Saturday, October 31, 2009

If I eat pickles all day?

They have no calories.if I eat em all day would I just loose weight? B/c they fill me up, I could easily just eat like 3 days and nuthing else in a day. I was just wondering, b/c it seems weird to be able to be full and losing weight all the time.
It is very possible, but I dont think it is healthy just to eat pickles all day, you need some more nutrition.
pickles r good
idk but if so then let me know b/c i love pickles and they fill me up too. although i dont think that it is necessarily healthy since you arent getting the reccommended food groups. and vitamins.
It is unhealthy to eat just pickles all day. You will most likely just lose water weight and lean muscle mass. If you want to lose fat you will have to eat a balanced diet and exercise.
No don't try to eat just pickles to lose weight. You are setting yourself up to fail because it won't last. Eat a healthy, balanced diet and exercise. You can eat some pickles of course but don't try to just eat nothing but pickles.
I would assume that eating nothing but pickles could help you lose weight. However, it would be a very unhealthy way to do so, and if you did this for a long period of time, it would ruin your teeth. Vinegar,eats the enamel from your teeth, and without the enamel, your teeth will begin to rot.
Yea, I think I would find a healthier way to shed the pounds!
You will lose weight and then come back to reality, because you cannot live on pickles for the rest of your life, and gain all the weight back.
Thus creating cottage cheese on the body from extreme fluctuation in weight.
Don't do it.
It is not true they have no calories and the sweet kind have loads of sugar.They are also usually very high in salt. that's not so good.
they do have lots of salt tho. other then this ya eat them
yes you would, but it would not be healthyit would be a serious helth risk!soon your body will know that you only eat pickels then it will go into starvation mode, and then instead of loosing weight you will gain a ton, and thoes pickels will be stored up in your body as fat, and your body will eat off of ittrust me, i tried starving myself, and even eating really small meals or just one meal, and once i stopped, i gained 15 pounds in one weekendif your really looking to loose weight, then just eat normaly, drink water, excersise, and best of all eat 2 apples a day, that will disolve away all the fat and keep the minerals and vitamins that your body needs and just throw away all the fatgood luck
Renee, I too LOVE pickles especially sour and dill onces but they are not healthy to just eat alone. Sure you will be having a low calorie intake but you are overdoing it with the sodium. This can even backfire on you because your body will think that you are starving it and retain your fat and you will retain water weight from all that sodium. In return, causing you to gain weight. Don't even think about it girl! :)'ll crap all night...

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