Sunday, October 25, 2009

Ideas please?

I need to get fit, i need to tone up and lose weight, i know what is good and bad and i know the best ways to get fit, but i cant motivate! (It is for the job i want to get, that wont even motivate me)
I understand completly! It can be so hard to motivate yourself even for something important, like a job.. or family etc. Try setting yourself small goals and try and achieve them whether it be taking a walk for 15 minutes and then you can treat yourself etc. If this doesnt work try looking online for motivation classes near you.
get somebody else(friend or family or so) to do it with you! its more fun then
Every time you complete a goal you can treat yourself to that cute top in the mall or awesome sneakers for the gym but not before. If thinking about work doesn't motivate you try to think of other possible areas where it might come in handy such as your love life and the awesome feeling you get when you look good. Also, think of exercising and eating right as a healthy thing to do.i mean right now the bad foods may not have a big impact on you but in 10 years you'll start realising its demolishing effects. Also, ask for support from family and close friends in advance so they know not to tempt you with anything and give you the strenght to carry on.
My favorite way to work out is to dance. I heard Matthew McConaughey being interviewed once and he said he dances an hour or two for a good workout. I figure if it's good enough for him, it's good enough for me.
just think about all the times you go shopping and see clothes you know u could look good in , if you toned up. i do that and it seems to motivate me. Good luck

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