Sunday, October 25, 2009

If health food is so good for you, then why is it 2 to 3 times the price of regular food?

Someone take this person to Trader Joe's!
Because it's way more difficult to raise.
I don't understand the relationship you are implying between nutritional benefit and price.
Profit, anyone will get into these get slim schemes easy and the fat guy behind it all gets all the cash. Its like legally robbing a bank these food pyramid schemes.
Because people take the time to make sure it isn't full of all sorts of greases and fats like the crap on the McDonald's dollar menu. And also cause they know people will pay for it.
becasue people not many people buy the good stuff so they have to put the price up so they make proffit.. but u can also buy good food that is cheap u just have to be a smart shopper... look at different brands and look at the chart on the back and see what the calories are what the saturated fat content is just shop around u will find cheaper stuf
Supply and Demand!
If a ferrari is a such high performance car, then why does it cost so much more than a regular car?
Mainly because the way it is produced. Because there are no chemicals the quanity surviving is less.The chemical probably yield 80/90 % and the organic 50/60 %. Sometimes you have to pay for what is best for you.
because chemicals and technology make it cheaper to make food, but they also make it less healthy.take fruit grown with peticides and fruit grown without pesticides do a great job at killing bugs, but they probably aren't that healthy for humans. if a farmer uses pesticides his fruit is cheaper to grow since less of it is eaten by bugs, if a farmer doesn't use pesticides more is eaten by bugs so the farmer has to use more land etc.
gas prices are up and so is basically everything else. since fast food is made up of cheap materials like used oil... healthy food are worth more because they are healthy and could help you while regular food just fills you up
The price of food is determined by how much it costs the seller to produce. Expensive, healthy foods like organic fruits and vegetables are more expensive to grow than cheap, unhealthy foods for a variety of reasons. Many unhealthy foods, such as cookies, chips, etc., are mass produced in factories, which means that large quantities of them can be made very cheaply from raw ingredients of fairly low quality. On the other hand, fruits and vegetables must be grown from plants and each individual piece must be picked, inspected, packaged, and shipped to the consumer. Another factor is that the U.S. government pays farmers to grow many of the ingredients (corn, soy, etc.) that go into producing fattening foods, but puts up tariffs that raise the price of fruits and vegetables imported from foreign countries. So the healthfulness of a food is not what determines its price.
There is not as much demand for it as regular food. Companies will tell you its much more expensive to produce, but in reality its only slightly more expensive now and could be brought down even more if it was made on a much larger scale.
Simple economics. Price is directly related to supply and demand. There are not as many farms/companies making health foods as unhealthy foods. Therefore, the food is harder to come by. As well, there are fewer people buying health foods than junk foods, so to compensate- farms/companies have to charge more for these foods, since they aren't selling as much.
It's a rip-off mostly.
The first reason that manufacturers started using unhealthy additive and chemicals (and trans fats) was to lower their manufacturing cost, therefore lowering the final price printed on their tags.Therefore, products which are made from REAL ingredients cost higher, thus their initial price becomes higher too.Shorter shelf life (because they don't add preservatives) also causes them to cost higher.But of course, certain brands of health food cost higher than others, mainly because of their brands.
because the country want people to get fat which will result in many sicknesses which will lead to buying more drugs which will bring more money. Also diets like LA, WW, JG, etc. will make more money. Believe me there's a REASON why healthy foods are more expensive than junk. Fat people bring more money to the country lol.
because they want you to eat cheap crap like hollands pies...
The healthy food costs 2-3 times more than the junk food does, as the junk is just made from additives etc. so the price must be upped to make a profit according to how much it cost to produce the food.
because they want more money for the food that you need and know that you will get it any way

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