Sunday, October 25, 2009

I would like to gain at least 20 pounds. Can you suggest a weight gain product?

they have weight gain shake mix at gnc, i think it has like 800 cals per serving. That should help!
protein shakes %26 eating more than you think you can, make sure you are full every time, not just satisfied
My metabolism, lol.j/k
Protein shakes help, so does eating lean meats and eggs. Try more carbs like pasta, rice and bread (flour-rich products).
McDonalds n a TV guide.
Isagenix. Look at the nutrition side of my website.
www.nomorelovehandles.isagenix... Endorsed by famous people in all areas of nutrition. Email me and I will share with you. The videos and the success stories should also help you see the value of this system.

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