Saturday, October 31, 2009

If I run every day from now until July, how much weight will I lose?

I've just started running for an hour every single day. I eat pretty healthy and not that much, but until now I haven't really done any exercise, save for gym in school. I weigh about 125 llbs and am 5'7, so how much will I lose? My goal is to be 110 by the start of the summer,so I'm hoping somewhere around there.
That's really hard to say just by reading that summary here. But I can tell you that when eating healthy make sure to eat 5-6 small meals a day to keep your blood sugar stable. Get your recommended servings of fruits and veggies, and set realistic goals for yourself. A realistic weight loss is around 3-5 lbs a week, anything more is just water weight that will gain back. Also don't forget to give your body time to warm up by stretching before you run, and after to prevent any muscle sprain or strains. Make sure to also have a day off in the week to give your muscles time to relax and adjust to running. Stay hydrated, and get your 8 hours of sleep. If you do all those things, then your weight loss journey can be a successful one! Good luck!!
15 pounds in a few months is possible. Stick with whatever diet your doing. Dont cheat except maybe one cheat meal a week. Id' recommend doing low carb.
whoa-why do you want to be so skinny? i'm 5'8 and last year i weighed 118-i looked sickly (from what people told me). not all guys like stick thin girls. i wish i was at 125 now but if you run every day i think you will lose probably 10+ pounds.
Depends on how much you are eating. Too little and your body will fight to keep the weight on, too much and you will not loose any weight either. How long have you been running for? It will be a little bit trial and error. You could find that if running is new to you in the first few weeks you may loose a bit but as your body adjusts to the exercise you will have to step it up a notch to keep the weight loss happening

If i run about 2 miles in 20 mins how many cals will this burn?

no more than 200 calories depending on your body weight and BMR. If you're looking to burn calories increase the distance. If its cardio fitness you're after pick up the pace. To lose weight at least 30 mins at 75% max heart rate ca. 130
a lot
on average 100 cals per mile if you run it in 10 - 11 mins I think, thants what i got told and was working to.
it all depends upon the effort put in
Around 250 cal's but remember to stay hydrated as this could affect your workout
around 200-250 calories i think, no wonder ur name is zzzzz u must be tired
Hi,I've tried so many different diets in the last 10 years that I can say now, they don't work!
A few months ago, I came across a great product for weight loss and like many others I was skeptical about it. But I really wanted to lose weight and I tried it. The results were excellent and I lost 20 pounds in 2 months. I felt fantastic and I dropped another 5 pounds safely. That's why I recommend you check this product at where they have a free trial and you only pay 6.95$ shipping and handling.
Good luck!
i work that out`to be`-45`calories`which makes`it exactly`the same No of points uv lost this Week` on earth did u get to Level 2 at that RATE`
Whether you walk or run, you'll burn around 100 calories a mile. It doesn't really matter how long it takes you to cover the two miles.However, this is an average as the heavier you are, the more calories you'll burn, the lighter you are the fewer you'll burn. Perhaps what's more important if weight loss is your goal, is the proportion of those calories that come from burning body fat.Running at a lower speed is less intensive and enables your body to utilise more oxygen, which is necessary to metabolise fat. Therefore, running at a speed that keeps your heart rate at around 60-70% of your max heart rate (220 minus your age) will burn proportionately more fat than running at say 80-90% of your max heart rate. If you run more quickly for 20 minutes you'll cover more miles and burn more calories, but will burn proportionately less fat per mile than running more slowly.Obviously, the fitter you get the better your body gets at utilising oxygen during a cardio workout and the harder you can train whilst keeping your heart rate in the optimum fat-burning zone, eg 60-70%.If you'd like more info on running and weight loss you may find the link below helpful.
If you take into consideration that a human walks at 4mph on average taking twenty minutes to run two miles will not burn many calories,You must be a slow runner.
On the treadmill it takes me 22 minutes to run 2 miles on the flat, and that works out at about 300 calories. Ouside I suspect it would be a little more effort and so I would add a few on.

If i run a mile every day, will it be good enough exersize if im trying to lose weight?

You should do some research about target heart rates. You want to elevate your heart rate to a desired level and maintain that level for at least 15 minutes. This number varies by your resting heart rate.
Running one mile will likely boost your rate too high and you will burn nothing but glucose... sugar. then, you'll be starving when you finish. I would recommend, depending on your current activity level, starting out with a brisk walk. Walk for at least 2 miles, maybe 40 minutes.
You want to elevate your heart rate but not to the point you are gasping for air. You should be breathing heavier, but you should still be able to talk without gasping.
If you need more of a challenge, get some wrist and/'or ankle weights and strap them on for the walk. Good luck!
If you run an EXTRA mile every day in addition to your normal exercises, it should allow you to lose weight eventually. However, it all depends on your metabolism, your diet and if in your current situation you are gaining weight as a result. I myself run for about an hour every day in addition to regular martial art classes and am still waiting for the pounds to drop off! But adding exercise to your day certainly couldn't hurt.

If I run a mile every day will I be guarantied to lose weight?

and will i lose fat all over my body or only on my legs
You will unless you increase your caloric intake. You will also loose fat where you gained it last.
A mile everyday is a good start, but you'll have to also change your diet. When you run you burn calories. When you eat you gain calories. So if you continue to eat at McDonalds or 3500 calories a day, this won't do it.You'll lose weight everywhere, but only build muscle in the areas you work out (legs)
99.9% of one mile a day runners report losing weight only in their feet (and ankle) areas.
If you are consistent with it. The main thing is to do it everyday, and as time goes on you will start to feel a lot healthier. Once you feel that the mile is way too easy for you, start doing a mile and a half, or maybe even two miles.Just don't expect immediate results, things take time to take effect.
Change your eating habits if you are worried about your weight, try eating more greens and absolutely no swwets, no soda, and no fast food.-Hope this helps.
you will lose fat all over your body
No, you are not guaranteed to lose weight. If you run a mile each day and do not eat healthily every day, or take in more energy than you burn, you will pick up weight. Cut down on the size of your portions, eat more fruit for breakfast, do not eat any white bread, pasta or rice after lunch, eat very small suppers if any (not later than 5PM) of low calorie and low GI foods. Do not drink coffee; drink Rooibos tea and water. Do not drink colddrinks with gas. You can drink something other than Rooibos and water if it is healthy or if it is in moderation. You should do exercises other than just running as well, although running is a great form of exercise. You will lose weight all over your body if you follow the correct regine but it will start in one part of your body and gradually make its way elsewhere, so do not become frustrated if one part of your body is not losing weight. Other parts of your body shed the excess weight first. If you continue with a healthy lifestyle, the rest of your body will eventuall follow. Remember too that it can take a year to see results, at least if you're trying to build muscle, so be patient. Understand that the body does not respond as quickly as we would like. Weight loss, of course, takes a lot less time if we follow the right regime. Make sure that when you exercise, you perspire. If your body is not working, then you are not going to lose much weight, if any.
My advice to you is not to run everyday, or at least have a day or two days of rest. Start running a mile and progressively increase the distance, taking note of your speed as well. It is researched and results show that it is the speed or intensity of a run, not the distance that actually prompts your body to use up more fat stores at rest. of course you would have to take in mind your current fitness level and build up your intensity as you progressive.
Where will your fat be burnt from? now that is a question that is still being studied upon. Different individual's body use fats from different part of the body for energy. However, if you are to keep at this routine, you should see results in 2 months or so (you will feel as though u have "shrunk"). Logically, since you are using your legs to run, there will then to be muscle build up in that region, but do not be turned-off by the fact that you have 'thunder thighs' in time to come. running alone won't result in that.
Just keep running, and have patience for results, your body will switch to your lifestyle(in this case running) and program itself to be more effiecent in burning fat from all over your body
Good luck!
you should lose the weight all over your body,but when you run,swing your arms too.

If I lose weight, will I get flabby skin?

