Sunday, October 25, 2009

I would like to know what Australian people call what they weigh? pounds, stones. kilograms? what?

I would like to know what in people in Oz call what they weigh? Here in the USA we weigh pounds. Do you weigh stones? or Kilograms? I know that in England they call their weight stones. For example I weigh about 101 pounds. what would that be converted into over in your world?
I live in Sydney - we have Kilos in Australia - we are fully metric apart from, oddly, beer in pubs - which are served in all sorts of weird measures depending on what state of Australia you live in. 101 pounds is approx 46 kilos.
they call them......Kangaroos.. weigh 115 KangAROOS...LOL! I DONT KNOW!
Older pple like my parents in their 60's weigh in stone (as it is what they r used to). Us younger ppl weigh in kilos (kg). Im sorry but im not used to pounds so I cant help with converting your weight. Sorry :(.
Last time I was down under their u nit of measure was in metric units. And your weight would be about 46 kg
We measure weight in kilograms (kg). 1kg=2.2lb, so 101lb is equal to 45.9kg.
We ususally use stone and kg
BTW I use this
Kilograms and I think it's 2.2 pounds = a kilogram from memory.

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