Saturday, October 31, 2009

If i drink a soda and then ..?

If i drink a soda, let say with 100 calories, and 5 Fat cal... This is just an example. and few hours later, i run in the threadmill or what ever, and lose that 100 calories and fat cal... Will my body still be affected by the soda, a bit hard to explain.
The calories in soda are only a part of the problem. Carbonation is bad for you in many ways. Since when you exercise you need to exhale plenty of carbon dioxide to help you lose weight, having had a soda will impede that. Plus, I know from personal experience that having too much soda can cause acne. (The carbonation again.)Most sodas also have the potential to contain benzene, which is a carcinogen. My aunt was a huge Diet Dr Pepper fan and she died of cancer last year.I still have soda once in awhile myself, bu I really try to limit it, and not have it on hand for daily consumption.
no i dont think so, i think if you lost more than 100 u'll be finejess xo
soda makes you retain water, it is an un-natural fluid. Water is the only liquid you can drink that your body does not have to filter and work so hard to use. Make soda a once in awhile treat if you are really interested in your health. Working out with soda as your liquid is really really bad, I hope you value your health more than than.
I'm trying to lose weight too and it's sooo hard. My aunt is using a weight loss product and it's really working for her. I'm gonna try it and I recommend you try it too. Check their website at , my aunt got a free trial and paid only 6.95$ shipping and handling.
Hmmm. Let's think in terms of a bank. When you make a deposit, it is stored in your account. If you turn around and take the same amount out, they aren't going to be the same exact bills. Your body has a certain amount of calories in the form of stored tissue that it burns for energy. That's why you will lose weight if you expend more calories during your day than you take in. That specific soda is not going to necessarily be the 100 calories that you burn off during exercising. Like you can drink 4 espressos, run on the treadmill, and still be hyper and effected by the caffeine for hours after you are done. So the sugar high you experience with the soda will help fuel that workout, and may even last afterward. Also, it's not like you can eat nothing but refined sugars and such, and then workout to lose all the calories, and not have to worry about it. It's still unhealthy and does effect your body negatively, even though the actual calories have been burned off. Like cheap gas as opposed to premium.
sodium is whats gonna get you.. it makes you retain water.. and makes the feeling of bloatedness..

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