I am 5'3", and 130 lbs. I plan on losing 15-20 lbs in the next 3 months. I'm 18/f. People keep saying that if you lose a lot of weight fast, you'll need surgery to get rid of flabby skin. Is that true? Is my plan "too fast"? Dude, i don't wanna get flabby skin...
Three months to lose 20 lbs is a good goal if you lose 2 lbs a week. I seriously doubt 15-20 lbs of weightloss is going to give you flabby skin. My sister is exactly your height, was very overweight in high school at 160lbs and lost the weight over a period of 15 months, with no flabby side effects. Then she had two kids a few years ago. She lost all the weight again at age 25 and is thinner than ever at 115 lbs, but only has saggy belly skin because of the pregnancies. The rest of her body looks as though she grew up thin. Usually you will only get flabby skin if you lose an enormous amount of weight, like 50 or more pounds, in a very short amount of time. You shouldn't try to lose more than 2-3 lbs a week, otherwise, you're "plan" might be considered "too fast" by a doctors standards. I can't imagine you're skin is stretched all that much at only 130lbs. And at your age, your skin still has elasticity to it. That little bit of weightloss will be so spread out, that you probably wont lose more than what you're skin can keep up with. But, if you're that concerned about it, replace the fat with muscle to take up any extra skin. You don't have to get "bulky," or "ripped," or look like a man, just tone with several reps with light free-weights. Also rub cocoa butter lotion with vitamin E on the areas you're concerned about (stomache, triceps, thighs) as you lose weight to keep the skin moist and promote healthy cell renewal.And don't forget, the scale doesn't determine how skinny you are. Muscle weighs more than fat. Most doctors will tell you to get rid of the scale and not to diet, but to eat foods low in carbs and fat, and do a little extra excersize until you're healthy and happy with what you see in the mirror, then maintain it with regular light excersize. I would not worry about the flabby skin if I were you, hon. But I wish you luck and a happy swimsuit season! :-)Oh, and P.S. Drink lots of water, stay very hydrated to keep you skin elastic. Drinking a lot of water will also help you lose weight.
depends on how much u lose... just make sure to exercise to tone ur muscle and ur skin as well..
you're young so you still have a lot of elasticity in your skin, so the chances of loose skin is not very likely.
At your age and with the amount you plan to lose, I doubt you will have any extra flabby skin. Your skin is probably still very taut with good elasticity. I wouldn't worry about that flabby skin thing just don't go about losing weight in an unheathly way.
work out, depending on what you want to build do diffrent excercise routines, find one that works for you, dont do lipo suction: that will result in flab
I don't think so your still young.. before your 20s.. I think you will be fine. I think its when your older and when you lose 50 pounds or more before that starts to happen
The gold standard is around a pound per week that you want to lose. If you go by that you won't have to worry. Not that you have anything to worry about anyway. You're still young, your skin is still flexible, and 15-20 lbs won't cause flabby skin. You need to lose insane amounts like 100 lbs or so to get extra skin.Just eat a little less and perform more aerobic exercises more often. That's the healthiest way to go about it and you'll have nothing to worry about! Good luck!
a healthy amount of weight to lose in a week, is 2 lbs.
your plan, MIGHT be a little too fast, but it shouldnt be too bad.
its not like youre losing all of that in a week.
THAT would give you flappy skin.
try adding on another week or two to that.
it may take longer, but its healthy and decreases your chance for flappy skin!
good luck
15-20 lbs is NOT considered a LOT of weight. Not enough to cause excess skin anyway. You have youth on your side as well so much of your skin's elasticity will still be viable. 3 months may or may not be too fast for you depending on your lifestyle, metabolism, etc. Do yourself a favor and don't give yourself a deadline but do give yourself a HEALTHY goal weight instead. Eat the right foods in small but healthy portion controlled sizes. Exercise will help tone the muscles under any body fat (and some body fat is good for you!) and will reduce any appearance of extra wiggling. Good luck! ((Do it safe and healthy!!))
No, you aren't setting a goal that will be too fast. But the important thing is to add exercise to your weight-loss program. That not only helps keep the flab off but tightens up your muscles so the 'new you' will look even better.
NO YOU WON'T. You are young and skin is elastic. 15-20lbs is not enough to give you flabby skin. You may see some stretch marks after. Use Cocoa Butter to help alleviate that.Listen, don't let excuses keep you from loosing weight. Get a book on the Glycemic index, reduce carbs and eat foods that are low on the index. It'll keep you from being hungry and you'll still loose weight.Best of all exercise helps your body loose weight and tone muscles for that overall good look.
u can use detox diets to loose weight .People who follow it are seemingly more healthy and live longer lives.detox diets will help u to a great extent to reduce weight and be slim.for one week put yourself on a monotrophic diet , i.e. eat only one type of fruit at each meal.For example: BREAKFAST could be melon only. Eat as much as you like and feel satisfied that you have had enough. All types of melons are good. Honeydew, Cantaloupe, Gala or Watermelon.LUNCHTIME: Eat only oranges and grapefruit or pineapples or plums whatever you fancy but don't mix the fruits. Eat till hunger is satisfied.4 p.m. Have a large (12 oz.) glass of freshly pressed carrot juice.EVENING: Eat only apples, pears, grapes or bananas. Eat only one fruit at a time and eat till hunger is satisfied. source:http://www.detoxmedifastdiets.blogspot.c...
Your skin will shrink up just fine. Only the severly obese have issues with skin after dramatic weight loss.

If I lose weight will I have a smaller shoe size?

A couple of years ago, I wore a size 7 shoe, now I am 7 1/2 and can wear some 8.
Generally, the answer is NO.That said, if you were severely overweight and/or had a lot of water retention, then your feet may have swollen and forced you into a larger size or a wider shoe.Otherwise your feet do not normally get fat and they do not grow longer, meaning you will wear the same size shoe for most of your adult life. Two small qualificationsYour feet may become wider, and there are several causes for this, and the second happens over a long time: toes are unlike other bones in your body, and they do not stop growing so when you reach senior years you may find you need a size larger.
i do not think so
NO! whats wrong with a 7 1/2 - 8? i wear a 9 1/2- 10! lol...
very interesting question. I don't think it's the length that grows it's probably the width that allows you to wear bigger shoe sizes as your body weight changes.
probably not but your feet may slim up a bit.
HI. No, you won't. if you are done growing , your shoe size (foot size) will always stay the same. it doesn't have anything to do with loosing weight.
It is possible that less pressure on your feet could allow you to wear a smaller shoe.
Feet are mostly bone and muscle, it's VERY hard to get fat feet.If you're wearing a 7 1/2-8 now it's probably because you've grown. Losing weight will, 99% of the time, NOT make you have smaller feet. Just get used to it, some of us woman have some pretty big tootsies.
I have always wondered that same thing! I guess if you have fat feet it could make your feet wider therefore needing to get 7 1/2 Wide vs just a 7 1/2. But I wanna say that it can make you have a bigger shoe size. Have you changed brands? Or do your old shoes you had for years not fit you anymore? The more you loose weight the slimmer your feet will be right?
how old are you? Are you sure you aren't still growing? If a person is quite obese, and they lose weight...then yes, they may have to get smaller shoes...but the length of your foot doesn't get smaller.
yes, both my father and I lost significant amounts of weight and had to buy smaller shoes.
you have a point - it's happened to me a couple of times - not sure how it happens, or what it is that happens, but i've gone from a 9 to a 9 1/2 to now a 10 - and it does correlate with my weight gain...i did lose some weight awhile ago, and my shoe size did go down - weird, huh.

If i keep a 2000 calorie diet and play basketball 2 hours a day how long will it take me to lose 30 pounds?

Quick tip, it's not about how little or much you eat. It's simply a matter of consistent exercise. The best workout tool you have is your own body. If you keep push ups, pull ups, sit ups etc etc a regular habit, you'll tone up a lot faster than you would playing basketball, also I'd suggest getting into something like bboying (I've bboyed for about 8 years) or something active along similar lines, because things of that nature tends to exercise every muscle in your body. Also a big factor on the basketball ordeal is how rigorously you play, if you call playing basketball standing still and throwing the ball at the rim, then your results will naturally be different from someone who plays all out 1on1 with a friend. Just keep exercise regular and you can eat anything you want, you may not always lose the weight simply because muscle weighs more than fat (muscle is more dense, whereas fat is less so 1lb of fat is a larger mass than 1b of muscle.) but you will tone up, and damn fast. Final tip, don't stop when it hurts, stop after you go numb, if you stop exercising when it starts hurting, then you aren't doing much for yourself. Good luck. (day job) (information on hanmudo if you're interested in possibly taking it up) (and finally a good place for a large extent of info on the lifestyle of bboying)
around a month, more can be found out at
47 days
about a month
that entirely depends on how active your lifestyle is and what your basal metabolic rate is...around 2 months mabye?
I lost 8lb in one week just walking 20 minutes quickly up and down a hill road on a 2000 calorie diet! Hope that is an indication that your doing great.
I think you should consider calling this weight loss a life style verses a diet if you plan on keeping the weight off!
Good luck!!!

If i just eat fruit and vegies for 6 days, how much weight would i lose?

im 128 pounds at 5'5
you'd probably lose between 5 and 10 pounds. this depends on how many you eat. think of veggies as free, but even though fruit is very healthy, it does contain some calories. just eat the same amount of food you do regularly, but change all that food to fruits and veggies.
It really all depends.
How much you weigh..
What your typical diet is..
Amount of exercise during diet..
Sleep habbits..
Etc.No one could give you a set amount of what you'd lose... Just try it and see the results for yourself!-You might not really lose any weight.. it sometimes takes a ot more than just a week (or 6 days) to lose any weight on a diet such as the one you're interested in.
not as much as just eating protein. Fruit and veggies can create a lot of sugar which will turn to fat. Get to know how much sugar each fruit and veg by using the glycemic index. This is what diabetics use to control thier blood sugar.
For losing weight fast they say the atkins diet is good but it is not very healthy because all you eat is protien and fat.
Some fruits and veggies are rather high in carbs. Bananas are the main high carb fruit, and the high carb veggies are corn, peas, carrots, potato (some say that's not even a veggie.) A good rule of thumb is, the juicier it is while raw the lower in carbs it is.
One thing that will help you lose weight: diet pills. I was one of those who did not believe in them until I tried it. And I tried a few. The best product I found on the market is made with pure hoodia and it works great! You can go to and order you free trial, also you only pay 6.95$ shipping and handling. Good luck!
I came across this great product for weight loss and it was excellent for me. Together with a good diet and exercise I am finally happy with my body and the way I look. You should check this product at , they have a free trial and you only pay 6.95$ shipping and handling. A must!

If i just ate 3 normal meals a day with out snacks how much weight would i loose in 7days?

We can't guess and it depends what you ate. You're only suppose to lose 1-2 lbs a week.
You're not going to notice weight changes unless your meals are well balanced. Plus, it helps when you eat 5 small meals a day. Don't starve yourself. Your body will slow down, making you lose less weight.
not necessarily anything thats just all your supposto have so you dont gain if want to loose have to exercise and eat lesser calories,eliminate sweets and cut down on carbs if did that in a week could loose 6 pounds at once then 3or 4 a week
Depends on what those 3 meals consists of and how big the portions are... Your best bet is to eat something every 3 hours, even if its just a fruit in between meals. That way your stomach is working and also your metabolisim. You will lose wait even faster!

