Sunday, October 25, 2009

I would like to lose 25lbs by the end of June!! How can I do this? a.s.a.p!! Thank-You!!?

I'm 13 and i weigh 135lbs. My aim is to lose 25lbs by the end of June. How can I do this? What are some good exercises to help with the weight lose and to tone up my legs and stomach? Thank-you all who answer!! Its really appreciated!!
i don't know how to lose that much weight, but i do think you are too young and also think that losing that many pounds for your current weight wouldn't be healthy for you at all. you only weigh 135?? i thought that was about average. sorry if this don't help you, but i wouldn't want you to put your health in jeopardy to lose that much weight.
stick your finger in your throat several times a day then the pounds just melt off. perform this regiment twice daily supplying the liquid lost with only water, or call Jenny Craig you fat ****.

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