Saturday, October 31, 2009

If I fast for 14 days what will happen to my body?

Will it screw up my metabolism. Will I loose alot of weight? Will I be really weak what should I do why I fast? I am mainly doing this because I have been working out for the last two months and I have not dropped in weight or size at all so I am just going to fast for 14 days loose some weight and purify my body...then I am going to only eat organic food is it true you are suposed to eat 5 times a day small portions? Will my stomach shrink?
Fasting will NOT (let me repeat that) fasting will NOT help with your weight loss. Your metabolism will drop to bare minimum, to hoard may lose a few pounds, but you won't have the energy to soon as you begin eating again, your body will hoard/store every calorie you give it in case you try to starve it again...whatever you had lost, will return (and then some).NEVER us fasting as a diet's just foolish.If you are at a plateau, look at what you are eating a day. What is your calorie intake? Drop it a bit (no lower than 1200 cals a day w/o a doc's approval) and exercise at least 1 hour a day, 5 days a week...maybe 2 hours some days (some cardio, some strength).To keep your metabolism burning calories at a faster rate all the time, it's recommended that you eat 4 - 6 small meals a day, instead of 3 larger meals. If you eat 6 small meals, that's approx. every 2 hrs all day long so your metabolism is working hard almost all the time to burn that food...couple that with exercising and it's in high gear all the time except when you sleep.
Yes, it will screw up your metabolism. You'll lose weight, but it will be mostly muscle and water, not fat. Trust me, it's not a good idea.You want a much more balanced approach. There are no quick fixes that really work in the long run. That's just publicity hype from the diet industry.The one book that cuts through the hype and tells the truth is "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle," by Tom Venuto. See more about it here - healthy and fit gradually and naturally. Don't go for the quick fix. Good luck!
You will probably loose weight, but you metabolism will be screwed up. It will slow way down to preserve as much energy as possible. It doesn't sound like a good idea. Talk to a doctor before you do something like that.
Don't do it! My husband stopped eating breakfast and lunch, and ate only small dinners for a couple of weeks, and it landed him in the hospital--for over 3 months on an IV and a heart monitor.The first things to quit are soda and mayonnaise
Stop eating fried foods
Don't eat fast foods (except salad or baked potato)
Don't eat hotdogs, sausage, lunch meats, or bacon
Eat Cheerios and oatmeal with skim or 1% milk
Drink herbal teas and low-sodium broth packets/cubes
Drink all 8 cups of waterDon't forget to be walking, getting fresh air, doing aerobics and/or yoga (see them on early AM TV).
Don't fast completely! Try something like a juice fast, slim fast, or replacing 2 meals a day with cereal or a protein-fortified smoothie. You will probably get sick if you fast for more than a few days. There is something called a 3 day cleanse that might work for you though. I don't remember much about it but you could search it up.

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