Sunday, October 25, 2009

If i ate this everyday would I lose 10 pounds by june8?

lunch-nutrisystem soy chips,granola bar,and an apple and a bottle of water
dinner-meat karekare a filipino meat and fat free yogurt
my exercise was 5 pound weights and the treadmill
I weight 115 pounds and im 5'2 5'1
Sensible eating is the way to go. Check out what you eat today and then cut out 600 calories a day. Stay away from granola bars as most of them have high calories and carbs. Cereal is good with skim milk, add a salad at lunch, low fat dressing, 2 oz of lean meat at dinner with a non-sugar veg. Stay away from peas and corn, use green beans. Cut out bread, have that apple before you go to bed as a snack and have another piece of fruit between lunch and dinner. Make that 4 to 6 bottles of water.
you probably would
Hi I too had this problem about 2yrs ago . Then I ran across an excellent program that help me lose a great amount of weight. I now am a health advisor and coaches other into the healthy stages of life. If you like you can view my web page it has all the info about the program or email me at and let me know what it is that you are looking for, and ill try my best to help you towards your success.
I would really stay away from the Nutrisystem stuff. It's just not natural for your body to eat all that unnatural stuff. Your breakfast is fine, however your lunch and dinner need improvement.Lunch - Is suppost to actually be a lunch. Try a sandwich or soup instead with juice.Dinner - It sounds okay, but cut down on the yogurt. Yogurt is usually considered a breakfast food, I'd also suggest having something a bit more filling so you won't be so hungry at night.Your excercise seems fine, but doing weights would increase muscle, which would have you gain weight. I would focus on jumping rope, crunches and the treadmill. Once you lose the weight you like, then focus on the weightlifting to gain muscle.Healthy weight loss is 1-2 pounds a day, so yes you could infact lose 10 pounds by June 8th.
Big question is, why?Don't let the scale dominate your life. If you are healthy and fit, you will generally be fine. The index you want to follow is BMI, not weight. As long as you are not a super athlete like a pro athlete or hideously obese, it is a far more accurate indication of your health.As for weight loss...10 pounds in that amount of time is reasonable, and safe. Just remember to accompany it with additional physical activity, otherwise the mass you loose may be muscle mass.

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