Saturday, October 31, 2009

If I lose weight, will I get flabby skin?

I am 5'3", and 130 lbs. I plan on losing 15-20 lbs in the next 3 months. I'm 18/f. People keep saying that if you lose a lot of weight fast, you'll need surgery to get rid of flabby skin. Is that true? Is my plan "too fast"? Dude, i don't wanna get flabby skin...
Three months to lose 20 lbs is a good goal if you lose 2 lbs a week. I seriously doubt 15-20 lbs of weightloss is going to give you flabby skin. My sister is exactly your height, was very overweight in high school at 160lbs and lost the weight over a period of 15 months, with no flabby side effects. Then she had two kids a few years ago. She lost all the weight again at age 25 and is thinner than ever at 115 lbs, but only has saggy belly skin because of the pregnancies. The rest of her body looks as though she grew up thin. Usually you will only get flabby skin if you lose an enormous amount of weight, like 50 or more pounds, in a very short amount of time. You shouldn't try to lose more than 2-3 lbs a week, otherwise, you're "plan" might be considered "too fast" by a doctors standards. I can't imagine you're skin is stretched all that much at only 130lbs. And at your age, your skin still has elasticity to it. That little bit of weightloss will be so spread out, that you probably wont lose more than what you're skin can keep up with. But, if you're that concerned about it, replace the fat with muscle to take up any extra skin. You don't have to get "bulky," or "ripped," or look like a man, just tone with several reps with light free-weights. Also rub cocoa butter lotion with vitamin E on the areas you're concerned about (stomache, triceps, thighs) as you lose weight to keep the skin moist and promote healthy cell renewal.And don't forget, the scale doesn't determine how skinny you are. Muscle weighs more than fat. Most doctors will tell you to get rid of the scale and not to diet, but to eat foods low in carbs and fat, and do a little extra excersize until you're healthy and happy with what you see in the mirror, then maintain it with regular light excersize. I would not worry about the flabby skin if I were you, hon. But I wish you luck and a happy swimsuit season! :-)Oh, and P.S. Drink lots of water, stay very hydrated to keep you skin elastic. Drinking a lot of water will also help you lose weight.
depends on how much u lose... just make sure to exercise to tone ur muscle and ur skin as well..
you're young so you still have a lot of elasticity in your skin, so the chances of loose skin is not very likely.
At your age and with the amount you plan to lose, I doubt you will have any extra flabby skin. Your skin is probably still very taut with good elasticity. I wouldn't worry about that flabby skin thing just don't go about losing weight in an unheathly way.
work out, depending on what you want to build do diffrent excercise routines, find one that works for you, dont do lipo suction: that will result in flab
I don't think so your still young.. before your 20s.. I think you will be fine. I think its when your older and when you lose 50 pounds or more before that starts to happen
The gold standard is around a pound per week that you want to lose. If you go by that you won't have to worry. Not that you have anything to worry about anyway. You're still young, your skin is still flexible, and 15-20 lbs won't cause flabby skin. You need to lose insane amounts like 100 lbs or so to get extra skin.Just eat a little less and perform more aerobic exercises more often. That's the healthiest way to go about it and you'll have nothing to worry about! Good luck!
a healthy amount of weight to lose in a week, is 2 lbs.
your plan, MIGHT be a little too fast, but it shouldnt be too bad.
its not like youre losing all of that in a week.
THAT would give you flappy skin.
try adding on another week or two to that.
it may take longer, but its healthy and decreases your chance for flappy skin!
good luck
15-20 lbs is NOT considered a LOT of weight. Not enough to cause excess skin anyway. You have youth on your side as well so much of your skin's elasticity will still be viable. 3 months may or may not be too fast for you depending on your lifestyle, metabolism, etc. Do yourself a favor and don't give yourself a deadline but do give yourself a HEALTHY goal weight instead. Eat the right foods in small but healthy portion controlled sizes. Exercise will help tone the muscles under any body fat (and some body fat is good for you!) and will reduce any appearance of extra wiggling. Good luck! ((Do it safe and healthy!!))
No, you aren't setting a goal that will be too fast. But the important thing is to add exercise to your weight-loss program. That not only helps keep the flab off but tightens up your muscles so the 'new you' will look even better.
NO YOU WON'T. You are young and skin is elastic. 15-20lbs is not enough to give you flabby skin. You may see some stretch marks after. Use Cocoa Butter to help alleviate that.Listen, don't let excuses keep you from loosing weight. Get a book on the Glycemic index, reduce carbs and eat foods that are low on the index. It'll keep you from being hungry and you'll still loose weight.Best of all exercise helps your body loose weight and tone muscles for that overall good look.
u can use detox diets to loose weight .People who follow it are seemingly more healthy and live longer lives.detox diets will help u to a great extent to reduce weight and be slim.for one week put yourself on a monotrophic diet , i.e. eat only one type of fruit at each meal.For example: BREAKFAST could be melon only. Eat as much as you like and feel satisfied that you have had enough. All types of melons are good. Honeydew, Cantaloupe, Gala or Watermelon.LUNCHTIME: Eat only oranges and grapefruit or pineapples or plums whatever you fancy but don't mix the fruits. Eat till hunger is satisfied.4 p.m. Have a large (12 oz.) glass of freshly pressed carrot juice.EVENING: Eat only apples, pears, grapes or bananas. Eat only one fruit at a time and eat till hunger is satisfied. source:http://www.detoxmedifastdiets.blogspot.c...
Your skin will shrink up just fine. Only the severly obese have issues with skin after dramatic weight loss.

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