Tuesday, May 25, 2010

If one has eaten lots of junk in a day will it make up for it if this one goes for a long walk?

If u go for a real looooooooooong walk, if the walk burns off the fat and calories you ate during the day. Most people dont realiase how hard it is to burn of something as small as a biscuit, so if u ate junk of ALL day, chances are a week of long walking will do it.
not really. i went for a 2 hour walk the other day and fitday said i only burned enough for 2 candy bars.
a little but just eat better tomorrow to cancel the junk food out
NO and NO.
Depending by what is meant by ALOT,, you may need to powerwalk or jog.
No. A lot more exercise will be needed.
not completly, but it'll help!
In order to erase the junk in your system so it doesn't end up as junk in the trunk you have to burn (at least) the number of calories that you ate.
are you obsessed or what?
Yes, most likely.
A one off day eating junk food is unlikely to do you any harm, as long as you eat a balanced diet as a rule.
you should run. its so nice.
no. probably not even close at all. how can you tell? well, easy way would be to walk on a treadmill that takes into account your weight and speed and it'll show you the calories burned. you'll find that you'll walk for about 20 minutes and still have only burnt just a few calories. maybe if you run for a long time.
Probably not... it will go away as long as you dont eat lots of junk every day lol
Maybe if you walk all the way up Mt. Everest.
If long to you is 4hours+ at a fast pace then yes, otherwise no i think you should go for for a run.
ANY food has CALORIES even the healthy foods lkike red meat, spinach ,berries and nuts.
CALORIES MATTER with weight . ANY food with CALORIES can make you gain fat IF YOU EXCEED YOUR LIMIT
if you ate alot of calories they add up and a long walk won't do it maybe a long run will plus some exercising also
Well one could hope it would help but unless you walk far enough to burn all the calories you ate then no, it wont help. However any excercise you can do to burn the majority of the calories will help. Maybe a long run would help instead of a walk. It depends on how much you ate and what exactly you ate...good luck!
Not really. Walking doesn't burn a lot, even at a brisk pace. 1 hour of walkng at a fairly brisk pace burns about 300-400 calories, not even 1 piece of chocoalte cake (depending on the cake). Whereas running, swimming laps, or more intense exercises can burn around 700-800 calories in 1 hour. Still not enough to make up for all the junk. After an hour, you actually end up burning less calories per unit of time, so it doesnt benefit you to work out more than that. Count your losses, eat healty for the rest of the week, and exercise a lot this week and it should even itself out.
No. There's no way a long walk could burn that amount of calories.We evolved to a point where we could exercise but still reserve a lot of energy. This is because 10, 000 years ago we had to walk across miles of tundra and landscape and sometimes we had top survive on just a few berries a day, because food was scarce.If you could burn off the calories in junk food just through a long walk we'd be extinct by now!Body fat is made and lost mostly in the kitchen, just forget about the junk food you ate and resume a healthy diet.
Depends on how much junk and how many calories you burn. It's not a healthy habit to form either. In fact I think this kind of behaviour is a form of bulimia.The best thing to do is to admit your mistake, understand why you did it and get past it. Continue with a lifestyle of eating healthy and working out on a regular basis - mistakes like eating too much will happen from time to time and that's ok, just keep on trucking!
It depends on how many calories you ate.you have to burn more calories then you eat to stay or lose your weight....it just really depends on how much and how many calories you consumed.if it was alot..i doubt a long walk would make up for it.sorry...a 2 mile walk only burns about 120 calories and thats a speed walk...just to give you an idea..
hi i have had a bad day on my diet today eaten too much crap ,no a long walk will just not cut it ,just eat less tomorrow and go for a even longer walk xx
You have to burn the equivalent amount of calories through walking with the junk food you ate that day. Fast pace or jog instead. Drink water to flush out. It will solve the problem. Just don't eat the junk food continuously because your metabolism will trick your body to not burn calories like it's supposed to. Because if you do and you happen to starve yourself someday, your body will start craving for the bad foods, triggering your system to go in starvation mode. You will get fatter and it will defeat the purpose. It's called yo-yo dieting.
it cant hurt! and if the "junk day" is occasional it aint gonna kill ya, if youre dieting (I hate that word) and fall off the wagon please dont give up and think all is lost so you go eat 1/2 gallon of ice cream! the best thing to do is just pick up and start over where you left off. I hate the word diet cause it has a restrictive feel to it, like you cant have this and you cant have that, and you feel deprived and left out so when you do eat something you want instant gratification and eat tons. i feel that just making a firm commitment to make healthier choices is a better way to go. If you are craving sweets will that yogurt be a good substitute for the cookies? Yep. you get what youre wanting and dont feel cheated. Ok Ok, ive went way over board huh? sorry!
As long as the walk doesn't end at the newsagents where one buys one's sweeties, it shouldn't do you any harm :)
no it wnt!! i attend the gym 5 days a wk an if an easy way t burn calories was walking alot of ppl would be much fitter! try gettin a hobbie to keep u busy so u dnt get chance to pig out jus dnt do that durin the day an then suddenly eat loads at nite as that is worse! gd luck
Yeah it'll be fine! Don't worry about a little junk food, did you know licking a stamp burns 1/10th of a calorie, so therefore every fidget must burn a calorie. Just fidget and wiggle around often and you'll be fine!
run run run run then get a kabab mmmmmmmmmm food
Yes, but you won't because you're sat on your backside reading this junk.

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