If I have very little body fat, how can I lose weight?

I weigh too much. My whole family does. I had an operation 6wks ago and the surgeon (Dr) told me I have very little body fat and doesn't know where my heavy weight comes from. He actually used the words 'you must have heavy bones'! SHOCKING from a Dr right?He then said I MUST lose weight or I will face joint problems amongst others, later on. I concur.BUT if it's not body can I lose it?????I eat little meat or carbo, I live in veggies, multigrain (low GI) bread, fruit, nuts %26 seeds, use olive oil spread %26 oil and yes, I sometimes indulge in some fries and ice cream or a couple of slices of pizza. I am human! But I don't pig out. My occasional 'binge' is biscuits at that time of the month, but not often.Can anyone PLEASE help me? I really need to lose around 60lbs/ 30KG
It may not be fat that you need to lose it is very possible that it is muscle. Remember muscle weighs more than fat and you could also be retaining fluid if, retaining fluid is the case try using a diuretic(water pill)
well you don't really give us a generalization of what your wieght is, but if the doctor says you ain't fat and you want to loose 60# you should consider amputating your legs, that is about what they wiegh 4 inches above your knee.
Well I would get a second opinion from another doctor because if you have very little fat then the rest will be bone and muscle. Bones and muscles strengthen according to how much work they do so unless you're using anabolic steroids or something similar you would have to lie in bed and eat very little to lose weight by shedding muscle and bone mass.
Peolple with low BMI ie low fat content in their bodies shouldn't need to lose weight...Addition:Well if your BMI is 33 then you can lose weight and should and it will be fat that you are losing - I think your doctor has been beating around the bush somewhat. Maybe you should chat to your GP and ask him to be honest about your weight and get him to suggest a diet, exercise regime or whatever is appropriate.
don't eat biscuts and ice cream for a while..will you join me...wee will do exercise to gether..where do you stay actually...pls reply
HiI myself seem like I cant lose weight no matter how much I run and exercise! is very stressful! The best to lose weight is lots of cardio! Jogging around the nebierhood or buying a good treadmill will help burn it off and stay off as long as you stick to your diet. Theres also yoga and aerobics but for me and some others youll be in the best shape of your life if your into running/jogging. with some free weights to tighting up. Running makes you handel more and stay alert... lol ... no really! Maybe cuz it pumps u up and build muscle in the legs. But if you have joint problems dont run to much
well uh, try the bodybuilder way. deplete your body of water. but dont over do it.
30 kg is a fair bit of weight to "must lose". Your body is made of fat and the rest is "lean muscle mass" which includes all your bits and bones. You don't need a doctor to tell you if you have fat to lose. Here is a simple test.Pinch test: tense your stomach muscles and grab a hunk of that stuff around your tummy... if you can pinch more than about 5mm thick of skin... you prolly have a fist full of fat. Now if you can honestly say that you can't feel any fat.. then I am left wondering why you need to lose any weight at all?Oh, your diet by the way.. sounds pretty good... but binge eating slows your metabolism so be careful. oh yes... some people have difficulty losing weight because of blood sugar imbalances... binging doesn't help that either... better to graze constantly and consistently... and keep your calorie intake at a healthy level. for information I like this web site... and the resources and calculators within that domain.You might try an hour of exercise a day to make sure your heart, which is really just another muscle, is in peak condition.
You need a second opinion from another doctor!Body fat is the only thing you can loose! Water retention won't account for 60 lbs and neither will muscle (unless you have the body of a professional weight lifter).The only thing I can think of is your age and a slightly awkward doctor. If you're under 18 the doctor may have been trying to be tactful, and not give you a 'complex' about your weight and it came out all confused. He couldn't say 'you're fat' as you could get upset and/or sue him. In the UK doctors are given guidance to talk young people about being over weight in terms of health problems, not 'being fat'. It's very much framed as 'No, you're not fat, but if you lost 30 lbs you would be able to play football better'.
No body fat, but you need to lose weight?? That just doesn't sound right. If you don't have much body fat you need to put some on. Honestly.
Maybe you also should get a second opinion. Heavy bones is not accurate. Honestly.
I'd recommend getting a second opinion, or better yet, getting an accurate body composition measurement from a health professional or even a personal trainer. I'm not sure what your doctor did to determine what he thought your bodyfat levels are, and if doesn't know where the weight is, I question his expertise. It could be you store bodyfat in unusual locations, or that you have more natural muscle mass than you realize.The most accurate way of determining bodyfat levels is hydrostatic testing (total water immersion). Since that is not always available and can be expensive, using calipers correctly is the next best thing. BMI is the worst way.Unfortunately, simply reducing calories isn't going to work. You have to have a healthy balanced diet. If your diet is already low in calories, pizza and ice cream are the worst things you could have. Also, most of what you say you eat are high carb foods, so your macronutrients are likely way off balance. You actually do need lean proteins and good fats as well. Finally, if your eating is sporadic and your meals are spaced too far apart, this is going to make losing bodyfat very difficult. Typically, 5-6 smaller portioned meals per day for most people is optimal.
I would go to your GP and ask about water retention. Water is very heavy. But don't dry to get rid of it without it being there and you should NOT drink less. In fact try drinking more clear fluids this may help. Also cut down on caffiene.You may also find your weight fluctuates over the month. This is normal. I go from a size 8 to a 10 once a month for about a week. If you are worried about your weight impacting on the health of your bones you could supplement your diet with cod liver oil and/or glucasalamine (I think I may have spelt that wrong). These can be bought from any health food shop/chemist just read the label before taking and if on any other medication check with a pharmacist first.Hope these give you some ideas
Obesity has become a major health problem around the world. Many companies have brought diet pills, medicines, powders and weight-loss belts in the market. Though these products claim to aid weight-loss, the weight reduction is temporary. Besides, the pills and powders can adversely affect your health. Here we offer you some tips to reduce weight successfully, without any negative health effects.1 Reduce fat intake
2 Reduce intake of sugar:
3 Reduce quantity of food without going hungry
4 Raise the amount of physical activity
5 Improve your metabolism by eating natural foods:
I found a great way to lose weight fast and keep it off. I do body cleansing. I lost 13 pounds in 9 days and then 28 pounds in less than a month. Cleansing will help the body get rid of impurities. Impurites come from a lot of things like fast food, pollution, food additives and preservatives etc. The impurities get stored in the fat in our body. To shrink the fat, we have to get rid of the impurities by cleansing. This made sense to me and I decided to try a cleanse program and it worked. The weight came off fast and this kept me motivated to keep going, not like other diets where the weight loss it too slow. To learn more call the toll free number 1-877-587-4647 or check out the website. Cleansing was good for me. Good luck whatever you decide to do!
I suggest La weight lost, excercise is the best! or if you're super desperate nip and tuck!

If i have intense ab work outs 8mins a day, how long does it take for my bellyfat to go so that i can see abs?

i been working out my abs for like a month, 5 days a week. I can feel my abs but they are covered by belly fat. Can yo'll recommend something i should to speed up the lose of my belly fat?
All you are doing is building up your ab muscles under your bellyfat. The fat is not going anywhere unless you start doing a total body workout and cardio. In addition, you must restrict your caloric intake.
A good amount of cardiovascular exercise partnered with conditioning should tone you up. Ab workouts alone (meaning situps or crunches) aren't enough to melt the fat off of your belly.It's best to follow a healthy diet (eliminate food with bad fat) and get your heart pumping. Try dance aerobics or classes that will utilize all of your muscles and make you sweat.Good luck.
the fastest way turn burn belly fat is cardio. do the tredmill at least 30 min every day. the sit ups will tone ur abs the walking will burn the fat.
Diet and running. Ab workouts do nothing to reduce fat.
ab workouts wont burn belly fat, u need to do cardio such as running or bicycle to burn the fat
Focus on your diet, keep it very low in fat.
Ab work outs will only give you abdominal muscles, but will not reduce your fat around that area. You have to do cardio to get rid of fat and then you will be able to see your abs that you have been building up. Good luck babe.
#1 Cardiovascular exercise (to burn the fat covering your abs)+#2 Abs workout (to tighten your abs once your fat curtain is gone)+#3 Good diet (just enough good fats, so as not to reaccumulate and cover your abs again)You should see results in a month, and if you stay disciplined, washboard abs can be yours in about 3 months (Depending on how much fat was covering your abs to begin with)Good luck!

If i have all day off, all summer long and have nothing to do. how long each day should i work out?

i am a fashion school student and i had an internship at christian louboutin in ny and now im off for the summer. i want to lose 20 lbs
You should work out 3-5 days a week, for 20-60 mins. You gain nothing by working out every day and not allowing your body to rest. Down time is absolutely essential for the muscles to repair themselves and strengthen.The 20-60 min workout should be largely aerobic in nature - that is, exercise that uses the LARGE muscles of your body: legs, thighs, etc. Good aerobic exercises include power walking, jogging, cycling, rowing, swimming, kickboxing and even dancing. Of course, taking an aerobics class will always help. Then, the last part of your workout should focus on strength training. Try to vary between upper body (which includes abs, arms, pectorials and shoulders) and lower body. Strength training is just as important as aerobic exercise because it builds muscle, and the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism. In other words, you'll burn more fat just sitting around ^_^A word of caution: there is no such thing as spot reducing! You can't do a bunch of situps and burn off belly fat. Likewise, you can't exercise particular "problem" areas and expect them to slim down.Finally, remember to get enough sleep, try to eat healthier by preparing your own food, and remember to drink enough water. All of this together is a recipe for health and success. I lost about 30 pounds just by doing some regular strength training (just to tone my muscles, not bulk) and by not eating when I wasn't hungry. Good luck!
30 minutes a day will help you hold your weight. but if you want ot lose weih 45-60 minutes a day
you can work out up to 2 hours
but if you start working out 3 or 4. that means you are an excercise bulimic
so no more than 2 to stay healthy
make sure your eating enough too tho. or you will just lose all your muscle.
good luck i hope you lose al your weight and look fantastic [=

If i have a shot put try out tomorrow, should i?

