Sunday, October 25, 2009

If healthy food isnt availible at the moment is it better to starve until healthy food is found or eat junk?

That depends on what the "junk" is, and how long you're going to be without "healthy" food. If it's a matter of waiting 2 hours til you get home, then it's better to "starve." If it's a matter of waiting 24 hours, it's better to gain what sustenance (calories, at the very least) can be gained from the junk food.
Just eat it if your hungry.
I would pick what would give you the most of your necessary food groups out of the junk food, and eat of these sparingly and slowly. If you eat it slowly, your brain will have more time to send the chemical signal that you need no more. Also, eat only when you are hungry.
i starve for the most part - tho i might not have the healthiest outlook
if you are really hungry, it's okay to eat the junk. You just need to control yourself and eat in moderation.
What are you considering “junk”? That's the real question here. And how long will it be until you are able to get something better.You shouldn't starve yourself for any reason.Instead you should really analyze the food available. Anything with whole grains will help make you feel full and won't need to eat much of it. This could include wheat bread, for example.If there truly is no food with any redeeming quality, eat a small portion of the lesser evil and make up for it later with a bit of exercise.In the future keep a healthy snack on hand.
If you are going to eat junk, watch the calories, portion size, and fat content. You have NO healthy food available? Starving is not a good plan, but neither is eating pure junk, so a compromise would be good. At least drink plenty of water and get out and walk for 30 minutes. Good luck!
I don't think I would starve. I would just have a bit of the 'junk' food. Moderation is the key.
you don't have to starve, just pick the healthiest from the junk and drink a lot of water. that would do.
just eat smaller portions of the unhealty foods and see if you can find something within those choses that are better for you. if you starve yourself, the minute your body gets its next foods its going to hold on to every bit of fat and calories that it can because it thinks its going to be a while before it gets more and it can cause you to gain weight even more quickly. its called starvation mode. not good. maintain at least 1200 calories a day AT LEAST
Make the best choice of what is available, and if it's quite unhealthy eat just a small not to skip meals, but eat only minimally if all you have to choose from is "junk" until you get the opportunity to make a better choice.Most vending machines and fast food restaurants have options that are not TOO bad when one is trying to eat healthy...
When hungry enough pure animal drives take over and you'll eat sh^t.

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