Saturday, October 31, 2009

If I eat 600 calories and burn 200 can I lose 5 pounds by friday?

its tuesday now
You could possibly lose 5 pounds of water weight by Friday if you took a diuretic.. not fat though.. It takes 3500 calories to gain 1 pound so you would need to cut your calories way more than 600 a day to lose 5.. Not safe and you probably wouldn't enjoy your weekend from starving anyway.. In the truth of things- 5 pounds won't make or break you.. unless you're Nicole Ritche... sorry.
not a chance
600 calories is way below what your body even needs to survive and function properly. Any weight you lose this way (if any) will be water and will come back almost immediately. Strongly discourage this method. It will only make you sick.
Did you know woman need at least 1200 calories to lay in bed all day? so 600 calories isn't enough especially since your burning 200.
Sorry to break it to you, but you can't lose 5 lbs by Friday. No matter how low you go on calories (600 is WAY too low, btw), your body needs time to turn to fat and burn it. Aim for about 1200 calories a day and you'll lose about a pound- two pounds a week. Make sure to get it from fruits and veggies and lean protein, which fill you up w/o any feeling of deprivation.
First of all; No. Secondly, that is very unhealthy. You need more calories then that for your body to function properly. Besides that, it is recomended not to lose more then 2-3 pounds a week. Whats one more week to reach your goal in a healthy manner?
Its not possible. You have to burn off 3500 calories to lose 1 pound. If you go on a starvation diet of 600 calories a day, you will slow your metabolism down and not burn calories as fast. If you want to lose weight, its best not to eat less than 1200 calories a day, and to eat a few small meals instead of 2 or 3 large ones-it helps speed up your metabolism.
If you only eat 600 calories, your body's metabolism will go into starvation mode and slow down so you would not be able to lose any weight.
well, my wife lost 10 pound in five days so i think it can be done. she used a plan called the RESET kit. it's on this site -- www.transformed.usana.comlook under products and macro optimizersyou can do it!
Most likely, but you'll just burn muscle, since youll be putting your body in a state of starvation.
You will probably pass out! You can probably lose a few lbs of water weight if you cut out carbs, keep calories at 1000 and exercise. A lot. you'll be hungry but it wont hurt you - You need a deficit each day to lose weight Drink a lot of water. A 2 day detox fast could work too. It depends on your body, your stamina and what time Friday
Yes and no. You can lose 5 pounds in one day if needed but it won't be fat and its not healthy to do. For the past few weigh in's I have had to be 3+ less than the last one. The day before I eat 1 meal 24 hours before the weigh in take water pills and laxatives and do about 1 hour of cardio, and don't drink that much water. Last time I lost 7lbs overnight. Now this is dangerous and unhealthy and it is definently not fat its just sever dehydration.

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