Should i do cardio or should i just relax and eat right...
Do the cardio. However, keep it light. Work up a bit of sweat, do it for maybe 20-30 minutes. The object is to feel energized. Do it about 4 or 5 hours before you go to bed. Tomorrow, before you do the shot, make sure to warm up with some kind of cardio for about 5 minutes (again, light--just get the blood moving and the body warm).

If I had worked out / ate like a female body builder would I see I bigger decrease in cellulite than if...?

I just went on one of your average "eat healthy, work out 3 times a week" diets? I ask this because if I were to eat / work out like a body builder, I would lose much more fat and build a lot more muscle, and wouldn't that decrease much more cellulite? Because I don't have much to begin with, is it possible for it to completely disapear or almost disapear?
Yes it is possible. In order to have a body like a bodybuilder, you must train like one. This doesn't mean you will get bulky. It's not gonna happen unless you are taking some type of anabolic steriod. There are beautiful women, with BEAUTIFUL bodies who train professionally as bodybuilders. They are healthy, and have low body fat percentages. They eat right, and they certainly do their share of exercising. I say go for it, and don't fall for the 'bulky' hype. It's not gonna happen to you.

If I had a ulcer in the past can I still get a gastric bypass?

years ago I had a ulcer.Now it's gone and I want to have a gastric bypass to lose weight,But I don't know if they will still would do the surgery?
Only your surgeon will know! Go for it and try.I had gastric bypass surgery in April 2005. I started out at 268, now I鈥檓 180 and holding. These links will help you in many ways to make a decision if this is for you or not. I vote yes, because it made such a difference in my life. I was taking 8 pills a day, and after my surgery, I lost my diabetes. The way they do the surgery, takes your diabetes away. I no longer have to take glucophage, and I no longer have high Cholesterol or high blood pressure. I鈥檓 down to 2 pills a day. I went from a size 26-28 to a 16-18.
Most people struggle with paying for the surgery. Go to this site, it is a great support system for you, because it鈥檚 only people who have had gastric bypass or lap band. Every insurance program has been rated, and you鈥檒l get tips on how to deal with your insurance company, as well as, surgery tips, food tips, and just support. This site is free! I鈥檇 have to rate it a #1 site if you want to learn about the surgery and how to deal with the insurance companies and get support from other people in the same boat as you.
This is the #1 site for gastric bypass and it鈥檚 free! Extremely helpful!
This explains about the surgery:
I really researched my surgeon, and I made a wise choice. Always get a surgeon that has done at least 200 of these surgeries. Get someone with a lot of experience, and you will do well.
Here鈥檚 all about my surgeon鈥?br />
You just can鈥檛 find a better surgeon than him! He鈥檚 probably done at least 500 of the surgeries, so far. I did so well after my surgery, I thank him every time I see him.
I made it to 175! It's been almost 2 years since my surgery. I haven't had any complications at all with my surgery! My health has been very good, and I've lost the weight nice and slow, so my body doesn't look that much out of shape. I've been faithfully taking my vitamins, and my blood work came back excellent! I still think very highly of Dr. Pilkington, and would recommend to anyone thinking of this surgery, to have Dr. Pilkington as his or her surgeon. I'm walking proof, that he is an excellent doctor. I just spoke to another patient of his who told me she had a very good experience with him, and she is in excellent health, as well. He is a very caring doctor. I live in Florida in the winter. I see alot of folks down there because of my job, and I see people from all over the USA and overseas. Since my surgery, I've talked to lots of others that have had the surgery in Florida, and some of them didn't do as well, and I tend to think it's because their doctors weren鈥檛 as competent as mine. I feel that part of how you do, is because of your general health and attitude. The other major part is how good your doctor is.
Here鈥檚 a website that tells what to look for in a surgeon;
Gastric Bypass diet: (after surgery)
There is a very good web site by a guy named Basil White. He鈥檚 a govt. worker and a comedian. He walks you through everything. Very interesting. He had the surgery and did well. If you want an idea how people handle the surgery, read here!
Here鈥檚 Basil!
A must read if you have questions:
Check out this link, this lady put her heart and soul into it, with lots of great info:
Vitamins I take鈥? you have to be very faithful about taking them after surgery, because you can become very sick if you don鈥檛. There were recommended by my surgeon and nutritionist.
Some other helpful links鈥?br />
Risks of Gastric Bypass Surgery
Gastric bypass surgery is considered the safest and most effective type of bariatric surgery. But as with any major surgery, the procedure does carry some risks.
Good luck with your surgery and new life!
Well seeing that one the ulcer is gone and the point of the surgery is to cut away almost all of your stomach anyways then yes they will still do the surgery.

If i go to starbucks ..?

and order a plain coffee ? do they automatically put sugar and milk in it ?? or would they just give me the coffee .. also the coffee i like at starbucks has about 10cal. per seving . if i get that with no cal/no fat flavoring and sweet and low .. will this make me gain weight ?
It's referred to as a "drip" Now you decide what size you want and tell them "(size") Drip, please" They'll hand you plain black coffee, you can add whatever you want. My husband is a really big guy, and he orders a "tall drip" and it cracks me up when they yell out his name followed by Tall Drip!!
You won't gain weight with black coffee and sweet %26 low, babe.
they ask u if u want to leave room for milk and sugar.
The coffee alone is fine. Unless you're concerned with caffeine. One cup a day isn't too bad. The artificial sweeteners are a whole other story. You should do some research on them first.Technically, anything you eat will make you gain weight. You just have to burn off those calories with exercise.
Girl, at only 10 cal a serving you'd have to guzzle gallons to gain any weight. The sad thing is the sugar substitute is far more unhealthier for you than a little extra weight would be. I just don't get the whole sweet n' low thing: stomach fat is bad but stomach cancer isn't?If you're worried about gaining weight from a piddly amount of coffee try drinking some green tea, you get some caffeine and it burns fat.
if you ask for a plain coffee, theyll give you a polain cofffe. And no you wont gain weight but ordering a coffee, or a skim milk late, even if you do add sugar. They reason you gain weight is by getting a grande sized full fat drink, then piling on the sugar, and going everyday. dont deprive yourself of thing you like, in the long run it doesnt help because youll end up binging.

If I go the gym 2x a week spending 45 mins doing weights, how long will it take me to get from skinny to built

I do several sets of 10 reps a go on the chest and arm curling machines and basically the upper body areas of the gym. I am 6'0 and 140lbs and my arms are sticks
I'd take up a martial art instead ..6 foot and 140 pounds sounds just right, in a sport where big muscles are actually
a hinderence...and skinny guys usually have a longer lifespan.
Lou Ferrigno( the hulk in the tv series) took 17 eggs for breakfast on a maintenence diet.
But yes plenty of carbs, pasta rice etc, not too much cardio vascular( jogging rowing,) Go 4 times and on your rest days REST!!
And nothing looks more silly than a hulk upstairs and a
chicken legs downstairs...know what i mean!!
Support your legs cos they support you!
Imagine your favorite athlete, the one you want to look like. Now imagine what he/she does for workouts. Now ask yourself if twice a week for 45 minutes is going to get it done.
Sorry dude, you aint ever gonna get built or ripped if ya only goin twice a week. double it at least and get a proper trainer to increase your work over time.
Good luck !
If you are skinny and want to build muscle, you need to eat a lot of good quality protein. Don't do too many reps but rather work heavy weights to exhaustion.
Don;t neglect the lower part of your body, you must go at least 3 time a week if you are only doing 45 mins, on a high protein diet, you should start seeing results after your first month, but always leave a day between sessions for muscle recovery, good luck skinny ;卢)
its gonna take time for u, most important thing is consistency and diet. you have a lanky build and need to make sure you are eating enough each day. the best mass building exercises are bench press and incline press for chest, deadlifts and bar rows for back, military press and shoulder press for shoulders, shrugs for traps, squats and lunges for legs, barbell curls for biceps, close grip bench press and skullcrushers for triceps, you should do about 3-4 sets of these exercises for 8-12 reps each set, about 1-2 minutes rest between sets. as you get stronger and can complete 12 reps, increase the weight. after a month or 2 of lifting, increase the weight and do sets of 6-8 reps to develop strength and power. as for food, if you are serious, eat about 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight each day, and 2-2.5 grams carbs per pound of bodyweight per day, try to eat at least meals daily, protein at each meal. good protein sources are lean cuts of red meat, grilled chicken, tuna, turkey, eggs, cottage cheese, yogurt. good carb sources are oatmeal, rice, pasta, potatoes, yams. also make sure to drink plenty of water, eat several servings of vegetables daily to help with digestion. this should get you started on your way, good luck. you gotta train and you gotta eat to grow, if you aren't doing both of these, you wont gain weight. be patient and work hard, and you will get results. only train each body part 2x weekly max, you need time to recuperate, if you are working hard when in the gym, you should need the 3 days off to recuperate. if you dont feel sore the next day or 2, you are not working hard enough. good luck and feel free to email me if you got any questions about what i wrote.
Talk to your gym instructor about a mass programme. You need to check your diet - you need to take in more calories than you burn and increase your lean protein intake i.e. fish, chicken, pork tenderloin, lean steak/mince. You'll also need to up complex carbohydrate and maintain a moderate fat intake with plenty of fruit and veg. Aim for five meals a day and if that's a problem supplement mid morning and afternoon with a whey protein shake. Immediately after your workout take in protein and simple carbs to nourish and replenish - this is the most important time and a scoop of unflavoured whey in grape juice will be fine. Also, you'll need to get your instructor to come up with a three day split focussing on the three mass builders; deadlift, squat and benchpress. On deadlift days also do back i.e. (seated rows, pulldowns, barbell rows), shoulders (military press, dumbell press, front and lateral raise) and biceps (curling with barbells and dumbells). Bench press days do more chest (flyes, pec deck, dumbell press, cable crossovers) and triceps (pressdowns, French presses, dips). Do abs this day too. On squat days do your legs (extensions, curls and calf raises). Do all excercises with stretches before and after, warm up sets and then 2-3 sets of 6-10 reps with high weight until failure. Drop the weight slightly each set so that you can do 6-10 reps with difficulty each set. Always use strict form and use a spotter for bench press and squats. Somebody in the gym will do it for you. Always cool down with stretches and don't be too tempted by supplements - only protein and creatine are proven to work and creatine always gave me the Brad Pitts. Enjoy your workouts.

