Saturday, October 31, 2009

If I drink lots of water and about 200 calories a day will I lose weight?

My friend drank only water and practically fasted for a month and lost a lot of weight. i am thinking of doing this for one week. Will I lose weight?
all you lose by doing this is water weight and muscle not fat plus you slow down metabolism dramatically which will make fat loss in future sooo much harder. and you will gain back even more as soon as start eating normal.
you will see it on your friend...
it is not healthy and you could die! you must consume like 1,500 calories a day or your body will go into starvation mode,it will then store everything you eat as fat and it will eat your muscles away to will cause heart and kidney problems and will effect your entire body,as well as making you weak and unable to function! have you not seen the super skinny models who have died? anorexia is a disease and i gurantee you none of these girls look good dead! find something important to worry about this stupid diet crap is boring! good luck.
You need atleast 1100 to 1500 calories a day. 200 is way to little so now your body will go into starvation mode and will store the little food you eat as fat. If you eat proportioned meals you'll lose the weight. Just stay away from the junk food, soda's and eat a little bit of carbs alot of veggies and chicken. Walk atleast 1 hr a day and drink "alot" of water. You need to eat to lose. Try 6 small meals a day, every three hours. I'm sure once your friend goes back to eating normal again she'll gain it all back. Fad diets are bad for your health and can do alot of damage to your insides. Ever hear of Karen Carpenter? She started out doing the fad diets and became anorexic/bulimic and the damage she caused herself is what killed her. She decided she didn't want to be so thin anymore and she gained 10 lbs in a week, her heart couldn't take the change to her body and she died. So please becarful.

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