Saturday, October 31, 2009

If I don't eat junk food and start eating fruit and healthy sandwiches - will my weight decrease at all?

I have a relatively fast metabolism and I eat junk food constantly!! I have noticed I have gained a few founds and I want them gone. If I dramatically change my diet fruits veggies healthy things.. and cut out the JUNK COMPLETELY... will my weight drop any?? I'm only talking tren pounds here..
i'm sure it would help but what would also help is exercise
Count the calories, if you reduce, you lose weight.
your weight it dramatically decrease if you take out all bad foods
No you`ll get really fat. So fat you won`t be able to get thru the door - which won`t be a bad thing - saves money.
YES!!! thats what i did... especially ddrop the soda... look at the food labels and count the calories... sometimes your eating so many calories you dont even realize it... a 100 calorie filling snack is perfect.. but sometimes one reces peanut butter cup is like 250 calories... and that does NOTHING good for you.. you could fill up on apples and that keeps you feeling full and its like, just a few calories... your weight will drop for sure
First of all, you don't want to cut off your junk intake entirely. If you get used to a junk-free system and suddenly find yourself in a situation where junk is the ONLY food available, you won't be able to handle it.As for weightloss, only exercise can take it off. Eating healthy only ensures that you're not getting weight BACK as quickly as you're taking it off.
Of course it will your taking in fewer calories and less carbs when you do this and increasing your fiber intake.
yes! it will. try eating cucumbers and carrots they are worth 0 points. so you could eat them until you get filled on them. also drink lots of water. in the 1st week you will notice your weight not decreasing because that is all your water weight.but that will eventually go away. good luck:)
Yup, that should work, mind you watch the portion sizes though, drink lots of water and try diet pop instead of regular and those pounds should drop right off.
I will drop some, also look into the south beach diet book. i didnt need to loose any weight but i wanted to eat healthier and maintain my weight. its a 3 phase diet. 1st phase clenses you of all the junk in your system 2nd you stay on till you reach your target weight. 3rd maintains that weight.I love it.
yes surely u'll lose pounds if u eat fruits and fast foods there r lot of saturated fats which help u in storing avoid fast foods...when u feel hungry drink a glass of water snack on strawberries,blue beries,peanuts(roasted),waterm... melon and some of other juicy fruits...eating lots of juicy fruit keep u filled...if atall u want t eat fast foods u can have grilled meat sandwhiches.or any grilled foods...
YES definitely
you can also work out
Yes, and exercise will make you stronger as well, and tweak your tone.
If you eat 250 less and burn 250 more you'll lose a pound a week. =)

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