Sunday, October 25, 2009

If I am trying to lose weight/tone up at the gym, is it better to lift weights, then do cardio, or vice versa?

When I go to the gym, half of my time there is cardio, and half is weights. My goal is to lose a little weight, but mostly look more toned. What will help me attain my goal? Cardio first, followed by lifting weights? Or doing the weight lifting first, and finishing with my cardio workout?
weights first when your muscles are still "fresh" and then cardio which exausts them and they allready have been wormed up.
lift first.
cardio to burn fat, lifting to tone. both together like you are doing is best. you will loose and tone at a similar rate and it will be easier to keep it that way. Do whichever makes you less tired first. that way you won't be pooped when you do the second one.
I always do cardio first, then weights. Sometime I get too lazy to finish my workout, or I get a call from work so I have to cut it short, so that way I at least get my cardio done (it burns more fat).
I read somewhere that lifting weights is more efficient after cardio, because of improved blood flow to your muscles, but I'm not sure how scientific that article was. As long as you get both done, I guess it doesn't really matter what you do firts.
cardio first, it gets the blood moving and oxygenated so that your muscles can make better use of it
I once had a personal trainer. Each session started with about 15 minutes of cardio of my choice: bike, stair master, ellyptical, treadmill..Then I did weights. Something like rowing and swimming especially are great because they encompass all facets (cardio, toning).So I suggest a little of both. If there's something you like doing more than something else, do it. Just be sure to take care of all the parts.Also, some people switch off each workout day. One day sets, one day running etc. In the long run it'll all even out.Good luckPS It's good to do cardio first because it loosens up your muscles for weights. But stretching's still important whether it's before the cario or before the weights. Make sure it's always sometime before weights, though.
Always do a bit of warm up on a cardio machine before lifting. If your goal is to lose weight, you're looking to burn the most calories. Lift first, then end with Cardio.When you do cardio the first 20(ish) minutes is burning glucose. After you burn through the glucose, you start burning the fat, which is what you want. Lifting weights will help to burn through the glucose leaving only fat to burn during cardio.
If you can afford to do cardio in the AM, that's ideal. When you first wake up, your body has been fasting and depleting the stored glycogen during the night. Without this in your body, the only thing left to burn is fat. Here's a good article on this: trainer has us trying to do cardio in the morning. On days we can't get up, we do cardio after weight training.Stay Focused!

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