Tuesday, May 25, 2010

If you are quite toned already, do you burn more calories without doing anything?

Therefore is it ok to eat larger portions and more high calorie foods?
wouldnt of thought so but i dont know..shouldnt be lazy
Nope, sorry.
Well yes and no.
Well, the more muscle you have the more calories you will burn doing regular stuff.
But if you're basically fit/toned with no more muscle than the norm you're measuring yourself with, then no.
If you are eating now and don't gain or lose then you are eating the right amount.
Actually you would burn more calories if you have more lean muscle mass. Muscle naturally burns more calories then fat and you will also have a higher metabolism.
If someone doesn't eat enough healthy calories for that muscle then the body will think it is starving and they will lose muscle mass and gain fat. Then all that sitting will only make them fatter.Hope this answer helps.
Take care,
i think so, but i don't know about the portion part, if u ate in larger portions...you'd gain weight...period

If you are not naturally skinny is it possible to get skinny?

I am 5'1 to 5'2 inch not rlly sure..and I weigh 105 pounds.I was wondering if it was possible for me to get the skinny girl look without being muscly..if thats a word.and is there a way to make your face get smaller? some how all my fat goes to my face arms and boobs...my boobs r 34B and I wanna be A or 32B :S will loosing weight help? give a good exercise plan please...
with your height, you sound like you already got the skinny girl look down. are you wanting to be like nicole richey or the olsen twins? they look like skin drapped over bones. you probably would look healthier if you had a little tone/definition in your arms/legs instead of being a toothpick.
not to be rude.
You are almost underweight considering the BMI stats. Sweet heart, you do not want to be 90lbs or less like portrayed in the media .. like Nicole Richie, or Kate Moss. You are at a more than healthy weight -- the reality of it? Once you hit 90-100 pounds you start growing fine facial hair, your now beautiful hair thins out and you'll get slightly sallow. You won't become the "beauty" you think you will. You are beautiful inside and out, as it is. You will be treading on thin ice, when you get thinner than you are: eating disorders.There is no way or reason to make your face smaller, other than going under the knife. As for your boobs? Sweetheat, they are porportioned to your body. The only eating plan I will give you is eat a balanced meal, fruits and drink water. Excercise moderately, a few times a week. You don't want the 'skinny girl look' -- it comes with a host of messed up brains
One cannot selectively loose or gain. One can, however, achieve what one was at some point of time.
If you are 105lb, then you are already skinny! Why do you want smaller boobs? Wierd lol.HTH : )
You do not need to lose weight. You are already at the lower end of a healthy weight for your height.It's very hard for a woman to "bulk up" so go ahead and do weight training without fear. :)Your breasts will be whatever size your genetics determines.

If you are diagnosed as being anorexic, what will the doctors do to you?(give you meds? just tell you to eat?)

I am just suspicious. One of my friends is anorexic, and her mom found out and took her to the doctor today. She is 13. I am wondering what the doctor probably did to her.
I am a recovering anorexic so I know EVERYTHING. First, they'll give her blood tests to see if her electrolites are balanced and if she's deficient in anything.Then probably give her an EKG (heart test) to see if she's having palpitations or low blood pressure. Then they'll refer her to not just a therapist, but most likely a program where she will get help gaining weight and will eat at the program center. They usually prescribe antidepressents for anorexics (i'm on 2). I hope she does well. Good luck!
Get her to eat.
They will try to get her to eat and will have to put her on an IV if she doesn't.
they check her weght and then talk with her. and then reffer her to a dietian. and will montor her.
There is no one answer. It will depend on how severely your weight has dropped and how sick you are. An inpatient treatment center may be the answer. In some cases, outpatient treatment is an option as well. I knew of someone who had such a severe case that she was hospitalized and all she could eat at first was baby food. Anorexia is a complicated disease that isn't always curable, and almost always requires psychological treatments.
i sort of have the same problem.
when i went to the doctor, they made me get a therapist and also made sure i was eating a strict diet that was high in protein and crap.
nothing bad.
i wasn't THAT bad, so i didn't get any meds.
i don't even know if there are meds for anorexia.
hope i helped
She will be required to attend group and individual therapy. If her condition is bad enough, she will be confined to either a medical hospital, a psychiatric hospital, or to a residential psychiatric treatment facility. The staff and her psychiatrist will make a contract with her...she can get privileges in exchange for taking her medications and meeting treatment goals---such as achieving a certain weight, being able to discuss the importance of good nutrition, etc.
most of them receive psychological tx modalities. some medication to increase the appetite to eat. there!
she might have to be put in inpatient in a hospital if she is really bad off, staff are watching you 24-7 and its full of other kids with problems too, like depression, anger, suicidal thought/attempts, AWOL, stuff like that, but she is completely safe, and they have to work on their problems to get out, if they think she needs to be there, you pretty much have to be there voluntarily because otherwise the will will make her go to court to be placed their and will probably win. they will probably set a weight that she has to meet to be released. just make sure they know what they are signing and to be care full, i learned the hard way. but if she does have to go there, just tell her to work with the program and fallow the rules and she will be out in no time... hope everything works out!!... PS they are also known as children's psychiatric hospitals

If you are color blind, what colors do you see?

What color does red look like if you are color blind?
Different colors for different types of color blindness...
black white and dark shades of colors.
its not how most people think its just slight differenes, some reds may look orange or some yellows look like shades of green instead.. most people think its worse than it is
sorry idk about red.. but ik my friend has that and sees a lot of things brown
he also thought my light blue jacket was pink
but yea haha
im sure its different for a lot of ppl though
Color blindness (color vision deficiency) is a condition in which certain colors cannot be distinguished, and is most commonly due to an inherited condition. Red/Green color blindness is by far the most common form, about 99%, and causes problems in distinguishing reds and greens. Another color deficiency Blue/Yellow also exists, but is rare and there is no commonly available test for it.http://colorvisiontesting.com/color2.htm...
dark colors can,t tell on light colors i,m not blind but i have a friend that is color blind.
Grey and white,like tv used to look before they had color tv?
I`m not sure how they see colors but my dad is colored blind and he hates the color red because he don`t see the same red we see.
Jennifer,I am color blind - my red and yours are probably different. Your red may look like brown to me. I have trouble distinguishing greens and grays, teals and gray. It varies but I can assure you of this - nothing in this world looks the same to me as it does to you. Good question!
Well, I'm a boy, and they are part colorblind. I'm most color blind. Now the red I see, is almost white. It has a 30% shade of pink (actually not that much) others aren't that bad, it's mainly red that's bad.
I am not some type of genius, but I will say if you are color blind then, the only colors you will see would be black and white maybe.
i am red green colour blind i can make out straight red as at traffic lights,greens are hard to pick because their are so many of them
Color blindness is typically a genetic condition, and it is much more common in men than in women. Approximately one in 12 men has at least some color perception problems. Less common, acquired deficiencies stem from injury, disease, or the aging process. Also, although not called "color blindness," when people age, their corneas typically turn yellowish, severely hampering their ability to see violet and blue colors.Many people think anyone labeled as "colorblind" only sees black and white -- like watching a black and white movie or television. This is a big misconception and not true. It is extremely rare to be totally color blind (monochromasy - complete absence of any color sensation). There are many different types and degrees of colorblindness - more correctly called color deficiencies.
People with normal cones and light sensitive pigment (trichromasy) are able to see all the different colors and subtle mixtures of them by using cones sensitive to one of three wavelength of light - red, green, and blue. A mild color deficiency is present when one or more of the three cones light sensitive pigments are not quite right and their peak sensitivity is shifted (anomalous trichromasy - includes protanomaly and deuteranomaly).
it depends on what type of color blind you are, some can't distinguish between shades, some see red as a brownish color. Others have red green troubles. It's a very slim number that can only see in black white and grey
Fragments of gray n white -- black n white

If you are a women with a small bone structure but excess fat, will P90x make you bulk up?

Or will it slim, all I want is muscle definition.
If you do decide to use P90X, use the Lean version (it comes with the program). Be sure to read the guides before beginning. There's a lot of valuable information in them. The nutrition plan is great, especially the first phase, "Fat Shredder". I've lost 1% body fat in the first two weeks. The Lean version of P90X focuses more for women, who don't want to bulk up. But trust me, you'll see changes in your physique and start to see more chisled abs. I can already see more definition in two weeks. The fitness guide explains that in order to build lean muscle, rather than bulk, to do more reps at a lower weight. Use 5-8-10 pound weights and you shouldn't bulk up. I'd recommend it if you pass the fit test.

If you are 13, 5ft 5, and 100 lbs, are you too thin?

no , you are not to thin or to fat. Eat healthy and take up a sport for exercise. have fun ,these are some of your best years.
i am 13, 5' 2" with 100 lbs and my doctor said that my weight wasn't healthy
i was the same.
and i turned out fine, its only unhealthy if you arent naturally 100lbs and you are starving yourself.
your a pretty good weight but on my opinion a little to thin. thin is not in these days.
I was that thin when I was in highschool. I was never on a diet. I was just naturally thin. Later in life I have had to watch my weight but back then it was just natural. I would say if it's natural don't worry about it, but if it is from your dieting then you should probably think about adding a few pounds.
If you aren't dieting and that is just the weight you are naturally at then it's okay. If you think you are too thin try weight lifting. Joina gym, you can tone up(NOT GET BULKY) and maybe gain a couple of muscle pounds and keep in mind that muscle weighs more than fat.
yea.. that's pretty thin.. if you're feeling weak because of your weight, then its not healthy.. otherwise.. you're fine.. dont even worry, once you hit ages 18, 19, 20 and beyond.. you'll see the difference in your metabolism and dream about the days when you were able to eat without gaining weight so quickly.
It's a thin frame but it's okay if it's naturally like that. I'm 5'2", 86 lbs., asian. I'm thin but I eat like a grown man!! I don't gain weight at all.
If you're concerned, ask your doctor. And it's all about body fat, not a number on a scale.

