Sunday, October 25, 2009

Ideally, how long would it take to get into great shape?

I'm talking about exercising for an hour daily, sticking to a healthy diet of at least 1200 calories, and introducing a weight lifting program. To get a body like the celebrities--or at least to get a thin, toned look to your body, how long should I plan on it taking? And how long is too long to work out daily?
It depends how out of shape you are when you start.
Well I heard the abdominal area is the last place that sheds pounds... but maybe it depends on generics
I think if you can stick to your plan you should see some visible improvements in the eight weeks. Stretching also helps to tone those muscles. Losing the 10 lbs. may be tricky since you are already on the slimmer side it may not come off that fast. Professional athletes train for several hours a day sometimes. They also vary their routine so not to get bored and to refocus on different muscles. Remember muscle weighs more than fat. So if you are lifting weights you are going to build more muscle mass and you might not see the scale change at all. Another idea is to vary you menu so that you are getting your calories from a variety of healthy sources. That way your body doesn't think you are starving it and lower it's metabolism. This would make losing the weight hard too. Good Luck!

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