veg. Aim for five meals a day and if that's a problem supplement mid morning and afternoon with a whey protein shake. Immediately after your workout take in protein and simple carbs to nourish and replenish - this is the most important time and a scoop of unflavoured whey in grape juice will be fine. Also, you'll need to get your instructor to come up with a three day split focussing on the three mass builders; deadlift, squat and benchpress. On deadlift days also do back i.e. (seated rows, pulldowns, barbell rows), shoulders (military press, dumbell press, front and lateral raise) and biceps (curling with barbells and dumbells). Bench press days do more chest (flyes, pec deck, dumbell press, cable crossovers) and triceps (pressdowns, French presses, dips). Do abs this day too. On squat days do your legs (extensions, curls and calf raises). Do all excercises with stretches before and after, warm up sets and then 2-3 sets of 6-10 reps with high weight until failure. Drop the weight slightly each set so that you can do 6-10 reps with difficulty each set. Always use strict form and use a spotter for bench press and squats. Somebody in the gym will do it for you. Always cool down with stretches and don't be too tempted by supplements - only protein and creatine are proven to work and creatine always gave me the Brad Pitts. Enjoy your workouts.

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