If we eat fruits regularlly, will we become fat or disorder in shape?

my friend ate fruits a lot and has become fat so i fear if i eat fruits daily i will become fat.
Too much of anything is bad. What is requiered is a balanced diet. Only furits will not give u a good shape
oh no it all depends on ur physical ex. so do lot of work.
HE must have ate too much or ITS ROTTEN MAN! 鈾?
definitely you will not become fat by eating fruits,your friend may have ate fatty substances too much, so what she has become fat
Don't avoid fruits.ur friend may have been lazy.But u can eat a lots of fruits.But exercise a lot
What?! Fruits should definitely become part of your daily diet. At least two serves of fruit should be consumed each day. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Fruits are the best food we can give our body. They are a rich source of vitamins and essential minerals. But we should take care that we have a wholesome diet rather than concentrating only on one kind of food like protien diet, carbohydrate diet etc.
It depends on the fruit u use. If u eat fruits , take lemon juice a little %26 salads , weight will never increase.
To reduce weight without any exercise apply this simple formula: Have
2-3 gm desi garlic paste + 250 gm pure honey + 250 gm apple or grape vinegar,
enclose in a glass bottle of deep colour with 1-2" space left over it. Keep at the bottom of fridge for 10 days. Start consuming a teaspoon of it daily half an hour before breakfast. Within three months even the fattest man will be a man of normal weight. Applicable for both men %26 women.
Additionally, this formula is extremely useful for heart patients so much that blood cholestrol comes to normal without bypass surgery, undoubtedly.
It is useful to get rid of joint pains too.
Go on taking fruits without any fear. Banana is better than apple.
You must add plenty of fruits in your diet. This will definitely help and you will be in proper shape too.
fruits are basically fructose sugar. It is the same whether you eat Fruits or Wheat or rice. Hence eating fruits irregularly will cause fatness.
To reduce fats have a well balanced eating plan.

If we are kinds tight on money?

and all we really got to eat is fast food or pizza places but im tryin to lose weight big time what should i do?
Even the fast food places now have healthy alternatives to the "fattier" meals.good salads and so forth.
Buying fruits and vegetables at your local market is not that costly. Fruit can sell for .69 a pound or such... pizza might cost about $15.00 a pie, switch that with a variety of things. You can buy fruit or vegetable platters for around $3-20 depending on what size. Trust me, you can buy plenty for little money. And if you go to one of those smaller family businesses, you may find cheaper goods there.Also, nutritional foods really don't cost much. It's those diet plans that cost a lot.Also, cut out coupons. They help.P.S. If you continue to eat fast food, try exercising for an hour a day or less. You've got to burn all those calories!
its much cheaper and healthier to cook at home than to eat out.
Your absolute best bargain is oatmeal for breakfast. Buy quick oats in bulk for around $.70 a pound. They take one minute to cook. Throw in raisins and brown sugar for treats, cover with milk, and you've got 1/3 of your daily diet, in a very healthy form, for less than a quarter. It also keeps you satisfied enough that you're not looking for a midmorning snack.

If u were a villain and had Spider-Man tied up helpless above the city in rush hour, how would U humiliate him

undo the zipper on his pants, let it hang out, dangle in the breeze
how does this fall under health questions - unless you are considering emotional and mental health (the humiliation);
I would take off his mask and put him in public so people can see him.
tie kirsty alley up next to him...Have you tried Jenny yet?
Stick a "Kick Me" sign to his back. DUH!
I'd introduce him to you; that would be enough to upset anybody.

If u r a stay at home mum, do u do the housework or exercise first?

i always do the housework and look after my kids, then get no time to exercise
BUT TODAY I EXERCISED as soon as my bub was asleep on my ex bike for 30min, then i did the housework
looks like u gotta put yourself first sometimes, i feel great
Exercise first, while bub is asleep! The baby will only interrupt you while its awake, and your exercise will not have the benefit it should. You can always put a vacuum cleaner down to attend to a wet nappy!
Housework is my exercise.
I homeschool, run errands, do my housework and then after my husband gets home I go to the gym. Whatever you have to do to get in your exercise will make you feel a lot better in the long run.
So so happy for you Rockmum..well done for putting yourself first!Good luck with the exercise, its 100% more than what im doing!
doing housework is exercising.. i would say housework first though.. cos they're the same thing.. they both burn calories.. and housework means getting things done.. exercising is just... blah. wel..u know.. haha

If today ive eaten..how much cardio should i do?? PLEASE read!?

ive had...
cherries and blackberries for breakfast
snap pea pods for lunch
and i just ate a banana and apple with peanut butterhow much cardio should i do to burn it off?
cuz i really wana lose 10 pounds
so yeahh
but thanks everyone!
run a mile or two and some jumping jacks, anything to keep your heart pumping faster than normal. but maybe 20 or 30 minutes?? if that's all you've eaten today, i dont think you need to do any cardio because you may dehydrate yourself and that's not healthy, especially if you pass out on the side of the road, lol.
about half an hour of cardio, u didnt eat much
Negative 700 calories worth. You need to eat more. That's not enough food and you can't get a balanced diet that way. Get more veggies, whole grains and some MEAT!You won't lose weight when your body is constantly in starvation mode. It will only store the food you give it as fat and cause your metabolism to slow down.
You know what? You have an eating disorder. That isn't enough food. You need to eat no LESS than 1,200 calories if you want to lose weight. And I bet you don't even need to lose weight. Check the chart:http://www.healthchecksystems.com/height...
You don't need to do any cardio to burn that off, you are not eating enough calories to even reach your daily needed values. You need to be eating at least 1300-1500 calories for your metabolism to be working properly. Eating less than that will slow your metabolism and cause all your food to be stored because your body starts feeling starved. To lose 10 pounds by diet and exercise, you need to eat healthy but feed your body.
I don't know how to answer that... but I can give you some advise... doesn't look like you are eatting much... you may lose the weight but once you start eatting normal you are going to gain it all back... try eatting five times a day, drink lots of water and do 30 to 40 minutes of cardio everyday and you will lose it... and maintain it... I hope this helps...
gee to burn all that off u will need to walk at least 5-6 steps.If you want to lose weight u need to eat MORE! You need enough energy to exercise. Also when u stop eating or dont eat much your metabolism slows down. You should try to eat a balanced diet in 6 small meals a day. I suggest u find a book called "Commando Workout: 4 Weeks to Total Fitness" by Simon Waterson. It has a lot of very good information %26 an excellent diet %26 4 week exercise plan.
First you need to caculate what your BMR is- (google the instructions they have some really easy ones) and get the total. This is your total calories for the day, Times this by 7 (days of the wk)
Second you need to know that one lb of fat is worth 3500 calories, so with this if you want to loose 2 lbs a wk (a healthy start) than you take 3500 (x2) = 7000 calories a wk that you need to burn.
Last you take the number of calories your body needs to maintain your current weight (your BMR) and subtract 7000 from it, then you divide that total by 7 and that is how many calories you should have each day in order to loose 2 lbs a wk.About 30 min of cardio burns roughly 250-300 calories, depending on your weight, metobolism, etc. Make sure you eat the right amount of calories, or your body will store the fat instead of burn it.Hope this helps you some.

If there a brand of drinking water that hydrates you more?

I find drinking 8 glasses (64oz) of water a day irritating, it makes me bloated and I go to the bathroom often. Is there a type of water that helps your body absorb the water better so that you dont have to drink so much?
No, your body should adapt to your higher water consumption slightly, making for less trips.
H2O is H2O.Sorry!
The 8/8 rule is a bunch of bolongnie. Especially if you have other drinks, which of course, has water in it. If you're just walking around and not exercising in any way, drinking 8 glasses of water a day is stupid. This is becoming an old wive's tale if anything. Studies, nowadays, suggest that this is absurd and that you get water from milk, juices, tea, fruits, veggies and other foods. Don't kill yourself. Besides, do the math and let your common sense play a role in this. Everyone requires a different diet regimen, a different exercise regimen, do you really think 6 billion ppl on the planet would fair well with the 8 glasses of water a day rule? Hmmmm...I say not.
Water is water, no matter what the brand. Some contain minerals, but the amount is so tiny that it won't affect your retention or elimination of water. Remember, it's the EQUIVALENT of eight glasses of water a day you're supposed to go for. Any liquid beverage (except alcoholic or caffeinated ones) counts, as do portions of juicy fruits such as apples, pears, grapes, plums, peaches, etc. Also soups, juicy vegetables, and so on. Try cutting back to a glass of water with each meal - or before each meal.

If somone is losing a lot of weight should you be concerned?

My cousin looks like she is losing weight? I was wondering if anyone loses weight should there be concern?
Maybe she wants to? Maybe she's working very hard at it? Maybe she wishes someone would notice?

