Tuesday, May 25, 2010

If my body is used to dieting then how do i lose 20 punds by the end of june?

eat healthy, exercise daily.
you can eat healty(salads,cottage cheese ), and excercise. the 20 pounds should come right off.
Sorry, you waited far too late. I suggest stop all eating and excersize as much a possible, no one likes a fatty!
you say your body is used to dieting, but how about exercise? if you exercise and diet and have lost weight and now it is getting harder then you have hit a Plato, you need to change up your diet and exercise routine, the best thing you can do for yourself is go and talk to a trainer, I have been working with one for about 10 months now and have lost 120 pounds and look and feel great!!
Easy. If you are already dieting, then significantly up your exercise time. The more exercise you get, the more fat you burn. But I would talk to your doctor about all this first. You can make yourself really sick if you are not dieting right and you add exercise on top of that. Whatever you do, stay away from pills. They are a one-way street to being sick. Your goal should really be health, not a target weight.
Diet is never enough to successfully lose weight.
There are people who have been devout members of Weight Watchers (and similar weight loss clubs) for decades!
Diet is a small part of weight loss (the lazy part).
Exercise is the best way to lose weight (along with sensible eating, plenty of sleep etc).
You need REGULAR exercise for any significant effect.
For Example: get a pair of trainers (NOT trainer-style fashion shoes, but the real deal that cushion your feet against impact) and do some regular jogging. Find a safe place to run (preferably not on a hard surface such as pavements or roads - grass is great, sand is best!!).
Start off by jogging non-stop for 1 minute, then turn around and jog back to where you started from.
After a few days you will find this gets easier, so increase the time to 2 minutes before you turn around.
After a few weeks you will be running for 20-30 minutes at a time, and will feel fitter, stronger and healthier. Your body will be firmer and more toned and you should lose some weight (though don't be upset if you don't lose your target 20 lbs - muscle weighs more than fat).Don't get fixated on weight (loss). Be more concerned with being fit and healthy and not having excess fat.
Through extreme diet!Try the negative calories diet or even the master cleansing diet.The lemonade diet recipe actually consist of .err.. lemonade (yeah, right!) and herbal laxative tea.You should drink lemonade instead of water throughout the day. Regard the lemonade as water replacement, so drink the usual 8 - 10 glasses a day. The herbal tea must be drunk in the morning and before you go to bed.The lemonade diet recipe detail is here: * 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon.
* 2 tablespoons of grade B Maple Syrup.
* Add cayenne pepper according to your preference
* A glass of pure water.I did experience around 10 pounds decrease after 14 days (back in the unpleasant days).

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