If I fast for 14 days what will happen to my body?

Will it screw up my metabolism. Will I loose alot of weight? Will I be really weak what should I do why I fast? I am mainly doing this because I have been working out for the last two months and I have not dropped in weight or size at all so I am just going to fast for 14 days loose some weight and purify my body...then I am going to only eat organic food is it true you are suposed to eat 5 times a day small portions? Will my stomach shrink?
Fasting will NOT (let me repeat that) fasting will NOT help with your weight loss. Your metabolism will drop to bare minimum, to hoard may lose a few pounds, but you won't have the energy to soon as you begin eating again, your body will hoard/store every calorie you give it in case you try to starve it again...whatever you had lost, will return (and then some).NEVER us fasting as a diet's just foolish.If you are at a plateau, look at what you are eating a day. What is your calorie intake? Drop it a bit (no lower than 1200 cals a day w/o a doc's approval) and exercise at least 1 hour a day, 5 days a week...maybe 2 hours some days (some cardio, some strength).To keep your metabolism burning calories at a faster rate all the time, it's recommended that you eat 4 - 6 small meals a day, instead of 3 larger meals. If you eat 6 small meals, that's approx. every 2 hrs all day long so your metabolism is working hard almost all the time to burn that food...couple that with exercising and it's in high gear all the time except when you sleep.
Yes, it will screw up your metabolism. You'll lose weight, but it will be mostly muscle and water, not fat. Trust me, it's not a good idea.You want a much more balanced approach. There are no quick fixes that really work in the long run. That's just publicity hype from the diet industry.The one book that cuts through the hype and tells the truth is "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle," by Tom Venuto. See more about it here - healthy and fit gradually and naturally. Don't go for the quick fix. Good luck!
You will probably loose weight, but you metabolism will be screwed up. It will slow way down to preserve as much energy as possible. It doesn't sound like a good idea. Talk to a doctor before you do something like that.
Don't do it! My husband stopped eating breakfast and lunch, and ate only small dinners for a couple of weeks, and it landed him in the hospital--for over 3 months on an IV and a heart monitor.The first things to quit are soda and mayonnaise
Stop eating fried foods
Don't eat fast foods (except salad or baked potato)
Don't eat hotdogs, sausage, lunch meats, or bacon
Eat Cheerios and oatmeal with skim or 1% milk
Drink herbal teas and low-sodium broth packets/cubes
Drink all 8 cups of waterDon't forget to be walking, getting fresh air, doing aerobics and/or yoga (see them on early AM TV).
Don't fast completely! Try something like a juice fast, slim fast, or replacing 2 meals a day with cereal or a protein-fortified smoothie. You will probably get sick if you fast for more than a few days. There is something called a 3 day cleanse that might work for you though. I don't remember much about it but you could search it up.

If i exercises then eat is that good?

will it burn some calories having my heart pumpin
Number of calories is a measurement of how much energy a substance (like food) contains when it is burned (oxidized). Relative to losing weight, number of calories information is not all that useful. Eating foods that are tasty and don't make blood sugar rise too much (glycemic index) is much more useful.
Make sure plenty of potassium rich foods are eaten to prevent a drop in blood sugar which causes hunger and moodiness. Potassium is needed to make glycogen which the body uses as a slow and steady glucose supply between meals.
It's important to know that the blood stream can only hold 2 teaspoons worth of sugar. A bottle/can of soda on average contains 10 teaspoons of sugar. When more sugar is eaten than the blood can handle, the sugar is moved to fat cells and turned into saturated fat, especially fat cells closest to the stomach. When all the fat cells have all the sugar they can hold and yet there's more sugar to deal with, insulin signals the body to create more fat cells. When you lose weight, fat cells don't die off, they become skinnier fat cells. The more fat cells the harder it is to keep them all skinny.Lot's of exersize is not the key to losing weight - millions of people have tried it long before you and it doesn't work. Keep blood sugar from spiking, get plenty of potassium, don't eat large meals before bed, learn the diiference between good fats and bad fats, good carbohydrates and bad carbohydrates. Eat what you want on the days of the holidays not for weeks before and after the holiday. Unfortunately you're not going to hear or read about these concepts much in the dieting world becuse skinny people are not profitable; they buy few books on losing weight and even fewer diet programs.
no its not good to eat right after a workout because it can look like you never worked out at all.the best thing to do is wait 15-20 after a workout and eat healthy!
no fat foods or anything, a salad with chicken or vegetables is great!
it is ok and good to eat after exercise and u should do that to replenish your body, however, you must eat something healthy and non fatening so you don't put the wieght back on. People think if they exercise they can eat anyhting they like but thats not the case. if u wanna stay same size than maybe but if ur looking to lose some weight than you must eat healthy and don't binge on junk neither. yes u will burn cals by having your heart pumped. classes are awesome. they push you which is good. i go to classes too. if you wanna lose weight go to: BODY ATTACK, CIRCUIT, BODY STEP, if you wanna put on muscle go to: BODY PUMP.

If i exercise for 20 minutes then take a break...?

then continue exercising for another 20 minutes and so on will it be as effective as it would be if i just exercised for an hour straight?
Doing your exercise in 20 minute segments is almost the same as going an hour straight. The 1 hour workout is a little more effective for cardiovascular (heart), but you want to work yourself there gradually. Slowly increase the length or your workouts until you get to that hour, without killing yourself. That will build up your endurance as well. More tips on the links below.
Not really, you need to keep your heart rate up when exercising. If you are taking a break because your getting warn out try less strenuous exercises and shorter reps of each.
it will still be good for your body in general for sure, but if you're trying to lose weight- then you need to try and go continuously so your heart rate stays elevated constantly. as for me, my heart rate gets up pretty quick depending on the machine or exercise, so i do take breaks in between exercises and do a few weights until i'm ready for the next machine.
You really don't start burning fat until after 30 min. So anything under 30're getting rid of water weight. So try to do intervals of 30 mins then take a small 10 min, at the most, break then do your final 30 mins. I find it easier to do my 1 hour all together...mostly because I don't have a lot of time to rest and do other things and then motivate myself to get back into working out...I like to be done with it.
for optimum stimulation of the metabolic rate you want to exercise non-stop at a high level of intensity for 60-80 minutes
It takes a while to get to the point of a "good burn" where you're actually doing the most good...but...if you do it in stages with breaks, step it up a notch for 2nd workout...bodies get used to one level, even at 30 min, have to advance workout longer or in speed/weight/etc after a while to get same results

If i eat soup everyday at supper will i loose weight??

well i eat soup at supper time which contains collard greens,spinach, cabbage, and beans, it also has sazone which on the box says no calories its just a product to add a little flavor to everything... please help me
to lose weight you have to spend more calories than you consume.
find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and that's how much you need to lose.
eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)
5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water
have complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energy
have lean meat (protein) for dinner - repairs muscle
cardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min, light weight training
dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, ice cream, candy etc) and nothing fried in lots of oil.
you can spoil yourself once in a while, of-course:)
Maybe.What else are you eating through the day? How many calories are in the soup?
I'm sure you'll start to see a difference in a few weeks. It also depends upon what else you eat during the day. You should also try to get at least three days of cardiovascular activity to help with the fat burning process.
Well, it is not healthy to starve yourself. The Japanese eat miso soup before a meal to feel less hungry during the meal, thus eating less. It sounds like the soup you have chosen here is healthy, but i am afraid if you eat it every day, you will become bored with it. Check your local health food store to see if they recommend any other types of soup for variety. i do personally recommend miso soup with seaweed. It is quite good. Best wishes!
You need to make sure you are getting the right amount on nutrients through out the day. If you are almost starving yourself by eating soups and stuff you are sending your body into shock, which will cause it to store fat instead of burn it. Try eating healthy foods like meat, veggies, olive oil, etc. Your body can use the nutrients to burn the fat for energy and make you feel better while you loose weight!
Find out how many calories are right for you to eat each day, according to your weight. Then you will know how much to eat to sustain your weight or lose some.Vegetable soup is good for you; just go light on the crackers and cheese, if any.

If I eat pickles all day?

