Saturday, October 31, 2009

If i just ate 3 normal meals a day with out snacks how much weight would i loose in 7days?

We can't guess and it depends what you ate. You're only suppose to lose 1-2 lbs a week.
You're not going to notice weight changes unless your meals are well balanced. Plus, it helps when you eat 5 small meals a day. Don't starve yourself. Your body will slow down, making you lose less weight.
not necessarily anything thats just all your supposto have so you dont gain if want to loose have to exercise and eat lesser calories,eliminate sweets and cut down on carbs if did that in a week could loose 6 pounds at once then 3or 4 a week
Depends on what those 3 meals consists of and how big the portions are... Your best bet is to eat something every 3 hours, even if its just a fruit in between meals. That way your stomach is working and also your metabolisim. You will lose wait even faster!

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