Saturday, October 31, 2009

If i exercises then eat is that good?

will it burn some calories having my heart pumpin
Number of calories is a measurement of how much energy a substance (like food) contains when it is burned (oxidized). Relative to losing weight, number of calories information is not all that useful. Eating foods that are tasty and don't make blood sugar rise too much (glycemic index) is much more useful.
Make sure plenty of potassium rich foods are eaten to prevent a drop in blood sugar which causes hunger and moodiness. Potassium is needed to make glycogen which the body uses as a slow and steady glucose supply between meals.
It's important to know that the blood stream can only hold 2 teaspoons worth of sugar. A bottle/can of soda on average contains 10 teaspoons of sugar. When more sugar is eaten than the blood can handle, the sugar is moved to fat cells and turned into saturated fat, especially fat cells closest to the stomach. When all the fat cells have all the sugar they can hold and yet there's more sugar to deal with, insulin signals the body to create more fat cells. When you lose weight, fat cells don't die off, they become skinnier fat cells. The more fat cells the harder it is to keep them all skinny.Lot's of exersize is not the key to losing weight - millions of people have tried it long before you and it doesn't work. Keep blood sugar from spiking, get plenty of potassium, don't eat large meals before bed, learn the diiference between good fats and bad fats, good carbohydrates and bad carbohydrates. Eat what you want on the days of the holidays not for weeks before and after the holiday. Unfortunately you're not going to hear or read about these concepts much in the dieting world becuse skinny people are not profitable; they buy few books on losing weight and even fewer diet programs.
no its not good to eat right after a workout because it can look like you never worked out at all.the best thing to do is wait 15-20 after a workout and eat healthy!
no fat foods or anything, a salad with chicken or vegetables is great!
it is ok and good to eat after exercise and u should do that to replenish your body, however, you must eat something healthy and non fatening so you don't put the wieght back on. People think if they exercise they can eat anyhting they like but thats not the case. if u wanna stay same size than maybe but if ur looking to lose some weight than you must eat healthy and don't binge on junk neither. yes u will burn cals by having your heart pumped. classes are awesome. they push you which is good. i go to classes too. if you wanna lose weight go to: BODY ATTACK, CIRCUIT, BODY STEP, if you wanna put on muscle go to: BODY PUMP.

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