They have no calories.if I eat em all day would I just loose weight? B/c they fill me up, I could easily just eat like 3 days and nuthing else in a day. I was just wondering, b/c it seems weird to be able to be full and losing weight all the time.
It is very possible, but I dont think it is healthy just to eat pickles all day, you need some more nutrition.
pickles r good
idk but if so then let me know b/c i love pickles and they fill me up too. although i dont think that it is necessarily healthy since you arent getting the reccommended food groups. and vitamins.
It is unhealthy to eat just pickles all day. You will most likely just lose water weight and lean muscle mass. If you want to lose fat you will have to eat a balanced diet and exercise.
No don't try to eat just pickles to lose weight. You are setting yourself up to fail because it won't last. Eat a healthy, balanced diet and exercise. You can eat some pickles of course but don't try to just eat nothing but pickles.
I would assume that eating nothing but pickles could help you lose weight. However, it would be a very unhealthy way to do so, and if you did this for a long period of time, it would ruin your teeth. Vinegar,eats the enamel from your teeth, and without the enamel, your teeth will begin to rot.
Yea, I think I would find a healthier way to shed the pounds!
You will lose weight and then come back to reality, because you cannot live on pickles for the rest of your life, and gain all the weight back.
Thus creating cottage cheese on the body from extreme fluctuation in weight.
Don't do it.
It is not true they have no calories and the sweet kind have loads of sugar.They are also usually very high in salt. that's not so good.
they do have lots of salt tho. other then this ya eat them
yes you would, but it would not be healthyit would be a serious helth risk!soon your body will know that you only eat pickels then it will go into starvation mode, and then instead of loosing weight you will gain a ton, and thoes pickels will be stored up in your body as fat, and your body will eat off of ittrust me, i tried starving myself, and even eating really small meals or just one meal, and once i stopped, i gained 15 pounds in one weekendif your really looking to loose weight, then just eat normaly, drink water, excersise, and best of all eat 2 apples a day, that will disolve away all the fat and keep the minerals and vitamins that your body needs and just throw away all the fatgood luck
Renee, I too LOVE pickles especially sour and dill onces but they are not healthy to just eat alone. Sure you will be having a low calorie intake but you are overdoing it with the sodium. This can even backfire on you because your body will think that you are starving it and retain your fat and you will retain water weight from all that sodium. In return, causing you to gain weight. Don't even think about it girl! :)'ll crap all night...

If i eat only fruits and vegetables and burn 3500 calories a day, will i lose 20-25 pounds by june 8th?

Theoretically if you burn 3500 calories more a day than you take in you will lose 1# per day. So yes you would lose 20+ pounds by June 8.
A lot is going to depend on how much if any you are overweight by. If you don't have any extra fat to begin with then your body is going to go into starvation mode and you will lose very little because your metabolism will slow way down. Good Luck!
No you will put weight on. I had a friend did this. He weighs 45 stone now - can`t get out the door. They had to take a wall out to take his blood pressure - which was so high the house blew up. Good news is - he got out then.
Yeah its possible very possible but sounds pretty Dangerous thats a lot of calories your trying to take off there wow that seems Very Dangerous.
Maybe. The celebrities on Celebrity fit club follow a similar diet and lost 11-15 pounds in one week. If you stick with your plan for too long you will start losing muscle mass, which is bad. Add some protein, like egg whites or steamed chicked breast, so that you don't become protein deprived. And make sure to take a good mulitvitamin and a good multi mineral supplement to keep your electrolytes balanced. You don't wanna have a heart attack and drop dead before June 8th.
You will be in the hospital long before then. Your digestive system will go crazy, you won't get enough protein, and your body will start burning muscle mass. Your blood sugar will get erratic and you'll eventually pass out, probably while exercising to burn all those calories. Find a diet that includes at least some protein, especially if you'll be exercising.
You will put your body in starvation mode. You better eat LOTS and LOTS of fruits and veggies to support buring 3500 cals. a day.
someone made fun of you cos you really dont realize your question.
only fruits and vegetables and want to burn 3500 calories a day.
I tell you will be stick thin by June 08 or will end up at the morge earlier than June 08.
Be patient pal,3500 calories is too much!! You'll just end up creating worse problems than the one you are trying to solve.

If I eat normal like 2,000 calories a day, and exercise a lot like 3 hours will i lose a lot of weight??

More than likely...It depends on how many calories you are eating a day now. DONT REDUCE YOUR CALORIE INTAKE TO 1500; BIG MISTAKE. Your body will get use to only burning that 1,500 calories; I hate it when people get on here and they have no idea about what they are talking about. 1,500 calories a day would be best if you are 115 pounds or less now. But, I'm assuming you are not.Let's say you eat 2,500 calories a day now. If you eat 2,000 everyday for a week; that would cut 3,500 calories which would equal one pound. Or if you don't normally exercise, if you burned an extra 500 calories per day you would lose an additional pound per week.Give an estimate of how many calories a day you eat, and I will give you a better estimate.
God Bless
probably. it all depends on your metabolism. i would suggest going for 1400-1500 cal a day and doing 30-1hr of cardio every other day intermixed with a weight lifting routine every other day from the cardio. weight training will build muscle nad the more muscle you have the more fat you will burn...even when you are at rest! check out fitness/shape magazine for a good weight training routine.
You probably could lose some weight but it would be much better if you ate a few less calories. If you exercise 3 hours a day than 2,000 calories is probably perfect.
3 hours a day is too much exercise for only 2,000 calories. I exercise an hour a day, am 5'4", and my caloric needs are around 2200.
It depends on how much you weigh and what type of exercise you do like walking slwoly burns less than swimming when you mention only 2000 calories also for example if you visit mcdonalds and have a doble quarter punder with cheese a medium order of fries and a medium soft drink you hae already consumed 1300 calories in one sitting. Let's say you wieghed 175 punds you woulkd have to cycle 20mph for an hour just to burn 1165 calories. You need to reduce calorie consumption to under 1500 calories a day to lose weight

If I eat healthy, and drink nothing but water, would I lose weight?

Oh yes, you certainly would.
If you consume fewer calories than you burn, you should lose weight.
That's a great start to losing weight!!鈽?
Yes but if not.
Try this it was invented by a dietician for obese people who need an operation in two weeks time.
There is enough for one week so freeze half freshly made to last the week.
I cheated and did it for a whole 6 months went from a 40in waist to a 32in without to much effort.Operation SoupIngredients.3 large onions
1 large or two small green peppers
1 bunch of celery
陆 head of green cabbage
1 leek
2 tin chopped tomatoes
1 packet of French onion soup (any brand)
3 vegetable stock cubes (I use oxo)Cut all vegetables into bite size pieces if your not going to liquidize.
Place all in a large pot add enough water to cover.
Simmer until vegetables are cooked add more water if necessary.NOTE
To be eaten as a two meal replacement (largest and the smallest).
You can still have a light lunch or light evening meal.
Should not exceed 5 days at a time and 10 days a month.
You will pass more water so make sure you keep up your water intake.
depends on what you mean by eating healthy. eating healthy is eating 3 main meals with 2 snacks, one between the main meals. that's a balanced diet =] and yes, drinking just water will help you lose weight. it's better for your metabolism, and it doesn't have the sugar in it that makes you bloat and gain water weight =] good luck!
Depends on how much you eat. If you take in to many calories then you burn you will gain weight. You can eat like crap but work out a lot and lose weight. "If you burn the furnace hot enough it will burn anything".
Yes, of course you will. What are you currently drinking? Most people who only drink carbonated beverages lose 10% of their body weight by drinking water from now on. Eating healthy will also help you lose weight since you will be cleaning out bad foods. Also if you can do some Cardio exercises (running, etc.), that is one of the best ways to lose weight/body fat. It is also helping your blood pressure.Hope this helps!
In a way yes, eat right food, and drink water and milk, but it's also how much you eat, and excercise too.

If i eat breakfast for a month, will i lose weight?

