Saturday, October 31, 2009

If i cut back all processed food will i lose weight fast? what defines processed food?

Some people will use process to describe food that has been canned, dried, or cured to extend the freshness of the food.Others will include all of the above plus just about everything else you buy at the grocers. Such as meat that has been skinned and deboned. Or onions and other vegetable that have its roots and dead leaves removed.Processed or unprocessed food does not affect your ability to gain or lose weight. Its has more to do with calories intake and also the type of calories. Sugar and Carbohydrates will metabolized faster so that it is used immediately when you consume them. Protein and Fat takes longer to be matabolize by your body.The best way to lose weight as far as food is concert is to avoid as much fat and sugar as possible, and keep your calorie intake as low as you can without stressing out your body. Another words burn more calories than you intake calories.

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