Tuesday, May 25, 2010

If you are quite toned already, do you burn more calories without doing anything?

Therefore is it ok to eat larger portions and more high calorie foods?
wouldnt of thought so but i dont know..shouldnt be lazy
Nope, sorry.
Well yes and no.
Well, the more muscle you have the more calories you will burn doing regular stuff.
But if you're basically fit/toned with no more muscle than the norm you're measuring yourself with, then no.
If you are eating now and don't gain or lose then you are eating the right amount.
Actually you would burn more calories if you have more lean muscle mass. Muscle naturally burns more calories then fat and you will also have a higher metabolism.
If someone doesn't eat enough healthy calories for that muscle then the body will think it is starving and they will lose muscle mass and gain fat. Then all that sitting will only make them fatter.Hope this answer helps.
Take care,
i think so, but i don't know about the portion part, if u ate in larger portions...you'd gain weight...period

If you are not naturally skinny is it possible to get skinny?

I am 5'1 to 5'2 inch not rlly sure..and I weigh 105 pounds.I was wondering if it was possible for me to get the skinny girl look without being muscly..if thats a word.and is there a way to make your face get smaller? some how all my fat goes to my face arms and boobs...my boobs r 34B and I wanna be A or 32B :S will loosing weight help? give a good exercise plan please...
with your height, you sound like you already got the skinny girl look down. are you wanting to be like nicole richey or the olsen twins? they look like skin drapped over bones. you probably would look healthier if you had a little tone/definition in your arms/legs instead of being a toothpick.
not to be rude.
You are almost underweight considering the BMI stats. Sweet heart, you do not want to be 90lbs or less like portrayed in the media .. like Nicole Richie, or Kate Moss. You are at a more than healthy weight -- the reality of it? Once you hit 90-100 pounds you start growing fine facial hair, your now beautiful hair thins out and you'll get slightly sallow. You won't become the "beauty" you think you will. You are beautiful inside and out, as it is. You will be treading on thin ice, when you get thinner than you are: eating disorders.There is no way or reason to make your face smaller, other than going under the knife. As for your boobs? Sweetheat, they are porportioned to your body. The only eating plan I will give you is eat a balanced meal, fruits and drink water. Excercise moderately, a few times a week. You don't want the 'skinny girl look' -- it comes with a host of messed up brains
One cannot selectively loose or gain. One can, however, achieve what one was at some point of time.
If you are 105lb, then you are already skinny! Why do you want smaller boobs? Wierd lol.HTH : )
You do not need to lose weight. You are already at the lower end of a healthy weight for your height.It's very hard for a woman to "bulk up" so go ahead and do weight training without fear. :)Your breasts will be whatever size your genetics determines.

If you are diagnosed as being anorexic, what will the doctors do to you?(give you meds? just tell you to eat?)

I am just suspicious. One of my friends is anorexic, and her mom found out and took her to the doctor today. She is 13. I am wondering what the doctor probably did to her.
I am a recovering anorexic so I know EVERYTHING. First, they'll give her blood tests to see if her electrolites are balanced and if she's deficient in anything.Then probably give her an EKG (heart test) to see if she's having palpitations or low blood pressure. Then they'll refer her to not just a therapist, but most likely a program where she will get help gaining weight and will eat at the program center. They usually prescribe antidepressents for anorexics (i'm on 2). I hope she does well. Good luck!
Get her to eat.
They will try to get her to eat and will have to put her on an IV if she doesn't.
they check her weght and then talk with her. and then reffer her to a dietian. and will montor her.
There is no one answer. It will depend on how severely your weight has dropped and how sick you are. An inpatient treatment center may be the answer. In some cases, outpatient treatment is an option as well. I knew of someone who had such a severe case that she was hospitalized and all she could eat at first was baby food. Anorexia is a complicated disease that isn't always curable, and almost always requires psychological treatments.
i sort of have the same problem.
when i went to the doctor, they made me get a therapist and also made sure i was eating a strict diet that was high in protein and crap.
nothing bad.
i wasn't THAT bad, so i didn't get any meds.
i don't even know if there are meds for anorexia.
hope i helped
She will be required to attend group and individual therapy. If her condition is bad enough, she will be confined to either a medical hospital, a psychiatric hospital, or to a residential psychiatric treatment facility. The staff and her psychiatrist will make a contract with her...she can get privileges in exchange for taking her medications and meeting treatment goals---such as achieving a certain weight, being able to discuss the importance of good nutrition, etc.
most of them receive psychological tx modalities. some medication to increase the appetite to eat. there!
she might have to be put in inpatient in a hospital if she is really bad off, staff are watching you 24-7 and its full of other kids with problems too, like depression, anger, suicidal thought/attempts, AWOL, stuff like that, but she is completely safe, and they have to work on their problems to get out, if they think she needs to be there, you pretty much have to be there voluntarily because otherwise the will will make her go to court to be placed their and will probably win. they will probably set a weight that she has to meet to be released. just make sure they know what they are signing and to be care full, i learned the hard way. but if she does have to go there, just tell her to work with the program and fallow the rules and she will be out in no time... hope everything works out!!... PS they are also known as children's psychiatric hospitals

If you are color blind, what colors do you see?

