Tuesday, May 25, 2010

If you are not naturally skinny is it possible to get skinny?

I am 5'1 to 5'2 inch not rlly sure..and I weigh 105 pounds.I was wondering if it was possible for me to get the skinny girl look without being muscly..if thats a word.and is there a way to make your face get smaller? some how all my fat goes to my face arms and boobs...my boobs r 34B and I wanna be A or 32B :S will loosing weight help? give a good exercise plan please...
with your height, you sound like you already got the skinny girl look down. are you wanting to be like nicole richey or the olsen twins? they look like skin drapped over bones. you probably would look healthier if you had a little tone/definition in your arms/legs instead of being a toothpick.
not to be rude.
You are almost underweight considering the BMI stats. Sweet heart, you do not want to be 90lbs or less like portrayed in the media .. like Nicole Richie, or Kate Moss. You are at a more than healthy weight -- the reality of it? Once you hit 90-100 pounds you start growing fine facial hair, your now beautiful hair thins out and you'll get slightly sallow. You won't become the "beauty" you think you will. You are beautiful inside and out, as it is. You will be treading on thin ice, when you get thinner than you are: eating disorders.There is no way or reason to make your face smaller, other than going under the knife. As for your boobs? Sweetheat, they are porportioned to your body. The only eating plan I will give you is eat a balanced meal, fruits and drink water. Excercise moderately, a few times a week. You don't want the 'skinny girl look' -- it comes with a host of messed up brains
One cannot selectively loose or gain. One can, however, achieve what one was at some point of time.
If you are 105lb, then you are already skinny! Why do you want smaller boobs? Wierd lol.HTH : )
You do not need to lose weight. You are already at the lower end of a healthy weight for your height.It's very hard for a woman to "bulk up" so go ahead and do weight training without fear. :)Your breasts will be whatever size your genetics determines.

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