Saturday, October 31, 2009

If i do 200 crunches and 50 sit ups a day how many calories would i be burning off?

well crunches and situps are muscle building, so it doesnt burn off as many calories to lose weight.
best exercises for burning calories r walking,jogging, jump roping, etc.
if ur already thin or watever though crunches r good.
but ud be burning around 100 calories doing that.hope i helped=] page gives an idea of how many calories are burned with various activities. Situps is ranked at 400-I think for a half hour of them. The chart will show it if you scroll down on the above link.Good luck,
Well that's hard to answer, especially since I don't know your hieght, age, or, more importantly, weight. I generally go by this rule: If you are working very hard (sweating, out of breath), then every 1 minute of exercise is approximatley 10 calories burnt. So, time yourself. It probably takes about 10 minutes, so around 100 calories.

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