Tuesday, May 25, 2010

If i work out about 5 hours a day all summer...how many pounds of muscle will i gain?

NONE5 hours a day is to much, no time for muscles to rebuild. only work out 3 times a week for 1 hour per day.
Your body's response to 5 hr. daily of exercise would involve more variables than just exercise. Your fluid, caloric, protein intake (nutrition, in general) would be a key element in determining how much muscle you might add. In addition, your genetic background is a factor, as well. A great book to follow is Bill Phillips' Body for Life. You obviously want some improvements in your physical stature, and Bill's book can guide you through everything, including appropriate supplements. The most important thing is sticking with your program. Recording what you eat, what you do in the gym is very helpful in making progress. Good luck!
If you work out 5 hours a day , 7 days a week , then you will lose muscle. In order for your muscles to grow you need to lift weights. When you lift weights you stretch and tare your muscle. Your muscles grow when your body repairs the damage you did by weight lifting. You body needs protein and rest in order for your muscles to grow. If you workout for 5 hours a day , 7 days a week then your body won't be able to repair itself and you will not gain strength or muscle mass. After about 3 weeks of weight training 3 to 4 days a week your muscles will gain stamina and wont fatique as much. After you gain muscle stamina you will be able to work out for 1 to 1.5 hours a day , 5 days a week , if you train different muscles on differ days , with a proper schedule. I would stick to 30 to 45 minutes 4 days a week and then try to jump up to 1 hour a day , 5 days a week. With all due respect 5 hours a day , everyday is ridiculous and you will not gain nearly as much strength and size then if you go 4-5 days for 1 to 1.5 hours a day. You need rest to grow. You can work out for 2 hours , but I would stretch for 15 minutes , lift for 1 hour , abs for 15 minutes and 30 mins of cardio. Eat high protein foods or drinks after you workout and if your arnt over weight then lots of carbs will help you gain muscle mass. Pasta , steak , potatoes , egg whites , protein shakes and lots of vitamins and patassium. (bananas) Get good sleep (7-9 hours) and take days off when your body needs it. I went from 6'3 150 lbs to 190 lbs in about 1.5 years. The only you will gain 40lbs of muscle like I did is by being dedicated , smart and eat eat eat. Also drink lots and lots of water. I would say about 4 litters a day to help you body digest all the protein you get and it hydrates you. Dont make the mistake I did though and continue to work out. Its ok after making big gains to take a full 7 days off but if you stop like I did and try to get back in to the gym then you will be back to square 1. Opps one more thing get very high protein shakes right after you workout especially if you are very thin and small. This paragraph is the only way to gain lots of muscle mass with out taking steroids and growth hormones which you will pay for in the long run. GOOD LUCK MY FRIEND. P.S. To grow in the gym you need to grow in your mind. P.S.S The guy who posted below me says you can build 40-50 lbs muscle in a month or 2 doesnt know what he is talking about. Maybe if you are really overweight but if you have a skinny frame , you will be lucky to gain 10 lbs of muscle in 2-3 monthes. Please dont listen to him. He obviously took steriods to gain 50 lbs of muscle in 1 month.
Keep your workouts shorts. Personally I shoot for 30-45 min. If you start working out for hours at a time your just going to be causing a lot of damage to your muscles. Allow your body plenty of time to heal after lifting weights. Don't lift weights every day. I only work a muscle group once a week. Some people do it twice...anything more and you'll be hurting yourself.In addition to that you need to load on calories. You need to shock your body into growth. The amount you'll need will depend on your current body size. Try to eat 5-6 loaded meals a day. When I put on the weight hard I was only 135. I started working out and eating 6 meals a day/800 calories per meal.Also try getting 1.5 times your body weight in quality protein (lean meat, beans, protein shakes) and drink alot of water.Its not unreasonable to put on 40 or 50 lbs in a few months if you work hard and stick to your plan. I know because I've done it.Good luckKaushal

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