If something tastes good is it worth it?

when its not good for the body,and you feel bad after?
To compromise your emotional stablity for 5-10 seconds of high calorie sweet-tasting comsumption, just isn't worth it.
If it tastes good, eat it...why feel guilty
I'm not quite sure what ur talking about? But if it's bad for the body, then I'd think twice about the consequences afterwards. And if ur going to feel bad along with eating it, I would say NO!
There are times when we may believe that it is worth it. But when we can avoid it, we should. Here is some information on emotional eating which is what I believe you are asking about:You have will power but you have to remember that food is also a comfort food. When we feel down our body wants to take care of us and one way that we have learned how to take care of our self from childhood is to feed ourselves. So please remember after reading the following that you didn't destroy your diet, you just needed to take care of yourself in the only way that you knew how. Now that you know, you will have to learn others ways of taking care of yourself than with food, read on:When anxiety, fear, loneliness, anger, guilt or any uncomfortable emotion becomes too difficult to control, food provides a powerful distraction.Food changes the chemical balance in the body. some foods increase endorphin levels, which in turn creates a sense of happiness or contentment. We associate being full with comfort. Fullness increases comfort, which counteracts negative emotions. And if a person eats past fullness to discomfort, the physical sensation distracts the mind from other problems. Eating also takes time, time that might otherwise be spent thinking negative thoughts.Of course, afterwards, we feel guilty and then go on a new diet or fast or get involved in a heavy exercise routine to try and fix the heavy load of calories consumed. But what most of us find out is that this is a continual cycle that will appear again in hours,days,weeks or maybe even months from now.Please take the time to go to your local library and get a book on eating disorders to help yourself with this problem. If you feel you need assistance, medication, then speak with your doctor.
i think that eating somthing that you really want is good once in a while it makes you realax. what i find works is exersising before i eat what i reallly want then i don't feel bad after. i hope this helps
no. thats the simple fact for me. I hate it when people tell me otherwise because its my opinion. I cant eat whatever i like and the more i enjoy a food the more horrible i feel after.
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.
Life is short, everything in moderation and everyone's a winner.
The way you have to look at it is, do you always eat whats bad for you? If the answer is no then why not indulge now and then on something that tastes amazing but isnt the best thing for you.
Life would be boring if we always did what was good for us and that goes for food too!
If it tastes good and it's healthy then go for it! thats if you want to stay healthy.
If you don't wont to be healthy, then eat everything that tastes good.
It's ALL about moderation, as you stated.
I personally feel ill after eating something grotesquely fattening. I know I have to work hard to keep it off. I usually save my "Cheat Days" for the weekend and stay pretty disciplined with my diet from Monday to Friday.
There's nothing wrong with eating something that tastes good but isn't too good for you as long as it's in moderation. A little of what you fancy does you good, as the old saying goes!

If someone wants to slip down 300 calories by excersize.. what does she have to do and how many of each?

It depends on your weight. Here's a fabulous calculator:http://www.kraftfoods.com/main.aspx?s=he...
Jog/walk 2-3 miles.
Walk briskly for 3km.
1km = -100kcal
Do it first thing in the morning (before breakfast) for added benifit
go run for an hour.burning calories is based on your weight and what exercise you are doing. the faster you get your heart goign the more calories you will burn.. best thing is to run,jog,walk,bike, skip... keep that heart pumpinggood luck
start running and tread mill up your cardio work out should be 1/2 of your work out walking playing sports I work out 3 days a week and swimming burns a lot work out in the water it fun too eat more fruit vegetables and water you can burn 150 cal on the treadmill and the elliptical hope this helps but no sweat no loss truth

If someone say their trying to lose weight but isn't losing it..does it mean they really don't wanna lose it?

Are they full of sh*t? How to motivate them??
i just had a baby 5 mths ago, so ive been trying to lose weight since then
i just cant stick to a plan, when i see food, i gotta eat it
and yes we are full of sh it, i need some motivation too, please help me
Well, if they said they're trying to out of their own will, then they probably are trying, but they might not be trying hard enough, or don't feel strong enough to try hard.
Maybe you should compliment them on how they look nicer when they are thin. Even if they only have lost the smallest amount of weight.
they need motivating, give them a lot of encouragement- an incentive to stick to the diet, such as a treat--new outfit ext- keep saying how well that are doing-and Never. pull them down- people who are over weight often have Esteem, problems- so don't put them on the spot.
They must be doing something wrong. For example you can excercise all day and then eat food that is full of carbohydrates and sugar, this might result in weight staying the same or maybe even increasing.Another thing, some people lose weight faster than others, it all depends on the body. Some people go through a correct diet and do exercises, but it takes time before they can see the results, I'm one of them, buy yet they lose wight at the end.You want people to get motivated to lose wight, the best way is to show them fashion magazines, those models always make people feel bad and many people start doing something about it.
Maybe they really don't want to try. Try being supportive and understanding with them. Maybe they are dependent on food and scared of losing that dependence. Are they in a weight loss program(i.e.Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig)?
If a person has metabolism issues, then he or she needs to see a doctor to adjust or find a diet and exercise program that should work. Certain illnesses, such as Sleep Apnea, ca cause a person to gain wait. However, for the most part and in general, eating a low-calorie and low-carb diet paired with moderate or rigorous excercise works and therefore, if a person says they want to lose weight but don't, are not exercising his or her will.
If u want to lose weight faster.
You should learn more information.
Uncorrect method can make
you tire and waste lots of time but do not lose weight.There is a Calorie calculate programe Daily Calorie Calculate
%26lt;--http://www.healthylifeday.com/dailycalor...Weight Loss CalculatorIn
%26lt;--http://www.healthylifeday.com/weightloss...Weight Loss CalculatorKg
%26lt;--http://www.healthylifeday.com/weightloss...Holiday Calorie Calculate
%26lt;--http://www.healthylifeday.com/caloriecal...Calorie Needs Calculator
%26lt;--http://www.healthylifeday.com/caloriecal...BMI CalculatorKg
%26lt;--http://www.healthylifeday.com/bmicalcula...BMI CalculatorIn
%26lt;--http://www.healthylifeday.com/bmicalcula...If want to get fit and/or lose weight, here's my Weight Loss Program through Body Building and Nutrition. It works! First, don't Use Diet Pills. They are bad for you. Most of them are just a scam or they are addictive. Counting calories is a pain in the neck. It will drive you nuts. But, losing weight is simple. You just have to do the right things.
(If you are older and have not exercised in many years you should see your doctor and have a stress test done to be sure your heart is ok before starting this program. Also, walking eveyday is a good lifelong practice.)There are some ideas for losing weight
It lists a great many information such asWelcome to Phase 1 of The Lose Weight Diet. For anyone just starting here, let me quickly mention that this weight loss diet plan is completely free. Yes, really. There will be nothing to pay for or sign up for at any time. It's all free. I swear. Now, on to Phase 1.The purpose of Phase 1 is going to make a ton of sense. You see, in order to successfully reach your weight loss goals, you're going to first need to understand how to lose weight. (I told you it would make sense.) That's what Phase 1 is. A complete, yet easy to understand explanation of exactly what is required for weight loss to take place. How it happens, why it happens, and most important of all... what you need to do in order to make it happen. You can not skip ahead. You will need to know this in order to create your weight loss diet plan in Phase 2.So, to sum up, by the end of this page you're going to know how to lose weight. Sound good? Great. Let's get to it...
CaloriesYou know when you eat food and drink drinks? Well, every one of those foods and every one of those drinks contain calories. Say it with me... calories. The reason I'm mentioning calories to you as though you are 5 years old is because the answer to the almighty "how to lose weight" question all revolves around calories. Not only does everything you eat and drink contain calories, but everything you do burns calories. Literally every step you take and every move you make burns calories. In fact, your body actually burns hundreds and even thousands of calories each day on its own just functioning. You could sit still all day and your body would still burn calories.So now you may be wondering, if everything you eat contains calories, and everything you do burns calories, shouldn't they just cancel each other out? Yes, they should... and they do. If you consume the exact same number of calories that your body burns each day, your weight would stay exactly the same. If your body naturally burns 3000 calories a day, and you happen to eat 3000 calories a day, your weight would not change. In this example, 3000 calories is what's known as a calorie maintenance level. It's the number of calories required for the body to maintain it's current weight.I should probably have you repeat "calorie maintenance level" with me, because if there's one thing more important than calories when it comes to losing weight... it's your calorie maintenance level. 1. How to Drop Pound-Packing Habits ;
2. Diet-Busting Foods That May Surprise You ;
3. How to Lose the Last 10 Pounds ;
4. Rev Up Your Metabolism ;
5. Lighten Up Your Favorite Recipes ;
6. Healthy Snacks for Your Diet ;
7. Portion Distortion ;
8. Starting a Successful Diet ;
9. Related Guide: How to Eat Out on a Diet ;
10. Watch Out for these Diet Danger Zones ;
11. The Art of Healthy Snacking ;
12. Managing Your Hunger ;
13. Test Your Portion Size IQ ;
14. Can a High-Protein Diet Help You Lose Weight? ;
15. The Skinny on Diet Scams -
16. Can Fad Diets Work? ;
17. The 3-Hour Diet 2
18. Choosing a Weight Loss Plan ;
19. 5 Weight Loss Myths ;
20. Setting Realistic Weight Loss Goals ;
21. Ready to Lose Weight? ;
22. How Many Calories Should You Eat? ;
23. Do You Really Need to Lose Weight? ;
24. Calculate your daily calorie needs ;
and so on
It give you more information.

If smoking kills how come it cures bacon?

Ho ho, very funny, but I think you'll find it's 1) a different curing process and 2) the bacon's already dead ! ! !
Eatting bacon isnt good for you either..nitrates and fat.
hmmm good question, do u reckon it makes the bacon sick?
It cures kippers as well and they're good for you so there...:p
BWWWHAHAHAHAHAHAAA... oh wait, thats a crap joke
thats cute!
I have been printing out my own cards to stick over the warning on the packer, my favourite is:
'Cigarette Smoke can
help detect
laser traps.'
Cause the pig is puffing on hickory or applewood, after having a bath in sugar and molasses. Most people still stick to tobacco or other "herbal" things. Maybe they should be smoking sawdust instead.
ha ha...Smoking cigarettes or tobacco kills...Bacon is by definition cured. some brands of nitrite-free bacon are being sold as "uncured."
Uncured means that the bacon hasn't been cured in the traditional way using sodium nitrate or sodium nitrite to preserve the pork and keep it pink or red. Instead, the uncured versions generally use salt, lactic acid starter culture and celery juice, which is loaded with natural sodium nitrate, to create the distinctive bacon flavor.
different kind of smoke, genius...
hahaha good bloody question!!
Good question! It takes a smart man to ask a good question and a smart man to recognice a good question!Yes, smoke cures bacon, but it ends up with a terrible amount of lard, and high body fat!The diet and execise needed to get rid of all that excess will kill you.
Feel sorry for the bacon.

If one has eaten lots of junk in a day will it make up for it if this one goes for a long walk?

