Tuesday, May 25, 2010

If something tastes good is it worth it?

when its not good for the body,and you feel bad after?
To compromise your emotional stablity for 5-10 seconds of high calorie sweet-tasting comsumption, just isn't worth it.
If it tastes good, eat it...why feel guilty
I'm not quite sure what ur talking about? But if it's bad for the body, then I'd think twice about the consequences afterwards. And if ur going to feel bad along with eating it, I would say NO!
There are times when we may believe that it is worth it. But when we can avoid it, we should. Here is some information on emotional eating which is what I believe you are asking about:You have will power but you have to remember that food is also a comfort food. When we feel down our body wants to take care of us and one way that we have learned how to take care of our self from childhood is to feed ourselves. So please remember after reading the following that you didn't destroy your diet, you just needed to take care of yourself in the only way that you knew how. Now that you know, you will have to learn others ways of taking care of yourself than with food, read on:When anxiety, fear, loneliness, anger, guilt or any uncomfortable emotion becomes too difficult to control, food provides a powerful distraction.Food changes the chemical balance in the body. some foods increase endorphin levels, which in turn creates a sense of happiness or contentment. We associate being full with comfort. Fullness increases comfort, which counteracts negative emotions. And if a person eats past fullness to discomfort, the physical sensation distracts the mind from other problems. Eating also takes time, time that might otherwise be spent thinking negative thoughts.Of course, afterwards, we feel guilty and then go on a new diet or fast or get involved in a heavy exercise routine to try and fix the heavy load of calories consumed. But what most of us find out is that this is a continual cycle that will appear again in hours,days,weeks or maybe even months from now.Please take the time to go to your local library and get a book on eating disorders to help yourself with this problem. If you feel you need assistance, medication, then speak with your doctor.
i think that eating somthing that you really want is good once in a while it makes you realax. what i find works is exersising before i eat what i reallly want then i don't feel bad after. i hope this helps
no. thats the simple fact for me. I hate it when people tell me otherwise because its my opinion. I cant eat whatever i like and the more i enjoy a food the more horrible i feel after.
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.
Life is short, everything in moderation and everyone's a winner.
The way you have to look at it is, do you always eat whats bad for you? If the answer is no then why not indulge now and then on something that tastes amazing but isnt the best thing for you.
Life would be boring if we always did what was good for us and that goes for food too!
If it tastes good and it's healthy then go for it! thats if you want to stay healthy.
If you don't wont to be healthy, then eat everything that tastes good.
It's ALL about moderation, as you stated.
I personally feel ill after eating something grotesquely fattening. I know I have to work hard to keep it off. I usually save my "Cheat Days" for the weekend and stay pretty disciplined with my diet from Monday to Friday.
There's nothing wrong with eating something that tastes good but isn't too good for you as long as it's in moderation. A little of what you fancy does you good, as the old saying goes!

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