Sunday, October 25, 2009

Iam 15 years old and i want to get muscle, so can u give me some help please.?

I am trying to get a lot or some muscle on my body. so can you please guve me some tips. i am doing push ups and sit ups but thats just not enough. So can you please hekp me i am willing to do any kind excrise so i can get some muscles. Thank you so much for reading this and i hope you can leave me some help or tips, thanks a lot i really appreatuate it.
Keeping in are only 15 and your body is still developing, so don't lift weight that might ruin your spine and keep you short :).
Generally, to build muscle, you need to lift heavy weight and lift is slowly...up AND down. Do not lift it too many times unless you want definition in your muscle. If you want bigger muscles, lift the weight 5 - 7 times repetitively. If you want smaller but well toned/defined muscle, lift lighter weights more than 10 times repetitively.
MOST IMPORTANTLY, eat proper. Muscle needs protein to grow. Stay away from body building chemicals. Eat fish, chicken, and meat. (and veggies) :) You should see changes in 6mths if you work out 2 -3 times a week for a half hour each.
Join the gym, you will get good advise from 1 of the instructors, My son has just turned 15 yrs, He started 2 months ago. He is enjoying himself, and they do thing麓s step by step, not all this , need muscle tomorrow type of thing. He has lost a bit of weight,plus gained muscle.
you could try bench pressing or weight lifting. i gained 10% muscle mass in the first day. but i'm only 13, so it might work for you too.
What you should do is go and seek some professional advice from a repytable gym they will give you all the advice you need. Good luck.
You also need to look at what you are eating, look at high protein foods (this is what builds muscle up) such as bananas, full fat milk, eggs and cheese, and excercise. Be careful that you get correct weight training, because you can damage cartilage and muscles if you do not excercise properly. Stretch out correctly and build yoursef up slowly, for instance 20 ? (you may already be doing more) repetitions of sit ups for one week then for the second week do 25 etc., just do not rush it.
lift weights, push ups, sit ups! i don't think that anything will give you muscles quicker it just takes time.
You can do bf does that...its like jumpin over walls and all that
i'm your age too - sort of. my friend keeps making fun of me calling me a weed so what i do is 20 bench dips, 30 push ups, i lift up my wardrobe for about a minute (no breaks), then i use my guitar and amp as weights. it takes about 5 minutes. i've been doing it since november and it's really made a difference.

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