If u go for a real looooooooooong walk, if the walk burns off the fat and calories you ate during the day. Most people dont realiase how hard it is to burn of something as small as a biscuit, so if u ate junk of ALL day, chances are a week of long walking will do it.
not really. i went for a 2 hour walk the other day and fitday said i only burned enough for 2 candy bars.
a little but just eat better tomorrow to cancel the junk food out
NO and NO.
Depending by what is meant by ALOT,, you may need to powerwalk or jog.
No. A lot more exercise will be needed.
not completly, but it'll help!
In order to erase the junk in your system so it doesn't end up as junk in the trunk you have to burn (at least) the number of calories that you ate.
are you obsessed or what?
Yes, most likely.
A one off day eating junk food is unlikely to do you any harm, as long as you eat a balanced diet as a rule.
you should run. its so nice.
no. probably not even close at all. how can you tell? well, easy way would be to walk on a treadmill that takes into account your weight and speed and it'll show you the calories burned. you'll find that you'll walk for about 20 minutes and still have only burnt just a few calories. maybe if you run for a long time.
Probably not... it will go away as long as you dont eat lots of junk every day lol
Maybe if you walk all the way up Mt. Everest.
If long to you is 4hours+ at a fast pace then yes, otherwise no i think you should go for for a run.
ANY food has CALORIES even the healthy foods lkike red meat, spinach ,berries and nuts.
CALORIES MATTER with weight . ANY food with CALORIES can make you gain fat IF YOU EXCEED YOUR LIMIT
if you ate alot of calories they add up and a long walk won't do it maybe a long run will plus some exercising also
Well one could hope it would help but unless you walk far enough to burn all the calories you ate then no, it wont help. However any excercise you can do to burn the majority of the calories will help. Maybe a long run would help instead of a walk. It depends on how much you ate and what exactly you ate...good luck!
Not really. Walking doesn't burn a lot, even at a brisk pace. 1 hour of walkng at a fairly brisk pace burns about 300-400 calories, not even 1 piece of chocoalte cake (depending on the cake). Whereas running, swimming laps, or more intense exercises can burn around 700-800 calories in 1 hour. Still not enough to make up for all the junk. After an hour, you actually end up burning less calories per unit of time, so it doesnt benefit you to work out more than that. Count your losses, eat healty for the rest of the week, and exercise a lot this week and it should even itself out.
No. There's no way a long walk could burn that amount of calories.We evolved to a point where we could exercise but still reserve a lot of energy. This is because 10, 000 years ago we had to walk across miles of tundra and landscape and sometimes we had top survive on just a few berries a day, because food was scarce.If you could burn off the calories in junk food just through a long walk we'd be extinct by now!Body fat is made and lost mostly in the kitchen, just forget about the junk food you ate and resume a healthy diet.
Depends on how much junk and how many calories you burn. It's not a healthy habit to form either. In fact I think this kind of behaviour is a form of bulimia.The best thing to do is to admit your mistake, understand why you did it and get past it. Continue with a lifestyle of eating healthy and working out on a regular basis - mistakes like eating too much will happen from time to time and that's ok, just keep on trucking!
It depends on how many calories you ate.you have to burn more calories then you eat to stay or lose your weight....it just really depends on how much and how many calories you consumed.if it was alot..i doubt a long walk would make up for it.sorry...a 2 mile walk only burns about 120 calories and thats a speed walk...just to give you an idea..
hi i have had a bad day on my diet today eaten too much crap ,no a long walk will just not cut it ,just eat less tomorrow and go for a even longer walk xx
You have to burn the equivalent amount of calories through walking with the junk food you ate that day. Fast pace or jog instead. Drink water to flush out. It will solve the problem. Just don't eat the junk food continuously because your metabolism will trick your body to not burn calories like it's supposed to. Because if you do and you happen to starve yourself someday, your body will start craving for the bad foods, triggering your system to go in starvation mode. You will get fatter and it will defeat the purpose. It's called yo-yo dieting.
it cant hurt! and if the "junk day" is occasional it aint gonna kill ya, if youre dieting (I hate that word) and fall off the wagon please dont give up and think all is lost so you go eat 1/2 gallon of ice cream! the best thing to do is just pick up and start over where you left off. I hate the word diet cause it has a restrictive feel to it, like you cant have this and you cant have that, and you feel deprived and left out so when you do eat something you want instant gratification and eat tons. i feel that just making a firm commitment to make healthier choices is a better way to go. If you are craving sweets will that yogurt be a good substitute for the cookies? Yep. you get what youre wanting and dont feel cheated. Ok Ok, ive went way over board huh? sorry!
As long as the walk doesn't end at the newsagents where one buys one's sweeties, it shouldn't do you any harm :)
no it wnt!! i attend the gym 5 days a wk an if an easy way t burn calories was walking alot of ppl would be much fitter! try gettin a hobbie to keep u busy so u dnt get chance to pig out jus dnt do that durin the day an then suddenly eat loads at nite as that is worse! gd luck
Yeah it'll be fine! Don't worry about a little junk food, did you know licking a stamp burns 1/10th of a calorie, so therefore every fidget must burn a calorie. Just fidget and wiggle around often and you'll be fine!
run run run run then get a kabab mmmmmmmmmm food
Yes, but you won't because you're sat on your backside reading this junk.

If my body is used to dieting then how do i lose 20 punds by the end of june?

eat healthy, exercise daily.
you can eat healty(salads,cottage cheese ), and excercise. the 20 pounds should come right off.
Sorry, you waited far too late. I suggest stop all eating and excersize as much a possible, no one likes a fatty!
you say your body is used to dieting, but how about exercise? if you exercise and diet and have lost weight and now it is getting harder then you have hit a Plato, you need to change up your diet and exercise routine, the best thing you can do for yourself is go and talk to a trainer, I have been working with one for about 10 months now and have lost 120 pounds and look and feel great!!
Easy. If you are already dieting, then significantly up your exercise time. The more exercise you get, the more fat you burn. But I would talk to your doctor about all this first. You can make yourself really sick if you are not dieting right and you add exercise on top of that. Whatever you do, stay away from pills. They are a one-way street to being sick. Your goal should really be health, not a target weight.
Diet is never enough to successfully lose weight.
There are people who have been devout members of Weight Watchers (and similar weight loss clubs) for decades!
Diet is a small part of weight loss (the lazy part).
Exercise is the best way to lose weight (along with sensible eating, plenty of sleep etc).
You need REGULAR exercise for any significant effect.
For Example: get a pair of trainers (NOT trainer-style fashion shoes, but the real deal that cushion your feet against impact) and do some regular jogging. Find a safe place to run (preferably not on a hard surface such as pavements or roads - grass is great, sand is best!!).
Start off by jogging non-stop for 1 minute, then turn around and jog back to where you started from.
After a few days you will find this gets easier, so increase the time to 2 minutes before you turn around.
After a few weeks you will be running for 20-30 minutes at a time, and will feel fitter, stronger and healthier. Your body will be firmer and more toned and you should lose some weight (though don't be upset if you don't lose your target 20 lbs - muscle weighs more than fat).Don't get fixated on weight (loss). Be more concerned with being fit and healthy and not having excess fat.
Through extreme diet!Try the negative calories diet or even the master cleansing diet.The lemonade diet recipe actually consist of .err.. lemonade (yeah, right!) and herbal laxative tea.You should drink lemonade instead of water throughout the day. Regard the lemonade as water replacement, so drink the usual 8 - 10 glasses a day. The herbal tea must be drunk in the morning and before you go to bed.The lemonade diet recipe detail is here: * 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon.
* 2 tablespoons of grade B Maple Syrup.
* Add cayenne pepper according to your preference
* A glass of pure water.I did experience around 10 pounds decrease after 14 days (back in the unpleasant days).

If lifting weights developers beautiful muscles naturally, then plastic surgery is natural isn't it?

because weightlifters usually dont undergo surgery to change their muscles
who are you kidding? Working out by lifting weights requires committment and dedication to see results. Plastic surgery only requires a fat check book!
If you work a muscle regularly then you build that muscle up, that is the way it works in nature. How could plastic surgery be natural when your body is cut up and sewn back. In nature there is no mammal (except humans) that is willing to hurt itself in the name of beauty. If Frankenstein is natural then plastic surgery is natural otherwise it is man made, even when it is needed such as cosmetic repair surgery that could save lives.
uh no...i am having trouble with how you have come to this conclusion. lifting weights and plastic surgery have nothing in common. lifting weights is allowing for a healthy natural change in your body. plastic surgery is when you do something unnatural to your body that requires an immediate change. it takes months and sometimes years to develop your body. it is not an overnight surgery.

If jogging is good to reduce fat in the legs..howcome mine are getting fatter?

Hi! I've always had fat legs, but before I used to do a lot of exercise... so I was pretty fit. Recently I've started jogging... before I had heard that in order to have a fit body one has to loose the fat first and then work out. I've started jogging and my legs are getting fatter, but that is cuz all the fat is becoming muscle, but it is fatter than before. What can I do so I can slim down my legs? Should I keep jogging or make a diet first and then start jogging again?
You should eat healthy as well as jogging. It's great that you are getting fit by jogging, so just eat healthy and keep up the good work!
it not that, thats skin or muscle.
if you doc says its skin get sugery to skim down to left over amount
If it's muscle, keep exercising but change how you eat and surplus some candy
There is much debate about the timing of exercise. Some say the early morning is better since you have digested all the food from last night and it speeds up your metabolism. But then again, the evenings are considered a peak time for some. So find your own suitable time and pursue it with vigour. Jogging is good if you are have high fitness levels and do not tend to get joint injuries. But brisk waking is also great, though the calories lost by walking are slightly less than from jogging. So therefore you have to walk a longer distance and for a longer time to get the same benefit, but with less risk of injury. So if your knees hurt, stick to brisk walking and build it up to a speed of 6 km/hourAs far as extra skin is concerned, remember that the skin is elastic and stretches when you put on weight to accommodate the extra fat. So when you lose weight it is quite a task to get the skin to go back to its original shape so soon. What can help here is to take on a resistance program which will see your skin tightening up over time when done consistently. You can include some push-ups and squats for the upper and lower body respectively. And with some abdominal crunches and back extensions you will find that you are getting closer to your goal. Keep a gap of 48 hours before you embark on the resistance program again; so 3-4 times for the above should be fine.

