Tuesday, May 25, 2010

If i workout out 4 or 5 hrs a day, and eat healthy how many pounds would i lose in 3months..i only have 3 mths

Im 24 .. female.. 158cms.. i weight 170pounds.. i want to lose 45... so is it possible to lose that much if i workout that much everyday .. plz answer specifically.. no spam or repeated answers
Well it is impossible to give an exact number, it depends on what your workout is and what exactally you are eating. You should only try to lose about 2-3 lb's of fat per week.So my suggestion to you would be to get about 1800-2000 calories a day. Try to get them from carbs and fruits and vegetables, not so much fats.Also you don't have to workout for hours and hours everyday to lose weight. Just do about 45 min of cardio 4 times per week...that's it, don't go crazy.If you get 2000 calories or less and do the cardio 45 min, 4 days per week, you should start to see the pounds come off. DON'T GET FRUSTRATED IF YOU DON'T SEE ANY CHANGE!! During the first few weeks of exercising our bodies are losing fat and gaining muscle and since muscle weighs more then fat you might even see a weight gain, but it's not a bad thing, because while your weight might be the same, you will be skinnier and have less fat on your body which is the goal. So remember to go by what you look like, not always just the number. And no you won't look "bulky" by putting on some muscle, you'll look toned and fit.
So I guess to answer your question specifically, if you worked out 4-5 hours a day you would be so exhausted and dehydrated that you'd probably lose about 30-40 pounds, BUT it would be mostly water weight from being dehydrated. Remember that our bodies contain lots of water and often after a workout people don't properly hydrate so they lose like 4 lb's just from sweating so much, so you'd still have the same percentage of fat on you, maybe a little less. Don't workout that much, just go for a run or get on a stationary bike for 45 min 4 days per week. make sure you have worked up a sweat by the end of the workout, and you should see at least 15 lb's come off in 3 months, but probably closer to 30 lbs.Also remember to drink lots of water, and stay away from greasy fatty foods.
If you have any questions at all don't hesitate to email me, i'd be glad to help :)
you weight 170 and you want to lose 45 pounds eww. lol
we cant really tell how fast you lose your weight becasue it really all depends on what you eat and how you work out.
eating healthy doesnt always mean eating to lose weight.
i would try lots of veggies fruit chiken at night. white eggs with out yolk in the morning. lots of cardio.
i just started dance aerobics, 1 hour 3 times a week. i lost 1 pound on the first week. whew!
i sugest you just go to the gym and avail of a program that has a personal trainer if you really wanted to loose that much weight.
your age 24
your weight 170lbs
if ur 5'5'' u should be 145lbs.
anything less is murder
look at the word diet carefully
D I E T...
No, Do not work out 4 or 5 hours a day, you will destroy your muscles doing that. Do an exercise every day for about 20 to 40 minutes a day and alternate between exercises on consecutive days. Eat high in protein foods and try to drink more. in 3 months you could lose around 40 pounds give or take a few pounds. Exercises - running, jogging, sit ups and crunches
Whoa easy! 4 to 5 hours is way too much, it can actually backfire on you.You're body %26 muscles need time to recover...I over worked out that many hours - it really messed up my immune system.You should aim to shed 2-3 lbs a week, that is a healthy steady pace. So 35 lbs is realistic. Cardio 45 min for 3-4 times a week + lift some weights 2x week.Cut out simple sugars like candy, white bread, soda, white rice.Focus on lean proteins/fiber foods (veggies!), lots of water, extra B vitamins, green tea, spicy foods raise metabolic rate.6 smaller meals instead of 3 big ones, don't let yourself starve or body will want to hold fat.

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