i'm not in the habit of eating breakfast. it makes me feel queasy. but my bf said that if i eat breakfast, it will speed up my metabolism and i will lose weight. i go boxing 3x a week, eat lunch and dinner at generally the same time everyday. if i eat breakfast, won't i gain weight? bec i'll be eating more calories?oh and i usually eat after i go boxing
You need to eat breakfeast. It's the most important meal of the day. When you sleep, your body goes into starvation mode. So when you wake up, the first thing your body wants is food. If you don't eat, your body thinks it's being starved, so instead of burning the rest of the food you eat during the day, it will store it. So your boyfriend is correct: eating breafeast speeds up your metabolism and helps you burn food faster. You're feeling quesy because you aren't used to it. I had the same problem. Start with small meals and work yourself up to bigger ones. Soon, you will be craving breakfeast and wake up hungry for it. It's a great feeling!In a study done, they found that people who eat breakfeast lose more weight and are in geneal more healthy than those who don't.As for calories, it doesn't matter how many meals a day you eat or when,but what you are eating. As long as you eat within your calorie range (for losing weight), you are fine. Divide up your meals throughout the day. So if you tend to eat very big lunches, reduce your lunch and use some of those calories for breakfeast. Keep in mind that breakeast alone wont make you lose weight. It will definitley help, but you need to have a balanced diet and exercise (which is seems you do). It's all about burning more calories than consuming. Keep in mind it takes 3500 calories in 1 week to lose 1 lb. So as long as you have an excess of that many calories in a week, you will lose weight. Losing more than 2 lbs a week is not healthy.Good luck!
you need a balanced diet with all food groups, only then will you lose weight, too muchor notenough of one thing will make you lose weight too fast or loose weight not enough, also try and increase the amount of excercise you do
Well, if you have a low-fat breakfast (special k for instance), it should kickstart your metabolism and you should, in theory, burn off more fat. Having said that, everyone is different, and it might not work for you.
Depends on what you eat on breakfast and what you eat afterwards...
well considering the fact that breakfast is the most important meal of the day it should help. breakfast is what gets your metabolism going, which should ultimately help you lose weight.
you should eat between 4-5 smaller meals a day. so if you add breakfast in, you should make the other meals smaller. but it will help your metabolism. its highest in the mornings and tapers off during the day, in fact dinner should be one of the smaller meals. check out, i bet it could really help you out, you might actually be consuming too few calories and thus sending your body into starvation mode where it holds on to every calorie it gets, not knowing when its going to get nutriants.
eat breakfast speeds up your metablism. Which burns more calories meaning there is a chance you will loose weight. It may take more than a month..and it may take is up to the individual person's body. It also depends on what you at breakfast and what you eat during the day..
Eating a small meal within the first 30 min of waking does give your metabolism a boost. Eat breaskfast because it makes you feel not as hungry when lunch rolls around. Sometimes people make poor health decisions when they are ravenous by eating the worst foods (who hasn't wolfed down two cheeseburgers and then regretted it?) Food is energy! Just eat the right foods and don't skip meals!
you can always boost your metabolism with eating more meals during the day...make the meals small, but eat like 5 to 6 times a day.Just dont eat big meals, always stay with 300-400 calorie meals and you will do fine...And yes, if you boost your metabolism, then you will burn more calories - and lose weight if you stay in your calories
you have to eat the right kind of breakfast to lose weight. My mother eats a little bit of protein, Like a piece of cheese with a piece of fruit to get her bodys metabolism up but without eathing a carb like toast or a sugary breakfast like most cereals. If you can eat something healthy or even a good breakfast bar or smoothie, it will help your metabolism in the long run. The only problem is you will still have to watch what you eat the rest of the day, because if your metabolism is up, you will feel more hungry more often too. Good luck.
I wanted to lose weight but I wanted to make sure I was going to do it in a very healthy manor. I didn't want to deprive my body of any nutrition it needed so I did a little researcha nd this program is what I came up with! Before, I was tired and I got migraines one to two times a week at least. I was also wanting to lose about 20 pounds! After the very first day on the products, my energy skyrocketed, I had more control over my appetite and cravings and I just felt good all over! After being on the products for a while now, I have complete and total control over my appetite and cravings, I have tons of energy, and I have not had but one migraine in the last 3 weeks! The best part is I have lost 13 inches and 10 pounds in the last 3 weeks and I did all of it without being hungry. I feel amazing and I have recommended these products to my personal friends and family. You will feel better and you will be happier because of it! I wish you the best of luck no matter what you decide! If you would like to know more ab;out what I have done then you can check out this site and get a free sample pack to try!http://www.ksultimatenutrition...
i've read everywhere that those who eat breakfast tend to weight less than those who dont - so it must have an effect. by eating breakfast it will probably reduce how much you consume later on in the day because you wont have the urge to eat as much. therfore you'll probably actually end up eating calories. if your really conscious about calories, there are some really healthy ones with only about 100 cal. per serving. a really good one that I like is Kellogs special K. its made for people concearned about their weight. another thing you might consider is eating several (up to 6) small meals a day. It gives you metabolism an extreme boost!! good luck!
As I wasalways told when I was growing up ... breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Breakfast does help speed up/maintain your metabolism. If you are boxing in the morning and eating afterwards, that's probably good. But if you are not boxing 'til lunch or dinner time, you should consider breakfast. It doesn't have to be much -- a banana, a thing of yogurt, a granola bar. I understand the queasiness thing ... I have the same problem. Don't eat immediately after waking up. Wait 30-45 minutes. And maybe start out with just yogurt or a glass of milk. Depending on what you are eating for lunch, and what you have for breakfast, maybe just reduce the amount you eat at lunch by a little bit ... 1/2 a sandwich with chips, instead of a whole sandwich with chips.
I am a vegetarian too...not so much into the tofu or eggs. I work out five times a week. I eat breakfast typically its just a protein bar. I eat every 2 to four hours, they are small meals. That is how your metabolismm will increase and by staying active as well. Your body is probably use to the calorie intake and you probably not gaining or losing any weight.but adding in breakfast will help with your diet and may increase your metabolis not by much though. Eating a little more frequent will increase it. It sounds as if you would actually gain weight, but total opposite. Your digestive tract is constantly working to digest the food and the fact your active will help with metabolize too.
Hey! i know i got the same feeling about Breakfast, but breakfast is the most important food time to eat. If you eat breakfast you will eat less during the day and you have way more energy! And being a vegetarian is even better, you will eat all those healthy whole grain stuff!

If i eat an apple for breakfast will it slow my motabolism??

i know if i dont eat breakfast it slows your motabolism,so does an apple count as breakfast? - also do i hav2 eat d whole apple :/ i can never fully finish an fruit??!
an apple will not slow down your metabolism - it is actually good fiber and good for your system.
Many people ask me how they can slim down. I recommend that people eat right and exercise. However, if they would like a little "help", I suggest using natural Hoodia (it's important to note that not all Hoodia works well, even if the bottle says "pure" or "standard").The Hoodia sold at is in my opinion the best Hoodia on the market. It's pure, has no side effects, and they give you a free sample bottle (there is a $6.95 shipping and handling charge).
Fantastic results have been seen with this particular Hoodia.

If i eat about 1600 calories exercise regular?

and then for any extra like 200 extra calories a day i exercise the same amount to burn those would that be okay to do so its like i never had them
yess, I guess itd be like you never had them,.
Itd prob. be better to just not eat them.But if its fruites, veggies, etc. Than it wont be that bad (::
ummm... No!! Don't do it.. If you eat that extra 200 cals your just gonna think... oh 200? Whats the difference? AND plus if you actually do work those 200 or so off, if you never had them and you still worked out youd lose more weight.

If I eat 600 calories and burn 200 can I lose 5 pounds by friday?

its tuesday now
You could possibly lose 5 pounds of water weight by Friday if you took a diuretic.. not fat though.. It takes 3500 calories to gain 1 pound so you would need to cut your calories way more than 600 a day to lose 5.. Not safe and you probably wouldn't enjoy your weekend from starving anyway.. In the truth of things- 5 pounds won't make or break you.. unless you're Nicole Ritche... sorry.
not a chance
600 calories is way below what your body even needs to survive and function properly. Any weight you lose this way (if any) will be water and will come back almost immediately. Strongly discourage this method. It will only make you sick.
Did you know woman need at least 1200 calories to lay in bed all day? so 600 calories isn't enough especially since your burning 200.
Sorry to break it to you, but you can't lose 5 lbs by Friday. No matter how low you go on calories (600 is WAY too low, btw), your body needs time to turn to fat and burn it. Aim for about 1200 calories a day and you'll lose about a pound- two pounds a week. Make sure to get it from fruits and veggies and lean protein, which fill you up w/o any feeling of deprivation.
First of all; No. Secondly, that is very unhealthy. You need more calories then that for your body to function properly. Besides that, it is recomended not to lose more then 2-3 pounds a week. Whats one more week to reach your goal in a healthy manner?
Its not possible. You have to burn off 3500 calories to lose 1 pound. If you go on a starvation diet of 600 calories a day, you will slow your metabolism down and not burn calories as fast. If you want to lose weight, its best not to eat less than 1200 calories a day, and to eat a few small meals instead of 2 or 3 large ones-it helps speed up your metabolism.
If you only eat 600 calories, your body's metabolism will go into starvation mode and slow down so you would not be able to lose any weight.
well, my wife lost 10 pound in five days so i think it can be done. she used a plan called the RESET kit. it's on this site -- www.transformed.usana.comlook under products and macro optimizersyou can do it!
Most likely, but you'll just burn muscle, since youll be putting your body in a state of starvation.
You will probably pass out! You can probably lose a few lbs of water weight if you cut out carbs, keep calories at 1000 and exercise. A lot. you'll be hungry but it wont hurt you - You need a deficit each day to lose weight Drink a lot of water. A 2 day detox fast could work too. It depends on your body, your stamina and what time Friday
Yes and no. You can lose 5 pounds in one day if needed but it won't be fat and its not healthy to do. For the past few weigh in's I have had to be 3+ less than the last one. The day before I eat 1 meal 24 hours before the weigh in take water pills and laxatives and do about 1 hour of cardio, and don't drink that much water. Last time I lost 7lbs overnight. Now this is dangerous and unhealthy and it is definently not fat its just sever dehydration.

If I drink lots of water and about 200 calories a day will I lose weight?

My friend drank only water and practically fasted for a month and lost a lot of weight. i am thinking of doing this for one week. Will I lose weight?
all you lose by doing this is water weight and muscle not fat plus you slow down metabolism dramatically which will make fat loss in future sooo much harder. and you will gain back even more as soon as start eating normal.
you will see it on your friend...
it is not healthy and you could die! you must consume like 1,500 calories a day or your body will go into starvation mode,it will then store everything you eat as fat and it will eat your muscles away to will cause heart and kidney problems and will effect your entire body,as well as making you weak and unable to function! have you not seen the super skinny models who have died? anorexia is a disease and i gurantee you none of these girls look good dead! find something important to worry about this stupid diet crap is boring! good luck.
You need atleast 1100 to 1500 calories a day. 200 is way to little so now your body will go into starvation mode and will store the little food you eat as fat. If you eat proportioned meals you'll lose the weight. Just stay away from the junk food, soda's and eat a little bit of carbs alot of veggies and chicken. Walk atleast 1 hr a day and drink "alot" of water. You need to eat to lose. Try 6 small meals a day, every three hours. I'm sure once your friend goes back to eating normal again she'll gain it all back. Fad diets are bad for your health and can do alot of damage to your insides. Ever hear of Karen Carpenter? She started out doing the fad diets and became anorexic/bulimic and the damage she caused herself is what killed her. She decided she didn't want to be so thin anymore and she gained 10 lbs in a week, her heart couldn't take the change to her body and she died. So please becarful.

If i drink a soda and then ..?