If it's bad to eat at night, how come I get hungry at night? As in my stomach literally gurgles...?

Does everyone get hungry at night? People seem to act like its abnormal. Is it?And after what time is it bad to eat?I usually get home from working out around 8:30pm --- around 4:30 I generally eat something light and am hungry when I get home.Any suggestions?Thx a mill.
it isn't bad to eat at night. you just have to pick smart foods to consume later in the evening when the level of activity is low. at night meals should be protein based with veggies.generally the less the body fat (or the more muscle mass) the less of a decrease that there is between the resting metabolic rate and the sleeping metabolic rate. and in the beginning of the sleep cycle the metabolic rate actually increases with it finally hitting the lowest point right before awakening.those that preach about not eating at night have not a clue about how human biology truly functions...for the non-obese individual every time the body is feed the metabolic rate increases to digest and metabolize nutrients. because of the chemical structure of proteins it takes roughly 25% of the calories that the food item provides to digest and metabolize those nutrients. this is why high protein (40% of the daily cals) diets are very successful at helping people to manage bodyweight.it's kind of hard to explain with out getting too scientific but just try to remember that the human body needs nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals) 24 hours a day. forget about calories for now as that is a man-made concept the body identifies substances by their chemical structure. the body does not have the storage capacity for most nutrients and this is why the metabolism functions at a higher level of efficiency when the body is feed regularly every 3-4 hours. if you stop eating at 6 pm and don't feed again until 6 am. that is 12 hours that the body has working with out any nutrients. starving the body for 50% of the day is not optimum for weight management or for optimum performance in sports.
You may think you're hungry, but supposedly people are saying that you're actually thirsty. I dunno. After I drink, I'm still hungry. It's all too frustrating.
Perhaps, you have developed a habit of eating at these times. It is best to work out after eating. from what I understand, it is bad to eat and lay down or do nothing afterwords, because the food just kinda sits and is not being agitated into the system. I am not a dietitian or anything but it makes since to me. However, I always eat at night to and believe me I have a little pouch now. Perhaps, I need to take my own advice, however, I think it is because I am lonely, nervous, watching movies and just thinking about the world in general. So, you are not alone and I will consider my own advise. Hope it helps a little.
Is 4:30 the latest you eat? Like before nine, but after six or so there's dinner, and if you don't stay up too long, there shouldn't be any hungriness, unless you actually haven't eaten. Really, don't eat right before bed, bad for health and weight. I choose to not eat anything after eight something to nine, doesn't always stay that way, but usually. Happens to me, but I don't actually feel hungry, make sure your full after eating.
I am usually starving at midnight. It is strange. When I'm at home, my mother notices food missing from the fridge the next day. I am also underweight. I don't believe in that 'no eating after a certain hour' thing. Try eating a huge breakfast, and a large lunch, a protein/energy bar before working out and lots of Gatorade. Evening meal maybe cream of wheat, grits or oatmeal to cut that hunger. Don't go right to bed because pieces can go up your esophagus and give you acid reflux. *gravity needs to pull your food toward the lower digestive trac*Have a nice day.
When I was pregnant, I was craving sweets around 7 p.m. My midwife told me "More protein in the afternoon" to keep my blood sugar level up. It worked well for me - Peanut butter, cheese and crackers.For healthy sleep, it's recommended to eat a small snack before bed time (a bowl of cereal is good) but no "meals" after about 7:00 p.m. - I believe this is assuming a bed time around 9-10 p.m.It's not good to eat a large meal before sleeping, as your pulse slows and the decreased blood supply to your stomach/intestines causes indigestion; also, your body doesn't need that energy when it's at rest. So, if you're up until midnight, go ahead and eat dinner at 9:00, but not a heavy one, no greasy fried foods :-)And if you're having problems or other issues, call and talk to your Dr's Nurse - they should be able to answer questions over the phone; or your employer may have access to a 24 hour Health Question line, that should be able to help assess a balanced diet for your lifestyle, including meal times.
Not everyone gets hungry at night...but if you are maybe its because you aren't eating right. It's not great to eat after 9, but this is only if you are trying to loose weight. The reason is, if you eat late you aren't up moving around as much so you don't burn off all the food you've eaten. So you just store it, and it turns to fat. I would suggest that you eat a good breakfast. A good large breakfast. And around 4:30 when you usually eat, don't eat something light but more like something healthy, like a large salad with fat free dressing, and a fruit. Apple maybe? If that would be enough to hold you over. Then when you get home eat something light. Yogurt, cottage cheese... a small sand which. And you should be OK until the next morning. I hope this helps...if not i hope you find the answer you are looking for!
it's really bad to eat at night especially after 10pm. food usually take two hours for disgestion, if we sleep straight after our meal, you know what will happen to your body - become fatter. try only to sleep after two hours of emal intake for better health purpose. normally, the right time for dinner is between 7-8pm, whereby intervene between meal is about 4 - 5 hours from your lunch. if you exceed the duration in between, you should start to get hungry.
the question is if you dont sleep, lets say 5 hours after your dinner, it's normal for normal human being to start feeling hungry. i believe most people would angree with me.
if really no choice, too hungry and cant stand anymore, i suggest you to drink a glass of milk or horlicks, and get to sleep asap. dont use plain water as replacement cos it will cause water retain in your body tat cause you to look bigger and chubbier. dont take fruits after 10 pm too cos it will cause unhealthy condition for your stomach. try to consume as little watter as possible after 8pm. for your info, try to finish your 8 glasses of plain water (H20) by day time (before 8pm).
It's not necessarily bad to eat at night, but rather before you go to bed.I have the same situation in that I return home after 9pm at night and I'm often quite hungry. So, the question is whether to ignore the hunger or to feed myself.If you really don't want to eat late, try to eat more during the day time at more intervals. If you get breaks at work, have a sandwich or snack then.Now, the reason why it's bad has to do with your (metabolic rate-MBR).During night time your MBR starts to slow down, which means that eating at night stores more calories and you basically gain more weight.Your MBR is mainly determined by your genetics. You know what I'm talking about. You see some skinny kid eating all the time and never gaining weight, or another one who eats normally but packs on the weight. What is MBR? Basically, it's the rate at which your body utilizes the energy that is stored in your body. The things that determine your MBR is your body weight, the fat to lean mass ratio, your gender and lifestyle. The main thing that determines your MBR, however is your genetics. Your inner organs to be more specific. There are things you can do to increase or decrease your MBR. Exercise will increase your MBR, but only during the time you are actually active and the cool down period. Gaining more muscle will increase your MBR by a small amount, but the cool thing about that is it affects your MBR ALL the time rather than for just a short period of exercise.So, the thing is to NOT ignore your hunger and to eat when you're hungry. It's your body's way of telling you something...unless you have a physical problem, it's normal.When you think about it, a light meal at 4:30 isn't really enough to sustain for the rest of the day, assuming you go to be around 11pm or 12am. Most people will get hungry 3-5 hours after a meal, depending on their habits.
I usually just go to bed when I get hungry. I figure it's my body telling me to either refuel or go to sleep.

If I'm on a strict diet but I take a multivitamin,,will that make up for lost nutrients?

It may depend on the "strict diet". Some vitamins are water soluable, others are fat saluable. Those that are fat soluable need fat in your diet to be absorbed properly.Multivitamins are good for giving you the basics across the board, but sometimes your body could use, or needs, more than the basic daily recomended value of vitamins.Water soluable vitamins are usually safer than fat saluable vitamins if you get them in larger doses. Vitamin C for one is a vitamin your body can use a lot of, and is really hard to overdose on as the body simply flushes out what it doesn't need, as it does for many of your B vitamins. However, your body needs some other B vitamins to counter each other in equal doses, so taking a B-comlex tablet is best. Also, you need to take a B-comlex with food or it may cause nausea, or you should look for a time release formula.Vitamin C is also necessary for iron absorption, if that is a problem for you, whether you are getting too much or too little iron in your system, you may have to adjust your C intake.Vitamin D is required for Calcium absorption, and is necessary to help keep cholesterol down. It's actually best if you get about thirty minutes of sunlight a day for your body to convert cholesterol to vitamin D. More if you are dark skinned. This is partly why cholesterol counts are higher in the winter.Calcium is necessay for a high protein diet. If you are getting a lot of protein in your diet, you need to take it with calcium, or else your body will sap it from your bones!Potassium is something that is hard to supplement. You are supposed to get about twice the potassium in your diet as you are getting of sodium. Most people are usually getting huge amounts of sodium and little potassium. You can find potassium in fresh fruits, orange juice, some grape juices, bananas, and potatoes. Using the 2:1 ratio, you need about 32 ounces of orange juice per frozen dinner or can of soup!Vitamin A can be a bit toxic in high levels and is fat soluable, which means, once it's absorbed, it takes a while to be used. Hence, it is best to supplement with beta-carotene, which your body converts as needed to vitamin A. Any extra is fairly harmless, unless you smoke.Vitamin E is not so toxic as A, but is also fat soluable. If you want to deliver a 1-2 punch, you need to take E with selenium. Selenium makes E more useful to the body.Usually you don't need so much iron as you can get it in your diet, but you may need a little copper if you take zinc as zinc supplementation tends to deplete it. Copper is often found naturally in nuts.Magnesium, zinc, and calcium work together to create strong bones. Magnesium is necessary for a healthy heart and muscles, as is calcium. Too much calcium though can build up in your muscles though and you can get bone spurs or calcium deposits in your muscles. If you are absorbing too much calcium in your diet you may have to curb the amount of vitamin D you are getting from food sources, namely milk products.Without knowing more about your restricted diet, this should provide you with a little basic information about how vitamins and minerals play off each other. Stay away from artificial substances like fake sugars (Aspartame/Nutrasweet, Sucralose/Splenda, et al...) and other fake or artificial substances (Olene/Olestra, MSG, High fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, etc...) and you should be fairly ok.
I'd find out from your doctor which vitamin would be best for you. But if you get the right combination of nutrient supplements, that should be helpful.I took vitamin pills while on my diet - Mostly Centrum.
it does not matter how you get vitamins, as long as you get them. still like the first person said check with your doctor.
Taking a mulivitamin will most certainly not hurt; but if you should really look at what you are eating first. Your diet should not be so strict that it is not letting you consume your necessary nutrients. Fitday.com is a very basic monitoring system and it's free.
no vitamins replace nutrients in food. what about protein your muscles need? what about fiber your intestines need? what about complex carbs your body need for energy?

