Sunday, October 25, 2009

I would like to loose a stone in weight? Can anyone recommend a good diet?

For the first time in my life i have decided that i would like to loose a stone in weight. I am 5ft 4 and weigh 9 and a half stone. I appreciate that this is not greatly over weight but i would still very much like to be 8 and a half stone. i know that many will say just exercise regularly and eat healthily but thats not the option i want to take. I sit at a desk all day and often find myself snacking through boredom. I have gained extra weight since taking on this job. Can anyone recommend a good diet for me?
I have lots of tips on how to lose weight effectively, get them here, hope you find useful
well just recently i have
bought a lateral thigh trainer...i do 500 steps every morning.
bought a bike with a trailer on the back for my daughter can sit in..i ride it 3 times a week fro up to half hour.
I go swimming 3 times a week and do 30 lengths.
I have also been taking slimming tablets,they are herbal ones and i take 2 before brekkie and 2 before my lunch.
Ive only been doing this for a couple onf weeks now and i can deffinately feel the benefits
Calorie counting is the only way to lose weight.Write all the calories you eat in a day before you start this diet.Then look at the things you could exchange.Milk to semi skimmed
Bread to nimble bread
Butter to low fat spread
Drinks to water or low fat drinks
Low fat dairy products
Boots chemist do shapers chocolate bars and crispsWith this information, try to save between 250 and 500 calories a day.If you can save 500 a day, you will lose a stone in 14 weeks.It is recommended to do it slowly if you want it to stay off.
Rush it and it will go back on just as quickly.
I can reccomend you a very good diet. To every person such as I that has a slow metabolism, the key to losing weight is eating slower and portion control. Eating slower may seem stupid, but it causes the body to realize that it is full instead of when you scarf down your meals and your body doesnt realize your full, so you eat more. Portion Control is also the key because if you set an amount of food you are allowed to eat and dont have seconds, it helps lose extra stones faster because after you are full it is a desire for food only.
Snacking is a hard thing to overcome. But if you are going to snack you need to find somthing to snack on that will be good for you and fill you up. Like a protein bar. The protein fills you up and it will increase your energy. It will limit the amount of snacks that you actually eat as of right now probably therefore you will be taking in less calories. I would also suggest finding an herbal supplement that will help to boost your metabolism so will will burn more calories whil sitting at your desk. If you would like some recommendations then you can check out this site or shoot me an e-mail or an IM. Good luck to you!!
you might not like the healthy eating and exercise option but at the end of the day it is the only one that works long term. quick fix diets work in the short term but as soon as you finish the diet the weight goes back on...this leads to a yo-yo effect and before you know it you are 2 years down the line and another stone heavier. it sucks i know but it's a reality
stop eating
Diets don't work. Eat sensible and healthy foods and cut down on the rubbish and do some exercise like a good brisk walk every day. All the fancy diets out there make you crave far more and burn a hole in your pocket because they are too expensive.
you are not over weight so what ever you do don't think that! i personally don't think it sounds like you need to but if you really want to try the SOUP DIET! i know it dosent sound very appetising but it really dose work all you have to do is for 1 wk every month eat a healthy balanced breakfast then soup for dinner and soup for tea with 2 slices of wholemeal bread! i do it and it really works just make sure who give it chance good luck.
Snacking is a guaran-flamin-teed way of putting on weight. I know what you mean about getting bored and the munchies. Bring in an apple, these are relatively low calorie and fill you up, eat at say 10.30 am. Best bet is to have a substantial breakfast, avoiding of course the fatty stuff. Get out of the office and have a real lunch, best to avoid sandwiches if possible, try something like lean cold beef and salady things like tomatoes in a plastic dish if brought from home. Walk about a bit. Halve the sugar in tea and coffee and avoid fizzy drinks like the plague. Water is free and is ultra-low calorie with no artificial flavors or colors. Evening meals should also avoid fatty and stodgy stuff. Check out foods with low to moderate GIs and generally avoid those with high GI.Drive to work? Park the car as far from the office as practicable, you get a bit of exercise just walking across the car park. Ride the bus? Walk to the next stop before getting on. All these little things will sometimes be practical sometimes not. Depends on your situation. Getting up half an hour earlier in the morning makes a lot of this a lot more possible.
The ONLY diet that will ever work is a lifestyle change. As soon as you quit dieting and eat unhealthily you will put the weight back on again, plus some more. This is because your metabolic rate has dropped. Here are some facts for you:Small frame = Low metabolic rate
Large frame = High metabolic rateIf you really want to lose weight healthily and have a good chance of keeping it off, you need to calculate your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). You can do this by clicking on the following link:, you've probably got a 4 digit figure. (Mine is 1359).
This figure is the number of calories your body needs each day just to exist i.e. if I layed in bed all day and didn't move a muscle, my body would need 1359 calories each day to exist. i.e.1359 calories would keep all my vital organs going, like the heart and brain etc.However, if you wanted to spend the entire day running around, you would need to consume MORE calories than your BMR or your body will be deficient in calories and will eat up it's own fat stores as fuel.THIS IS THE CLEVER PART - if you eat no more than your BMR each day, then you will lose weight easily because your body will need to burn fat to make up the difference. And it's perfectly safe and healthy, because you are not depriving your body. You are giving your body all the calories that it needs to function healthily. It only becomes unhealthy if you drop your calorie allowance BELOW your BMR. In this circumstance, you'll be burning off muscle too. xxx

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