Sunday, October 25, 2009

I would like to make a sign that would stop people offering me food or drink whilst im dieting?

I ve thought of soming funny like
Nil tasty food By Mouth - but thought it wont be taken seriously
Please dont ask me if i want somthing to eat/drink and if i ask you say no and remnd me it'll be worth it in the end!!The reason i wanna do it this way is because eveytime im asked i say no then the next i say no but then i get weak and give in.The card/sign will stay strong for meThanks fo your help
have a good bank holiday!!
when they offer u anything look at it and dance singing catch touch this everytime u r offered food u make some sort of excercise as well !!
"No thanks."
You could always get it printed on a T-shirt.
Try the bird
It was not easy I knew. I went through like you where I simply cant stop people from offering me food. I just say it to them nicely and hope they understand.. Leave your seat and pretend to be busy with something. Good luck!
Do not feed the Pig!
Nil by mouth
When they offer, try pulling a mask over your lips.
Instead of that sign, you should get a new pet to indicate that you don't want people offering you food/drinks.This is a new pet by the name of fat. It has the shape of body fat replica, and you can put it in your desk or carry it in your bag everywhere.This is a fun and informative way to tell people about dieting. Who knows your pet can also urge them to diet.
" I'm Done "
Maybe you should give yourself a reminder...wear a rubber band on your wrist...everytime you think of eating something outside your diet plan, look down, give it a quick snap for the reminder and move on. I've heard of it working for a smoker trying to quit, so why not try it for dieting? I mean, you're trying to change a behavior, same thing.
you could get a picture of you looking your biggest and a picture of you looking your slimmist have under the the slim one I want to look like this not this pointing to bigger size have it as a please help this happen don't let me eat bad high fat food or drinks.
the picture will also let you remember why u are doing it to.
just tell people "no thanks, i'm on diet". i've got people shoving food in my direction every single time, but i always tell them "no thank you".
Please don't feed the lardass...
I don't think it will work, people always try to offer you food, even more when you're dieting, and then they say "you don't need to lose weight, i don't know what you're worried about!" that's my experience anyway. I think it's best to try to avoid situations where people are going to offer you food, or have some other good excuses ready, "I've already eaten heaps today!, thanks anyway" and then leave, or go and do something else, or ask for water :).
I have the same problem at the mo. have you seen the t-shirt which says "chocolate makes my clothes shrink" ?
Instead of just saying "no", actually say, "I would love to, but I'm on a diet right now and I'm trying really hard to stick to it. It makes it so hard though with people always offering me great food!" Say it in a friendly and polite way of course. Then they won't push it and you hopefully won't want to give in after saying that.
try the V sign.
make your own t-shirt at

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