If im not hungry should i still eat?

like if yesterday i had like a salad for dinner and then went to sleep 5 hours later and in the morning when i wake up i dont feel hungry . does that mean i should eat anyways? even though people are usually hungry when they wake up but im just not hungry...
it is good to eat on the morning yeah but maybe eat somthing like fruit or somthing or even just grab a smoothy or yohgot if your not hungry
eat a little bit so you don't starve or develop an eating disorder
Are you anorexic? Are you dieting? A good breakfast helps through the day so I am worried about you.
yes it keeps up your metabolism
You don't have to eath if you are not hungry. The main thing to abstain from eating after 7 pm.
I am the same way--I never feel hungry in the morning. I usually don't eat until lunch and it suits me just fine.

If I'm a thin 15 year-old guy, what benefits will I get from taking creatine?

as difficult and frustrating as your situation may be...how about waiting till you're fully developed before you start taking things. honestly, you've got a lot of growing to do still. why don't you go to a gym and work on building muscle that way? at 15 you don't need to take something. if you're worried about how girls look at you...don't. it's not worth it. have confidence with what you have, work out, eat right. don't start taking sh*t. spend your money on something worthwhile.
You know that creatine is a muscle building substance. Its water based and when you stop taking it you are going to lose most of the muscle. Wait untill your body is finished growing first. I don't think its bad but its not worth it for you right now. Save your money or spend it on a girl better yet save your money and spend it on yourself for something better.
Please check the link below and read through carefully, to find out more about what creatine *is*. Creatine itself does not build muscle mass. It allows the muscles to utlize the Adenosine Triphosphate-to-Adenosine Diphosphate reduction reaction, which fuels your muscles during exertion, to last longer. During physical exertion, once that reaction is depleted, the body relies on glucose to fuel the muscle. Lactic acid and hydrogen ions are byproducts of the muscle burning glucose, and are ultimately what cause fatigue and muscle burning sensations after prolonged physical exertion. Taking creatine basically allows intense workouts to last longer with less exhaustion and burning after a workout.Although creatine is a naturally occurring substance in foods and our bodies synthesize it naturally, it is important to note this major side effect:Because creatine takes water into the muscle cells, many other tissues of the body may not be full hydrated. In this environment, if not enough water is taken in, it is much more likely that one can become dehydrated. Therefore, it is VERY important to drink an optimal amount of water while supplementing with creatine. Creatine is NOT recommended for individuals who are not doing intense body-building. I am an herbalist, and furthermore I do not recommend it for adolescent individuals, only adults who are no longer growing. As a younger individual, you have an inherently longer period of muscle endurance for aerobic and anaerobic exercise. Your endurance will improve with repetition (more workouts, more often). Although Creatine will not impact your hormonal activity or growth and development, it is not necessary or optimal for you at this point in time. I would recommend first looking at lifestyle changes: diet and exercise. Supplement with a good quality multivitamin that has an appropriate balance of vitamins, minerals, and whole foods extracts. Nature's Plus Source of Life and Teen formulas are particularly good.

If i'm a size 16 and weigh 190 pounds.. what size would i be if i weighed 120 lbs..?

my hips and shoulders are sorta wide.would it be possible for me to fit into a size5?
my friend is about 120 and she is a size 7...she has wide hips too.so maybe.it is different for every one
it all depends on your height. i'm about 5'4" and i wear anywhere from a 2 to a 5. so yes, you probably would fit into a size five, but it depends on your height, not just your weight.
I was thinking a 6 to an 8.
You might have a large frame. I do, and even if I was down to nothing but skin and bones, that would be impossible for me. You can tell if you have a large frame by taking your thumb and finger and putting it around your wrist, like this:http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/becker3.Go down to Question 9, they show it there. If they don't touch, you have a large frame. When I was 120lbs( probably age 11 or 12) I wore an 8/9 (juniors of course.) You won't get to a 5 with a large frame.
You would probably need to lose around 60lb to reach a size 5. But would losing this much weight make you underweight? It may not be healthy for you, it's hard to know without more details, such as your height and frame size.HTH : )

If I'm 5'2 and I weigh 110 what size would I wear?

I am loosing weight and trying to figure out what size I will be in.
I'd say a UK 8-10
(US 4-8)
you sound big boned
About 0-4 (depends on your hips)
I'm 5'6 and weigh the same as you are.
I would go preppy. Like Mini skirts and Converse shoes! and Hip hugger Jeans. The collard shirts are cute too.
Impossible to really tell without knowing your current weight and measurements. Usually losing 5lb-6lb will lose an inch at your height. So if you know the measurements of clothing sizes, you can estimate what size you might be.At a random guess, I'd say around a US size 4-6 at 110lb. It does depend on your body shape too. If you are top heavy or bottom heavy, you might wear a bigger or smaller size than mentioned above, i.e. 3 on top and an 7 on the bottom or vice versa. Also your frame size, width of your hips bones and your fat to muscle ratio will affect your size.What really matters is that you have a healthy level of body fat, your clothes size doesn't tell you this.HTH : )

If I'm 5'0 and weigh 110 lbs, am I overweight?!?

I think I'm gaining some pounds, so I need to know!
I have read that if you are 5' you should weigh 100lbs. Then add 5 lbs per inch for any height over 5 feet. So, I am 5'3'' I should weigh 115 lbs.
Having written this I know one needs to take into consideration the age of the woman and bone structure.For a man the standard is if you are 5" you should weigh 110. Than add 7 lbs per inch for any height over 5 feetThis formula may be out of date but it is what I was taught.
Heck no!
no you are not overweight!!
Your weight sounds just fine to me. If you're scared of gaining weight, take long walks.
defffinately NOT!! i'm 5"6 and weigh 130...just stay healthy and excercise!! remember your weight is just a number, be yourself ;)
you arent overweight cause im 110 and 4'11 lol...so yeah..
You are not overweight but you should continue (or begin) with moderate exercises in order to keep your healthy weight in the proper places.
NO YOUR JUST FISHING FOR A COMPLIMENT! (By the way Im the same size and I wear a 34 DD)
no. i dont thnk ur overweight.
no, but, either way, don't worry about it, lifes too short ;)
i hate when girls say then are over weight just becouse they have gained a few puonds. u are not overweight!!!!!
you need to bring ur confidence up little. try to get a good bf that will compliment u alot.(especally on your body
maybe a little; i'm five-one and 105 lbs. as long as you don't look it, i guess your'e fine.

If i workout out 4 or 5 hrs a day, and eat healthy how many pounds would i lose in 3months..i only have 3 mths

Im 24 .. female.. 158cms.. i weight 170pounds.. i want to lose 45... so is it possible to lose that much if i workout that much everyday .. plz answer specifically.. no spam or repeated answers
Well it is impossible to give an exact number, it depends on what your workout is and what exactally you are eating. You should only try to lose about 2-3 lb's of fat per week.So my suggestion to you would be to get about 1800-2000 calories a day. Try to get them from carbs and fruits and vegetables, not so much fats.Also you don't have to workout for hours and hours everyday to lose weight. Just do about 45 min of cardio 4 times per week...that's it, don't go crazy.If you get 2000 calories or less and do the cardio 45 min, 4 days per week, you should start to see the pounds come off. DON'T GET FRUSTRATED IF YOU DON'T SEE ANY CHANGE!! During the first few weeks of exercising our bodies are losing fat and gaining muscle and since muscle weighs more then fat you might even see a weight gain, but it's not a bad thing, because while your weight might be the same, you will be skinnier and have less fat on your body which is the goal. So remember to go by what you look like, not always just the number. And no you won't look "bulky" by putting on some muscle, you'll look toned and fit.
So I guess to answer your question specifically, if you worked out 4-5 hours a day you would be so exhausted and dehydrated that you'd probably lose about 30-40 pounds, BUT it would be mostly water weight from being dehydrated. Remember that our bodies contain lots of water and often after a workout people don't properly hydrate so they lose like 4 lb's just from sweating so much, so you'd still have the same percentage of fat on you, maybe a little less. Don't workout that much, just go for a run or get on a stationary bike for 45 min 4 days per week. make sure you have worked up a sweat by the end of the workout, and you should see at least 15 lb's come off in 3 months, but probably closer to 30 lbs.Also remember to drink lots of water, and stay away from greasy fatty foods.
If you have any questions at all don't hesitate to email me, i'd be glad to help :)
you weight 170 and you want to lose 45 pounds eww. lol
we cant really tell how fast you lose your weight becasue it really all depends on what you eat and how you work out.
eating healthy doesnt always mean eating to lose weight.
i would try lots of veggies fruit chiken at night. white eggs with out yolk in the morning. lots of cardio.
i just started dance aerobics, 1 hour 3 times a week. i lost 1 pound on the first week. whew!
i sugest you just go to the gym and avail of a program that has a personal trainer if you really wanted to loose that much weight.
your age 24
your weight 170lbs
if ur 5'5'' u should be 145lbs.
anything less is murder
look at the word diet carefully
D I E T...
No, Do not work out 4 or 5 hours a day, you will destroy your muscles doing that. Do an exercise every day for about 20 to 40 minutes a day and alternate between exercises on consecutive days. Eat high in protein foods and try to drink more. in 3 months you could lose around 40 pounds give or take a few pounds. Exercises - running, jogging, sit ups and crunches
Whoa easy! 4 to 5 hours is way too much, it can actually backfire on you.You're body %26 muscles need time to recover...I over worked out that many hours - it really messed up my immune system.You should aim to shed 2-3 lbs a week, that is a healthy steady pace. So 35 lbs is realistic. Cardio 45 min for 3-4 times a week + lift some weights 2x week.Cut out simple sugars like candy, white bread, soda, white rice.Focus on lean proteins/fiber foods (veggies!), lots of water, extra B vitamins, green tea, spicy foods raise metabolic rate.6 smaller meals instead of 3 big ones, don't let yourself starve or body will want to hold fat.

