Saturday, October 31, 2009

If i have intense ab work outs 8mins a day, how long does it take for my bellyfat to go so that i can see abs?

i been working out my abs for like a month, 5 days a week. I can feel my abs but they are covered by belly fat. Can yo'll recommend something i should to speed up the lose of my belly fat?
All you are doing is building up your ab muscles under your bellyfat. The fat is not going anywhere unless you start doing a total body workout and cardio. In addition, you must restrict your caloric intake.
A good amount of cardiovascular exercise partnered with conditioning should tone you up. Ab workouts alone (meaning situps or crunches) aren't enough to melt the fat off of your belly.It's best to follow a healthy diet (eliminate food with bad fat) and get your heart pumping. Try dance aerobics or classes that will utilize all of your muscles and make you sweat.Good luck.
the fastest way turn burn belly fat is cardio. do the tredmill at least 30 min every day. the sit ups will tone ur abs the walking will burn the fat.
Diet and running. Ab workouts do nothing to reduce fat.
ab workouts wont burn belly fat, u need to do cardio such as running or bicycle to burn the fat
Focus on your diet, keep it very low in fat.
Ab work outs will only give you abdominal muscles, but will not reduce your fat around that area. You have to do cardio to get rid of fat and then you will be able to see your abs that you have been building up. Good luck babe.
#1 Cardiovascular exercise (to burn the fat covering your abs)+#2 Abs workout (to tighten your abs once your fat curtain is gone)+#3 Good diet (just enough good fats, so as not to reaccumulate and cover your abs again)You should see results in a month, and if you stay disciplined, washboard abs can be yours in about 3 months (Depending on how much fat was covering your abs to begin with)Good luck!

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