Tuesday, May 25, 2010

If i run everyday, will i lose weight?

i only have time to do a powerwalk and a little running, about thirty minutes each day... when will i notice results and when will i lose these ten pounds?
Keep at it and you will lose that weight! I am doing the very same thing. I walk every day for 30 minutes. Out of those 30 minutes I try to jog for at least 5 minutes. One minute at a time throughout the 30 minutes. I am trying to lose 12 pounds. Good luck, and remember just keep it up. You won't see results overnight, but you will get there!
At first I started out just walking about 30 minutes a day. I didn't weigh myself because I didn't want to be disappointed. I didn't notice anything until my aunt told me I was losing weight. I weighed myself later that day and I had lost 18 lbs. I didn't even notice it. I still don't feel thinner.
weight loss is all about the math. If you burn more calories then you take in you will lose weight. A moderate diet and a moderate exercise schedule should be fine to maintain a good weight.
You have to burn 3500 calories to lose one pound. An average body needs about 2200-2500 cal. a day just to do average daily things...SO...if you limit your daily calories to 1200-1500, you will burn a pound or two every week. How many calories you burn during exercise depends on the amount of exertion, and the length of time you're exercising for. If you want to burn weight faster, you'll need to exercise more. It's not recommended you go below the 1200 required calories a day.And, Yes, I edited this comment today...after I shut down the computer and went over my answer a little, I thought to myself, the average requirement to MAINTAIN your weight is 2500 calories, so I realized I'd made a mistake, for anyone who noticed!!

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