If i work out about 5 hours a day all summer...how many pounds of muscle will i gain?

NONE5 hours a day is to much, no time for muscles to rebuild. only work out 3 times a week for 1 hour per day.
Your body's response to 5 hr. daily of exercise would involve more variables than just exercise. Your fluid, caloric, protein intake (nutrition, in general) would be a key element in determining how much muscle you might add. In addition, your genetic background is a factor, as well. A great book to follow is Bill Phillips' Body for Life. You obviously want some improvements in your physical stature, and Bill's book can guide you through everything, including appropriate supplements. The most important thing is sticking with your program. Recording what you eat, what you do in the gym is very helpful in making progress. Good luck!
If you work out 5 hours a day , 7 days a week , then you will lose muscle. In order for your muscles to grow you need to lift weights. When you lift weights you stretch and tare your muscle. Your muscles grow when your body repairs the damage you did by weight lifting. You body needs protein and rest in order for your muscles to grow. If you workout for 5 hours a day , 7 days a week then your body won't be able to repair itself and you will not gain strength or muscle mass. After about 3 weeks of weight training 3 to 4 days a week your muscles will gain stamina and wont fatique as much. After you gain muscle stamina you will be able to work out for 1 to 1.5 hours a day , 5 days a week , if you train different muscles on differ days , with a proper schedule. I would stick to 30 to 45 minutes 4 days a week and then try to jump up to 1 hour a day , 5 days a week. With all due respect 5 hours a day , everyday is ridiculous and you will not gain nearly as much strength and size then if you go 4-5 days for 1 to 1.5 hours a day. You need rest to grow. You can work out for 2 hours , but I would stretch for 15 minutes , lift for 1 hour , abs for 15 minutes and 30 mins of cardio. Eat high protein foods or drinks after you workout and if your arnt over weight then lots of carbs will help you gain muscle mass. Pasta , steak , potatoes , egg whites , protein shakes and lots of vitamins and patassium. (bananas) Get good sleep (7-9 hours) and take days off when your body needs it. I went from 6'3 150 lbs to 190 lbs in about 1.5 years. The only you will gain 40lbs of muscle like I did is by being dedicated , smart and eat eat eat. Also drink lots and lots of water. I would say about 4 litters a day to help you body digest all the protein you get and it hydrates you. Dont make the mistake I did though and continue to work out. Its ok after making big gains to take a full 7 days off but if you stop like I did and try to get back in to the gym then you will be back to square 1. Opps one more thing get very high protein shakes right after you workout especially if you are very thin and small. This paragraph is the only way to gain lots of muscle mass with out taking steroids and growth hormones which you will pay for in the long run. GOOD LUCK MY FRIEND. P.S. To grow in the gym you need to grow in your mind. P.S.S The guy who posted below me says you can build 40-50 lbs muscle in a month or 2 doesnt know what he is talking about. Maybe if you are really overweight but if you have a skinny frame , you will be lucky to gain 10 lbs of muscle in 2-3 monthes. Please dont listen to him. He obviously took steriods to gain 50 lbs of muscle in 1 month.
Keep your workouts shorts. Personally I shoot for 30-45 min. If you start working out for hours at a time your just going to be causing a lot of damage to your muscles. Allow your body plenty of time to heal after lifting weights. Don't lift weights every day. I only work a muscle group once a week. Some people do it twice...anything more and you'll be hurting yourself.In addition to that you need to load on calories. You need to shock your body into growth. The amount you'll need will depend on your current body size. Try to eat 5-6 loaded meals a day. When I put on the weight hard I was only 135. I started working out and eating 6 meals a day/800 calories per meal.Also try getting 1.5 times your body weight in quality protein (lean meat, beans, protein shakes) and drink alot of water.Its not unreasonable to put on 40 or 50 lbs in a few months if you work hard and stick to your plan. I know because I've done it.Good luckKaushal

If I were to use my treadmill today for 30 mins set at 3.00mph walking 1.6m,?

Having worked up a sweat would I lose weight immediately? If not what are the correct settings (for my treadmill) would be more effective. and of course sensible eating helps.
only because you sweat doesn mean you loose weight,its a myth. sweat is water which helps your body to cool down. if you wanna loose weight do a fat burn program n a a cardio program. for fatburn your heartrate should be 50-60% of your max heartrate and as a beginner you should start the cardio with 60-70% of max heartrate. both of them should be done at least 40 min and you need to warm up/cool down before/after for 10 min
Any exercise will help loose weight. If you want more rapid changes, then consider running instead of walking. It burns a lot more calories.
If you walk @ 3mph, in 25mins you will only have walked 1.25miles.
Any excercise will help you loose weight but nothing is immediately. Healthy eating and good exercise will have a gradual knock on effect a good weight lose is 2 pounds per week and that is what all the experts say. So it is very slowly but will give results in the end.
Anything that gets you out of breath and sweating should help.
But you want do it at least three times a week.
Really you need to start making the treadmill go faster and for longer when you start finding it easy.
As for correct settings it depends on your age, fitness and weight.
If you walk for half an hour every day, but keep your food intake exactly the same, you will lose 1 pound of fat in 3 or 4 weeks. Sweat has nothing to do with it.
You would probably be better off if you try to think long-term.It's possible to lose a lot of weight immediately by sweating (boxers sometimes do this to qualify for a lower weight-category fight) but it's not good for you (they usually lose) !The exact same time, setting and distance you use on one day for any exercise, can affect your body in a massively different way another day. This is because your mood, how busy you are, even the weather and how late you stayed up last night, can change your body chemistry.You'll only know you're doing the right things if you observe changes over a long period of time.For example, the exercise might be making you stronger, but also tiring you too much. You can't tell either of these from one session, because you might feel stronger because you rested a lot yesterday, or you might be fatigued because you haven't had time to eat enough.The 'correct' setting will be the one that challenges you enough (taking into accont how you feel today), without tiring you too much (for the things you need to do later today %26 tomorrow). You will only find out how to judge those things by finding out for yourself. Any preset programme (however expert the setter) will only work if you have a preset life.

If i weigh 52 kilos, how much would that be in lbs?

114.4 pounds (2.2 pounds per kilogram)
2.2 kilos per pound approximately
114.4 pounds
114.5 pounds.HTH : )
114lbs 10oz in old money

If I weigh 145 how long should it take me to lose 20 lbs?

If I am exercising 3 times a week at the gym, walking/hiking 2 days im not at the gym, and eating about 1200 calories a day?
You should only lose about 2 to 3 pounds a week to be healthy. So that is like what...10 weeks give or take? I am 5'2 and recently lost 20 lbs after being 145 (weird) but it came off in like 6 months, but I wasn't trying to lose it, it just happened. Just eat healthy and exercise. It will come off don't worry. It might just take a little while
To lose weight in a healthy fashion you should go for no more than two pounds per week. That means 10 weeks. If you lose the weight more rapidly the tendency is to put it back on rather quickly.
1-2 pounds a week is a healthy and more permanent weight lose. So you figure about 10-15 weeks, which is like 2 months. I'm not sure how tall u are or if in fact u need to lose 20 pounds, but a lot of ppl will lose about 5-10 pounds the first week or 2. So it might be sooner than projected, but u have to make sure ur drinking plenty of water so assure that ur weight lose is real and not just water weight coming off.
That really depends. Is 125 lbs. even a healthy weight for you? If it is, and you are sticking to this plan, I would figure two months to lose 20 lbs. Any faster and your body will start to go into starvation mode and hold on to as much as it can making it harder to lose any weight and seriously messing with your metabolism.

If I was dehydrated would I be better drinking alcohol than nothing at all?

No because the alcohol will dehaydrate you more.
No but you will be drunk.
Yes...in a sense because there is probably some water in the drink but alcohol also dehydrates you so you better have more than just one.
No! Not unless you want to dry up and blow away. Alcohol makes you very dehydrated.
Alcohol will only dehydrate you even more. It may seem refreshing at first but you will pay later.
I think you would be better off drinking alcohol with some juice...this would 1) help you rehydrate 2) maintain your "high" or 3) help your hangover...if you have one!
haha, good try but no. Alcohol actually dehydrates you more.

If I want to lose 3-4 pounds a week for the next 6 weeks?

