Sunday, October 25, 2009

If i ate a high calorie breakfast say a muffin or tart and reduced cal through the day will i lose weight?

i mean will this increase my metabolism and make me lose more weight. when i reduce my lunch and have light dinner. and does drinking milk good or will increase my calorie intake. how many calorie in a glass of milk. they say dairy makes u lose weight??
Its ok to have a muffin once in w hile, just in moderation, dont have it everyday!
It wont increase your metabilism because its working harder to break down the fat in it. Your better off having a healthy breakfast which will fill you up, light lunch and light dinner. make sure you snack in between too, like an apple or something to keep your metabilism working. Im not sure about how many calories in milk but it also depends if its full fat or skimmed. I doubt it helps you loose weight, just a good source of calcium.

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