Tuesday, May 25, 2010

If it's bad to eat at night, how come I get hungry at night? As in my stomach literally gurgles...?

Does everyone get hungry at night? People seem to act like its abnormal. Is it?And after what time is it bad to eat?I usually get home from working out around 8:30pm --- around 4:30 I generally eat something light and am hungry when I get home.Any suggestions?Thx a mill.
it isn't bad to eat at night. you just have to pick smart foods to consume later in the evening when the level of activity is low. at night meals should be protein based with veggies.generally the less the body fat (or the more muscle mass) the less of a decrease that there is between the resting metabolic rate and the sleeping metabolic rate. and in the beginning of the sleep cycle the metabolic rate actually increases with it finally hitting the lowest point right before awakening.those that preach about not eating at night have not a clue about how human biology truly functions...for the non-obese individual every time the body is feed the metabolic rate increases to digest and metabolize nutrients. because of the chemical structure of proteins it takes roughly 25% of the calories that the food item provides to digest and metabolize those nutrients. this is why high protein (40% of the daily cals) diets are very successful at helping people to manage bodyweight.it's kind of hard to explain with out getting too scientific but just try to remember that the human body needs nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals) 24 hours a day. forget about calories for now as that is a man-made concept the body identifies substances by their chemical structure. the body does not have the storage capacity for most nutrients and this is why the metabolism functions at a higher level of efficiency when the body is feed regularly every 3-4 hours. if you stop eating at 6 pm and don't feed again until 6 am. that is 12 hours that the body has working with out any nutrients. starving the body for 50% of the day is not optimum for weight management or for optimum performance in sports.
You may think you're hungry, but supposedly people are saying that you're actually thirsty. I dunno. After I drink, I'm still hungry. It's all too frustrating.
Perhaps, you have developed a habit of eating at these times. It is best to work out after eating. from what I understand, it is bad to eat and lay down or do nothing afterwords, because the food just kinda sits and is not being agitated into the system. I am not a dietitian or anything but it makes since to me. However, I always eat at night to and believe me I have a little pouch now. Perhaps, I need to take my own advice, however, I think it is because I am lonely, nervous, watching movies and just thinking about the world in general. So, you are not alone and I will consider my own advise. Hope it helps a little.
Is 4:30 the latest you eat? Like before nine, but after six or so there's dinner, and if you don't stay up too long, there shouldn't be any hungriness, unless you actually haven't eaten. Really, don't eat right before bed, bad for health and weight. I choose to not eat anything after eight something to nine, doesn't always stay that way, but usually. Happens to me, but I don't actually feel hungry, make sure your full after eating.
I am usually starving at midnight. It is strange. When I'm at home, my mother notices food missing from the fridge the next day. I am also underweight. I don't believe in that 'no eating after a certain hour' thing. Try eating a huge breakfast, and a large lunch, a protein/energy bar before working out and lots of Gatorade. Evening meal maybe cream of wheat, grits or oatmeal to cut that hunger. Don't go right to bed because pieces can go up your esophagus and give you acid reflux. *gravity needs to pull your food toward the lower digestive trac*Have a nice day.
When I was pregnant, I was craving sweets around 7 p.m. My midwife told me "More protein in the afternoon" to keep my blood sugar level up. It worked well for me - Peanut butter, cheese and crackers.For healthy sleep, it's recommended to eat a small snack before bed time (a bowl of cereal is good) but no "meals" after about 7:00 p.m. - I believe this is assuming a bed time around 9-10 p.m.It's not good to eat a large meal before sleeping, as your pulse slows and the decreased blood supply to your stomach/intestines causes indigestion; also, your body doesn't need that energy when it's at rest. So, if you're up until midnight, go ahead and eat dinner at 9:00, but not a heavy one, no greasy fried foods :-)And if you're having problems or other issues, call and talk to your Dr's Nurse - they should be able to answer questions over the phone; or your employer may have access to a 24 hour Health Question line, that should be able to help assess a balanced diet for your lifestyle, including meal times.
Not everyone gets hungry at night...but if you are maybe its because you aren't eating right. It's not great to eat after 9, but this is only if you are trying to loose weight. The reason is, if you eat late you aren't up moving around as much so you don't burn off all the food you've eaten. So you just store it, and it turns to fat. I would suggest that you eat a good breakfast. A good large breakfast. And around 4:30 when you usually eat, don't eat something light but more like something healthy, like a large salad with fat free dressing, and a fruit. Apple maybe? If that would be enough to hold you over. Then when you get home eat something light. Yogurt, cottage cheese... a small sand which. And you should be OK until the next morning. I hope this helps...if not i hope you find the answer you are looking for!
it's really bad to eat at night especially after 10pm. food usually take two hours for disgestion, if we sleep straight after our meal, you know what will happen to your body - become fatter. try only to sleep after two hours of emal intake for better health purpose. normally, the right time for dinner is between 7-8pm, whereby intervene between meal is about 4 - 5 hours from your lunch. if you exceed the duration in between, you should start to get hungry.
the question is if you dont sleep, lets say 5 hours after your dinner, it's normal for normal human being to start feeling hungry. i believe most people would angree with me.
if really no choice, too hungry and cant stand anymore, i suggest you to drink a glass of milk or horlicks, and get to sleep asap. dont use plain water as replacement cos it will cause water retain in your body tat cause you to look bigger and chubbier. dont take fruits after 10 pm too cos it will cause unhealthy condition for your stomach. try to consume as little watter as possible after 8pm. for your info, try to finish your 8 glasses of plain water (H20) by day time (before 8pm).
It's not necessarily bad to eat at night, but rather before you go to bed.I have the same situation in that I return home after 9pm at night and I'm often quite hungry. So, the question is whether to ignore the hunger or to feed myself.If you really don't want to eat late, try to eat more during the day time at more intervals. If you get breaks at work, have a sandwich or snack then.Now, the reason why it's bad has to do with your (metabolic rate-MBR).During night time your MBR starts to slow down, which means that eating at night stores more calories and you basically gain more weight.Your MBR is mainly determined by your genetics. You know what I'm talking about. You see some skinny kid eating all the time and never gaining weight, or another one who eats normally but packs on the weight. What is MBR? Basically, it's the rate at which your body utilizes the energy that is stored in your body. The things that determine your MBR is your body weight, the fat to lean mass ratio, your gender and lifestyle. The main thing that determines your MBR, however is your genetics. Your inner organs to be more specific. There are things you can do to increase or decrease your MBR. Exercise will increase your MBR, but only during the time you are actually active and the cool down period. Gaining more muscle will increase your MBR by a small amount, but the cool thing about that is it affects your MBR ALL the time rather than for just a short period of exercise.So, the thing is to NOT ignore your hunger and to eat when you're hungry. It's your body's way of telling you something...unless you have a physical problem, it's normal.When you think about it, a light meal at 4:30 isn't really enough to sustain for the rest of the day, assuming you go to be around 11pm or 12am. Most people will get hungry 3-5 hours after a meal, depending on their habits.
I usually just go to bed when I get hungry. I figure it's my body telling me to either refuel or go to sleep.

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