If i drink a soda, let say with 100 calories, and 5 Fat cal... This is just an example. and few hours later, i run in the threadmill or what ever, and lose that 100 calories and fat cal... Will my body still be affected by the soda, a bit hard to explain.
The calories in soda are only a part of the problem. Carbonation is bad for you in many ways. Since when you exercise you need to exhale plenty of carbon dioxide to help you lose weight, having had a soda will impede that. Plus, I know from personal experience that having too much soda can cause acne. (The carbonation again.)Most sodas also have the potential to contain benzene, which is a carcinogen. My aunt was a huge Diet Dr Pepper fan and she died of cancer last year.I still have soda once in awhile myself, bu I really try to limit it, and not have it on hand for daily consumption.
no i dont think so, i think if you lost more than 100 u'll be finejess xo
soda makes you retain water, it is an un-natural fluid. Water is the only liquid you can drink that your body does not have to filter and work so hard to use. Make soda a once in awhile treat if you are really interested in your health. Working out with soda as your liquid is really really bad, I hope you value your health more than than.
I'm trying to lose weight too and it's sooo hard. My aunt is using a weight loss product and it's really working for her. I'm gonna try it and I recommend you try it too. Check their website at , my aunt got a free trial and paid only 6.95$ shipping and handling.
Hmmm. Let's think in terms of a bank. When you make a deposit, it is stored in your account. If you turn around and take the same amount out, they aren't going to be the same exact bills. Your body has a certain amount of calories in the form of stored tissue that it burns for energy. That's why you will lose weight if you expend more calories during your day than you take in. That specific soda is not going to necessarily be the 100 calories that you burn off during exercising. Like you can drink 4 espressos, run on the treadmill, and still be hyper and effected by the caffeine for hours after you are done. So the sugar high you experience with the soda will help fuel that workout, and may even last afterward. Also, it's not like you can eat nothing but refined sugars and such, and then workout to lose all the calories, and not have to worry about it. It's still unhealthy and does effect your body negatively, even though the actual calories have been burned off. Like cheap gas as opposed to premium.
sodium is whats gonna get you.. it makes you retain water.. and makes the feeling of bloatedness..

If I drink a lot of wine while playing tennis?

Will I burn off some of the calories? Is it a good idea? WIll I get a hangover?
Sounds fun enough to try some of your own research.
Hell yeah drunk tennis rocks cept when u fall down it scrapes u up a bit but its all good
Do you enjoy yourself? If the answer is yes, the question ends here... If not, then DONT. Why do people need to hear this from others in order to act upon it?
Whether it is wine or beer or any other alcoholic drinks. You are expected to take, while playing, and exercising.
depends on what you mean by alot of wine, have fun, enjoy life, just don't excess.

If i dont eat past 4:OO for 3 months how much weight would i loose?

ill try eating lil healthier and excersise too.
Well that could work, but how much are u going to eat b4 4:00? It wont do any good if u eat tuns of carbs and calories , then dont eat after 4. And going so long without eating may cause u to eat 2 times more than u would . Try 4 - 6 small meals b4 4:00
u wud lose aproximitly lose 20-40 ibs but trust me u wud gain it all back eventually
it depends on your height, weight, and age. that seems like a very long time til breakfast the next day. use the calculators on this site to find out how many calories to eat and how many pounds you can lose.
seriously, time is not your enemy...Not eating past like 9:00 pm matters not, nor 4:00 pm, it depends on what time you sleep and wake. Now the easiest way to lose the weight and keep it off is eat a large breakfast, and a medium lunch, small dinner. If you would eat healthier during the day I have found you have a.) More Energy b.) Less Health Problems c.) A better mindset and attitude.We all know that exercising produces endorphins and raises your immune system, the body is made to be trained not left on a couch in front of T.V. I'm not Health Nut but I take some vitamins that aid in the weight loss department, made by the oldest and most reliable source of vitamins, if you would like more info on where to get your hands on some supplement e-mail me at country_of_ransom@yahoo.comOh and seriously.would you never want to eat after 4:00 pm again in your life, because I found out the hard way that if you break the conditioning of never eating after 4:00 (mine was 6pm) then your metabolism gets thrown off when you start eating again past that time...have fun and hope you lose that weight!

If I don't eat junk food and start eating fruit and healthy sandwiches - will my weight decrease at all?

I have a relatively fast metabolism and I eat junk food constantly!! I have noticed I have gained a few founds and I want them gone. If I dramatically change my diet fruits veggies healthy things.. and cut out the JUNK COMPLETELY... will my weight drop any?? I'm only talking tren pounds here..
i'm sure it would help but what would also help is exercise
Count the calories, if you reduce, you lose weight.
your weight it dramatically decrease if you take out all bad foods
No you`ll get really fat. So fat you won`t be able to get thru the door - which won`t be a bad thing - saves money.
YES!!! thats what i did... especially ddrop the soda... look at the food labels and count the calories... sometimes your eating so many calories you dont even realize it... a 100 calorie filling snack is perfect.. but sometimes one reces peanut butter cup is like 250 calories... and that does NOTHING good for you.. you could fill up on apples and that keeps you feeling full and its like, just a few calories... your weight will drop for sure
First of all, you don't want to cut off your junk intake entirely. If you get used to a junk-free system and suddenly find yourself in a situation where junk is the ONLY food available, you won't be able to handle it.As for weightloss, only exercise can take it off. Eating healthy only ensures that you're not getting weight BACK as quickly as you're taking it off.
Of course it will your taking in fewer calories and less carbs when you do this and increasing your fiber intake.
yes! it will. try eating cucumbers and carrots they are worth 0 points. so you could eat them until you get filled on them. also drink lots of water. in the 1st week you will notice your weight not decreasing because that is all your water weight.but that will eventually go away. good luck:)
Yup, that should work, mind you watch the portion sizes though, drink lots of water and try diet pop instead of regular and those pounds should drop right off.
I will drop some, also look into the south beach diet book. i didnt need to loose any weight but i wanted to eat healthier and maintain my weight. its a 3 phase diet. 1st phase clenses you of all the junk in your system 2nd you stay on till you reach your target weight. 3rd maintains that weight.I love it.
yes surely u'll lose pounds if u eat fruits and fast foods there r lot of saturated fats which help u in storing avoid fast foods...when u feel hungry drink a glass of water snack on strawberries,blue beries,peanuts(roasted),waterm... melon and some of other juicy fruits...eating lots of juicy fruit keep u filled...if atall u want t eat fast foods u can have grilled meat sandwhiches.or any grilled foods...
YES definitely
you can also work out
Yes, and exercise will make you stronger as well, and tweak your tone.
If you eat 250 less and burn 250 more you'll lose a pound a week. =)

If i do my cardio first then come home and eat, is it different as oppose to eat first then cardio?

When you exercise, you do it in order to try to maintain good health. You know that you have to eat so that your body has the energy to perform the workouts that you do as well as for everyday tasks. But, just what you should eat before and after you workouts is important for making the best of your workouts. Also, how long you eat before and after each workout is equally important.The ideal time to eat your pre workout meal is 1 hour before you start. If you are working at a lower intensity level, keep this meal down to around 200 calories or so. If you are working at a higher intensity level, you may need this meal to be as high as 400 to 500 calories.Now, eating after a workout is just as important as the pre workout meal. Remember that when you exercise whether it is a cardio or a resistance session, you deplete energy in the form of glycogen. Our brain and central nervous system relies on glycogen as their main source of fuel so if we don't replace it after exercise, our bodies will begin to break down muscle tissue into amino acids, then convert them into usable fuel for the brain and central nervous system.If you have just finished a cardio session, you will need to consume mostly carbohydrates, preferably ones with high fiber. Oatmeal, rice, whole wheat pasta, and most northern fruits are good sources. Try to consume around 30 to 50 grams of these carbohydrates after a cardio session. After cardio, it is ok to eat within 5 to 10 minutes of completion.Hope this helps! Good luck! -Ashley-
I think one thing that might be different is that if you eat after your cardio, you won't possibly vomit all over the place as you would if you exercised right after you ate.
It probably won't make a huge difference, but you might feel sluggish or have it might take longer for your food to digest if you eat first, because you digestive system uses so much energy.
It's best to do the cardio first, cool down, and then eat. However, some body builders suggest drinking water before a workout, so you'll be well hydrated. It's hard on the system and not as effective to exercise right after eating, so I certainly wouldn't recommend it.
No difference if you burn the calories doing cardio before or after you eat.

If I do alot of crunches and push ups every day how long till I get a nice body.?

This includes me being on a diet.
Every oen is diffferent so it is hard to say. However, you should start noticing at least some results pretty quickly.
you hav to do a lot more than just crunches, u hav to work every part of your body equally, and dont diet, eat proper healthy food.
Most people who look like Mister Universe take something, from simple protein shakes to muscle enhancing drugs. A buffed up body doesn't mean you get more girls or you are healthier, if that is your motivation. I was in a gym beside a guy on a stationary bike, who huffed and puffed like a steam engine, He was build like poster boy for muscle magazines. When he looked over and saw the extreme high level I was bicycling on, without breaking a sweat, he couldn't believe it and I was his grandfather's age and half his weight, with both of us around 6'4".
Try to get to a comfortable weight and exercise regular. If you want a great body, join some guys, who are experienced in it, a club or so.
Don't forget the cardio. It will burn fat and give your new muscles definition.
crunches and push ups wont make you lose weight - you will actually gain weight because you will have more muscle, they dont burn any fat. the only exercise that burns fat is cardio 4-6 times a week for 30-50min
find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.
eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)
5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water
have complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energy
have lean meat (protein) for dinner - repairs muscle
dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.
ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:)

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