Saturday, October 31, 2009

If I have very little body fat, how can I lose weight?

I weigh too much. My whole family does. I had an operation 6wks ago and the surgeon (Dr) told me I have very little body fat and doesn't know where my heavy weight comes from. He actually used the words 'you must have heavy bones'! SHOCKING from a Dr right?He then said I MUST lose weight or I will face joint problems amongst others, later on. I concur.BUT if it's not body can I lose it?????I eat little meat or carbo, I live in veggies, multigrain (low GI) bread, fruit, nuts %26 seeds, use olive oil spread %26 oil and yes, I sometimes indulge in some fries and ice cream or a couple of slices of pizza. I am human! But I don't pig out. My occasional 'binge' is biscuits at that time of the month, but not often.Can anyone PLEASE help me? I really need to lose around 60lbs/ 30KG
It may not be fat that you need to lose it is very possible that it is muscle. Remember muscle weighs more than fat and you could also be retaining fluid if, retaining fluid is the case try using a diuretic(water pill)
well you don't really give us a generalization of what your wieght is, but if the doctor says you ain't fat and you want to loose 60# you should consider amputating your legs, that is about what they wiegh 4 inches above your knee.
Well I would get a second opinion from another doctor because if you have very little fat then the rest will be bone and muscle. Bones and muscles strengthen according to how much work they do so unless you're using anabolic steroids or something similar you would have to lie in bed and eat very little to lose weight by shedding muscle and bone mass.
Peolple with low BMI ie low fat content in their bodies shouldn't need to lose weight...Addition:Well if your BMI is 33 then you can lose weight and should and it will be fat that you are losing - I think your doctor has been beating around the bush somewhat. Maybe you should chat to your GP and ask him to be honest about your weight and get him to suggest a diet, exercise regime or whatever is appropriate.
don't eat biscuts and ice cream for a while..will you join me...wee will do exercise to gether..where do you stay actually...pls reply
HiI myself seem like I cant lose weight no matter how much I run and exercise! is very stressful! The best to lose weight is lots of cardio! Jogging around the nebierhood or buying a good treadmill will help burn it off and stay off as long as you stick to your diet. Theres also yoga and aerobics but for me and some others youll be in the best shape of your life if your into running/jogging. with some free weights to tighting up. Running makes you handel more and stay alert... lol ... no really! Maybe cuz it pumps u up and build muscle in the legs. But if you have joint problems dont run to much
well uh, try the bodybuilder way. deplete your body of water. but dont over do it.
30 kg is a fair bit of weight to "must lose". Your body is made of fat and the rest is "lean muscle mass" which includes all your bits and bones. You don't need a doctor to tell you if you have fat to lose. Here is a simple test.Pinch test: tense your stomach muscles and grab a hunk of that stuff around your tummy... if you can pinch more than about 5mm thick of skin... you prolly have a fist full of fat. Now if you can honestly say that you can't feel any fat.. then I am left wondering why you need to lose any weight at all?Oh, your diet by the way.. sounds pretty good... but binge eating slows your metabolism so be careful. oh yes... some people have difficulty losing weight because of blood sugar imbalances... binging doesn't help that either... better to graze constantly and consistently... and keep your calorie intake at a healthy level. for information I like this web site... and the resources and calculators within that domain.You might try an hour of exercise a day to make sure your heart, which is really just another muscle, is in peak condition.
You need a second opinion from another doctor!Body fat is the only thing you can loose! Water retention won't account for 60 lbs and neither will muscle (unless you have the body of a professional weight lifter).The only thing I can think of is your age and a slightly awkward doctor. If you're under 18 the doctor may have been trying to be tactful, and not give you a 'complex' about your weight and it came out all confused. He couldn't say 'you're fat' as you could get upset and/or sue him. In the UK doctors are given guidance to talk young people about being over weight in terms of health problems, not 'being fat'. It's very much framed as 'No, you're not fat, but if you lost 30 lbs you would be able to play football better'.
No body fat, but you need to lose weight?? That just doesn't sound right. If you don't have much body fat you need to put some on. Honestly.
Maybe you also should get a second opinion. Heavy bones is not accurate. Honestly.
I'd recommend getting a second opinion, or better yet, getting an accurate body composition measurement from a health professional or even a personal trainer. I'm not sure what your doctor did to determine what he thought your bodyfat levels are, and if doesn't know where the weight is, I question his expertise. It could be you store bodyfat in unusual locations, or that you have more natural muscle mass than you realize.The most accurate way of determining bodyfat levels is hydrostatic testing (total water immersion). Since that is not always available and can be expensive, using calipers correctly is the next best thing. BMI is the worst way.Unfortunately, simply reducing calories isn't going to work. You have to have a healthy balanced diet. If your diet is already low in calories, pizza and ice cream are the worst things you could have. Also, most of what you say you eat are high carb foods, so your macronutrients are likely way off balance. You actually do need lean proteins and good fats as well. Finally, if your eating is sporadic and your meals are spaced too far apart, this is going to make losing bodyfat very difficult. Typically, 5-6 smaller portioned meals per day for most people is optimal.
I would go to your GP and ask about water retention. Water is very heavy. But don't dry to get rid of it without it being there and you should NOT drink less. In fact try drinking more clear fluids this may help. Also cut down on caffiene.You may also find your weight fluctuates over the month. This is normal. I go from a size 8 to a 10 once a month for about a week. If you are worried about your weight impacting on the health of your bones you could supplement your diet with cod liver oil and/or glucasalamine (I think I may have spelt that wrong). These can be bought from any health food shop/chemist just read the label before taking and if on any other medication check with a pharmacist first.Hope these give you some ideas
Obesity has become a major health problem around the world. Many companies have brought diet pills, medicines, powders and weight-loss belts in the market. Though these products claim to aid weight-loss, the weight reduction is temporary. Besides, the pills and powders can adversely affect your health. Here we offer you some tips to reduce weight successfully, without any negative health effects.1 Reduce fat intake
2 Reduce intake of sugar:
3 Reduce quantity of food without going hungry
4 Raise the amount of physical activity
5 Improve your metabolism by eating natural foods:
I found a great way to lose weight fast and keep it off. I do body cleansing. I lost 13 pounds in 9 days and then 28 pounds in less than a month. Cleansing will help the body get rid of impurities. Impurites come from a lot of things like fast food, pollution, food additives and preservatives etc. The impurities get stored in the fat in our body. To shrink the fat, we have to get rid of the impurities by cleansing. This made sense to me and I decided to try a cleanse program and it worked. The weight came off fast and this kept me motivated to keep going, not like other diets where the weight loss it too slow. To learn more call the toll free number 1-877-587-4647 or check out the website. Cleansing was good for me. Good luck whatever you decide to do!
I suggest La weight lost, excercise is the best! or if you're super desperate nip and tuck!

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