Saturday, October 31, 2009

If i have all day off, all summer long and have nothing to do. how long each day should i work out?

i am a fashion school student and i had an internship at christian louboutin in ny and now im off for the summer. i want to lose 20 lbs
You should work out 3-5 days a week, for 20-60 mins. You gain nothing by working out every day and not allowing your body to rest. Down time is absolutely essential for the muscles to repair themselves and strengthen.The 20-60 min workout should be largely aerobic in nature - that is, exercise that uses the LARGE muscles of your body: legs, thighs, etc. Good aerobic exercises include power walking, jogging, cycling, rowing, swimming, kickboxing and even dancing. Of course, taking an aerobics class will always help. Then, the last part of your workout should focus on strength training. Try to vary between upper body (which includes abs, arms, pectorials and shoulders) and lower body. Strength training is just as important as aerobic exercise because it builds muscle, and the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism. In other words, you'll burn more fat just sitting around ^_^A word of caution: there is no such thing as spot reducing! You can't do a bunch of situps and burn off belly fat. Likewise, you can't exercise particular "problem" areas and expect them to slim down.Finally, remember to get enough sleep, try to eat healthier by preparing your own food, and remember to drink enough water. All of this together is a recipe for health and success. I lost about 30 pounds just by doing some regular strength training (just to tone my muscles, not bulk) and by not eating when I wasn't hungry. Good luck!
30 minutes a day will help you hold your weight. but if you want ot lose weih 45-60 minutes a day
you can work out up to 2 hours
but if you start working out 3 or 4. that means you are an excercise bulimic
so no more than 2 to stay healthy
make sure your eating enough too tho. or you will just lose all your muscle.
good luck i hope you lose al your weight and look fantastic [=

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