Saturday, October 31, 2009

If I eat normal like 2,000 calories a day, and exercise a lot like 3 hours will i lose a lot of weight??

More than likely...It depends on how many calories you are eating a day now. DONT REDUCE YOUR CALORIE INTAKE TO 1500; BIG MISTAKE. Your body will get use to only burning that 1,500 calories; I hate it when people get on here and they have no idea about what they are talking about. 1,500 calories a day would be best if you are 115 pounds or less now. But, I'm assuming you are not.Let's say you eat 2,500 calories a day now. If you eat 2,000 everyday for a week; that would cut 3,500 calories which would equal one pound. Or if you don't normally exercise, if you burned an extra 500 calories per day you would lose an additional pound per week.Give an estimate of how many calories a day you eat, and I will give you a better estimate.
God Bless
probably. it all depends on your metabolism. i would suggest going for 1400-1500 cal a day and doing 30-1hr of cardio every other day intermixed with a weight lifting routine every other day from the cardio. weight training will build muscle nad the more muscle you have the more fat you will burn...even when you are at rest! check out fitness/shape magazine for a good weight training routine.
You probably could lose some weight but it would be much better if you ate a few less calories. If you exercise 3 hours a day than 2,000 calories is probably perfect.
3 hours a day is too much exercise for only 2,000 calories. I exercise an hour a day, am 5'4", and my caloric needs are around 2200.
It depends on how much you weigh and what type of exercise you do like walking slwoly burns less than swimming when you mention only 2000 calories also for example if you visit mcdonalds and have a doble quarter punder with cheese a medium order of fries and a medium soft drink you hae already consumed 1300 calories in one sitting. Let's say you wieghed 175 punds you woulkd have to cycle 20mph for an hour just to burn 1165 calories. You need to reduce calorie consumption to under 1500 calories a day to lose weight

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