I weigh 180 pounds. My goal is 160. There's a certain date I want to lose this weight by so I know I need to lose about 3-4 pounds a week for 6 weeks.Here are my questions:
1. How many calories should I have daily?
2. How many days a week should I exercise if I exercise for 30 minutes on those days?Serious answers only and please stick to the question!
find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter all your stats and it will tell you how many calories you need a day to maintain, take off 300-400cal off that number and thats how much you need to lose.
eat 5-6 small meals a day (eat every 2-3 hours)
5-8 servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water
have complex carbs for breakfast - they give you energy
have lean meat (protein) for dinner - repairs muscle
cardio exercise 4-6 times a week for 30-50min, light weight training
dont consume foods that are made of white flour (white bread, cakes, past etc.), sugar loaded foods (cookies, icecream, candy etc) and nothing fried, oily.
ofcourse you can spoil yourself once in a while with a little treat:)
1. How many calories should I have daily?--1800
2. How many days a week should I exercise if I exercise for 30 minutes on those days?--3/4
Hi ,
You need to know information about taking care of your health by yourself. You can do it at http://letdiet.blogspot.com It's about the diet , diet pill, health information, ways to lose weight, ways to use calories effectually. If you realize that site is good, Let's share to everyone for better life
Check out this site. It will tell you how many calories you need to maintain your weight (based on your height). Eat less and you will lose.
Exercise 6 days for 30 minutes. I usually do 3 or 4 days of 1 - 2 hours of strickly cardio.
If you are serious, please see my website, www.pointnutrition.com - I can do phone consultations and you would have to work very hard, but it could be possible. Keeping it off then would take a lot of work too. Let me know if you are interested in being a client.
Stick to 2 pounds a week. That's the consensus for healthy weight loss. You want to be losing fat, not muscle mass. You're going to have to be exercising intensely every day if you want to try to lose that much weight in that amount of time. Better idea, why don't you shoot for losing 12 pounds in 6 weeks, and then keep it up for another month to lose the next 8.
More important that calories is the quality of those calories. Choose low-fat and non fat foods. Drink water, be sure to take a multi vitamin--One a Day has one that supports
weight loss--kind of a green/teal label.
I've lost 12 pounds in the last month, and I could have done better if I had been better about sticking to these rules:
64 oz or more of water daily. 2 servings of dairy,
5 servings of fruit and veggies, 2 servings of meat--mostly chicken and fish, 2 servings s of bread/pasta/potatoes/
rice/cereal daily and very little oil or butter. Mostly a little
spray on salad dressing and a touch of oil when prepping meats. No alcohol, no soda, even diet and no sweets--use fruit as your sweet, if you need it or one piece of sugar free candy. You could go with a weight watcher dessert, or
sugar free jello, but not having even these, will help reduce calories. I think you can do it. Eat a little something
every 3-4 hours. Walk 30 minutes every day--Leslie Sansone has walking programs on DVD--15 minute, 30 minute and 45 minute ones. These are good if you don't have a good place to walk. Exercise on alternate days, and think about gentle yoga as a good way to relax. Good Luck!
If you want to lose weight and keep your muscle check out this website and let me know if you are interested. 100% money back guarantee.
I'm trying to lose weight too and it's sooo hard. My aunt is using a weight loss product and it's really working for her. I'm gonna try it and I recommend you try it too. Check their website at
http://www.mylnation.info , my aunt got a free trial and paid only 6.95$ shipping and handling.

If I want to loose weight, what is the best way?

I have heard so many people give different opinions and I want to know what you think?
Please let me know what you think the best way is to lose weight, but by doing it in a healthy way.
Thank you!
Exsicise. Go swimming in the summer. Shovel snow in the winter. Breathing oxygen helps. If you have nothing to do, breathe more.
here a way/ eat alot of hamburgers and junk food after you did that wash it down with some coke and if ur stil fat go to a gym and jst sit at the waiting area for an hour or so then you can go back home and tell everyone that you exercised!
drink lemon water and do exercise
Lots of exercise a carb controlled diet, thats the best way. And remember exercise can be fun like playing team sports or whatever you like doing. You dont have to slog it in a gym!
Try do do more physical work than you've done in the past. Like, park far away from the grocery store and get a good walk in instead of looking for a close parking spot. Instead of taking the elavator, take the stairs. Its the baby steps that get you going and once you trained yourself to do the little things, watch what you eat and get a lil cardion in at least 1 hour a day example: walking, running, rollerblading, walking the dog, riding a bike you know.

If I want to get IN SHAP for volleyball tryouts, should I wear lots of layers when I work out??TIPS!?

no don't wear lots of layers, it's bad For u. and to get in shape i suggest u do lunges and squats it hurts like hell but it will help a lot and you will be able to get lower into the position when u pass set and when u dig for the ball
Just to clarify: why would you need to wear lots of layers when you work out? What would that do?
Doing that will just help you to lose water weight faster, which you'll lose anyways if you are working out. To get in shape fast do cardio 4-5 times a week for 45 mins or so and do strength training 3-4 times for 20 mins a day. Good luck!!
u should eat @ taco bell.

If i want mass should i lift more weight and less reps or less weight and more reps?

more weight and more protein, that helps
More weight less rep.
Both.More weight, less reps will produce myofibrillar hypertrophy.Less weight, more reps will produce sarcoplasmic hypertrophy.Most of the bulk you see on bodybuilders, however, is sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. Doing less weight with more reps will also lead to a bigger "pump" in the gym.

If i wanna flatten my tummy by just jogging all the time,will that alone work?

i dont like doing anaroebic exercises, like crunches and things like that, i prefer aerobic ones. i dont really want any six pack abs or anything, just a flatter stomach
Jogging alone will not make your stomach noticably flatter, at least not significantly. Crunches are for packs, so those don't matter. Jogging and a healthy diet consisting of lots of protien should make your stomach flatter without looking like a macho beast (lol.) No packs, just flatter stomachs. :)

If I walk for 1 mile every day will that make a difference?

or do i need to walk a lot more to lose weight
Yes it will make a difference guranteed any physical activity burns calories. hell bouncing ur leg while u sit behind a desk burns calories. now if walking a mile to go get a bunch of fast food would be defeating the purpose. and jogging or speedwalking is incorrect from what the one answer said. the only thing about speed walking or jogging is the burning of calories faster. but there is a cost the faster ur pace the greater the risk of problems with joints or tripping. wear comfy shoes to make the walk more efficient and safer would be to walk on grass instead of asphalt. if u really wanna make the walk more effective carry like rolled up quarters in ur pockets.fooling ur body into thing it is heavier that it is will help as well.
Walking a mile a day is great, but walking alone won't make you lose weight.If you think you're overweight, cut out some of the unhealthy foods you eat as well.
If you walk one mile every day and do not increase your intake or otherwise alter anything else, you will lose weight...to a point. You will (eventually, depending on how much you need to lose) reach a plateau where you will have to either increase your exercise or decrease your intake or both in order to continue to lose weight.
yes that is great -wear the right sneakers and walk briskly but be careful.
If you sweat for 30 minutes, yes.
Jogging would be more effective. Wear sweat clothes so u can sweat more. U burn alot more calories that way.
Depending on how much you want to lose. If walking is the only cardio preference for you, you can add the intensity with holding light dumbells (2-3lbs) while you walk. If you're walking on a treadmill, add incline and/or speed will make a difference.
I walk everywhere; 2-6 miles is nothing for me. I'm eating enough to be gaining a little weight on top of that.So it's a combination of things. I don't think 1 mile is much, but it's a good start if you've just been sitting around. Then there's powerwalking, and walking with wrist and ankle weights.And you'll have to watch what you're eating, too.
If you walk one mile a day and eat right it will make a difference. If you walk one mile day and eat junk you there won't be a difference. But do remember, in order to loss weight you must burn more calories then you take in!
If you walk 1 mile every day from your home, you will be 30 miles away from your home in 30 days. So along with walking, you should maintain perfect diet. You should consult a dietitian and ask him the diet according to your weight. You should not eat junk food such as burgers etc. You should take food with high protein content and low fat content.
Absolutely it will help! But it has to be a fast walk, swinging arms. Great cardio exercise. When you feel comfortable, increase it to whatever you can handle and still get back to your starting point.
I have a bad knee, so can't go anywhere I might not make it back from. And I never go without a cell phone! I live out in the country and had an angry bull that escaped his fence chase me up a tree once. I had to call a neighbor to come in her car and blow the horn and race her engine to scare it far enough away for me to practically leap out of the tree and into her car!
True story.
A little.

If I walk 2 miles a day, plus 100 crunches a day..?

Will I lose weight? I am still sick, but next week I should be better. Will this help me lose weight?I am following an excercise video, by the way.
If you watch what you eat, yes. You should lose a pound or two a week. Good Luck!
You could walk 100 miles a day, but if you eat Burger King 5 times a say, the walking won't help much.
Walking is good, but you have to control your diet. The fewer the calories you take in, then better off you will be.
Yes, but you are taking that to the extreme. But yes you will lose weight.
That depends - if you eat more calories than you burn, you will gain weight. If you burn more calories than you consume, you'll lose weight. Walking 2 miles for an average 150lb person probably burns in the neighborhood of 150 calories. 100 crunches will yield a relatively insignificant caloric deficit, but they'll help your overall health (abs are very important for posture, relieving back pain, etc.). It will definitely HELP you lose weight, but it's entirely dependant on your diet.
The cleaner you eat, the less you need to workout. If you can consistently walk 2 miles a day, you are doing well. Walking is, bar none, the best exercise. If you stick to it, chances are you will become a more health conscious person, and this leads to a "beautiful circle" of health, as opposed to a vicious circle of dieting/working out/giving up. I see my Amish neighbors, who eat a notoriously high fat, high sugar diet stay lean just because they constantly walk. Keep at it...

If I take the diet pill Hoodia, will I gain weight after I quit using it?

When you stop taking Hoodia it will stop suppressing your appetite, therefore you will be more hungry. But if it helps you reduce your portion size at meal time that could create a habit over time. There is a chance that if you are in the habit of eating smaller portions it will continue once you stop taking Hoodia. The question is how long will it take to form that habit for you.If you diecide on Hoodia I’ve written some good articles on it that will answer many important questions, just Yahoo or Google my name “Andrew Aitaken” to find them.Remember, you should always consult your physician before taking any diet pill or weight loss supplement.
hoodia just low your food craving
Probably, but its not a problem with the pill, its a problem with your eating habits. If people exercise, and CHANGE the way and what they eat they won't have to worry about diet plans and pills failing. The pills and plans don't fail it is the person's inabililty to change their lifestyle. So yes if you take Hoodia, then quit using it and continue with your same eating and exercising habits you will gain the weight back.
Please rethink buying that false crap of a pill. It doesn't work, it screws up your system, and most of all, you will definitely gain the weight back! Look at the book, "The 3 Hour Diet" and then you will start losing weight the healthy way. Good luck.

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