What color does red look like if you are color blind?
Different colors for different types of color blindness...
black white and dark shades of colors.
its not how most people think its just slight differenes, some reds may look orange or some yellows look like shades of green instead.. most people think its worse than it is
sorry idk about red.. but ik my friend has that and sees a lot of things brown
he also thought my light blue jacket was pink
but yea haha
im sure its different for a lot of ppl though
Color blindness (color vision deficiency) is a condition in which certain colors cannot be distinguished, and is most commonly due to an inherited condition. Red/Green color blindness is by far the most common form, about 99%, and causes problems in distinguishing reds and greens. Another color deficiency Blue/Yellow also exists, but is rare and there is no commonly available test for it.http://colorvisiontesting.com/color2.htm...
dark colors can,t tell on light colors i,m not blind but i have a friend that is color blind.
Grey and white,like tv used to look before they had color tv?
I`m not sure how they see colors but my dad is colored blind and he hates the color red because he don`t see the same red we see.
Jennifer,I am color blind - my red and yours are probably different. Your red may look like brown to me. I have trouble distinguishing greens and grays, teals and gray. It varies but I can assure you of this - nothing in this world looks the same to me as it does to you. Good question!
Well, I'm a boy, and they are part colorblind. I'm most color blind. Now the red I see, is almost white. It has a 30% shade of pink (actually not that much) others aren't that bad, it's mainly red that's bad.
I am not some type of genius, but I will say if you are color blind then, the only colors you will see would be black and white maybe.
i am red green colour blind i can make out straight red as at traffic lights,greens are hard to pick because their are so many of them
Color blindness is typically a genetic condition, and it is much more common in men than in women. Approximately one in 12 men has at least some color perception problems. Less common, acquired deficiencies stem from injury, disease, or the aging process. Also, although not called "color blindness," when people age, their corneas typically turn yellowish, severely hampering their ability to see violet and blue colors.Many people think anyone labeled as "colorblind" only sees black and white -- like watching a black and white movie or television. This is a big misconception and not true. It is extremely rare to be totally color blind (monochromasy - complete absence of any color sensation). There are many different types and degrees of colorblindness - more correctly called color deficiencies.
People with normal cones and light sensitive pigment (trichromasy) are able to see all the different colors and subtle mixtures of them by using cones sensitive to one of three wavelength of light - red, green, and blue. A mild color deficiency is present when one or more of the three cones light sensitive pigments are not quite right and their peak sensitivity is shifted (anomalous trichromasy - includes protanomaly and deuteranomaly).
it depends on what type of color blind you are, some can't distinguish between shades, some see red as a brownish color. Others have red green troubles. It's a very slim number that can only see in black white and grey
Fragments of gray n white -- black n white

If you are a women with a small bone structure but excess fat, will P90x make you bulk up?

Or will it slim, all I want is muscle definition.
If you do decide to use P90X, use the Lean version (it comes with the program). Be sure to read the guides before beginning. There's a lot of valuable information in them. The nutrition plan is great, especially the first phase, "Fat Shredder". I've lost 1% body fat in the first two weeks. The Lean version of P90X focuses more for women, who don't want to bulk up. But trust me, you'll see changes in your physique and start to see more chisled abs. I can already see more definition in two weeks. The fitness guide explains that in order to build lean muscle, rather than bulk, to do more reps at a lower weight. Use 5-8-10 pound weights and you shouldn't bulk up. I'd recommend it if you pass the fit test.

If you are 13, 5ft 5, and 100 lbs, are you too thin?

no , you are not to thin or to fat. Eat healthy and take up a sport for exercise. have fun ,these are some of your best years.
i am 13, 5' 2" with 100 lbs and my doctor said that my weight wasn't healthy
i was the same.
and i turned out fine, its only unhealthy if you arent naturally 100lbs and you are starving yourself.
your a pretty good weight but on my opinion a little to thin. thin is not in these days.
I was that thin when I was in highschool. I was never on a diet. I was just naturally thin. Later in life I have had to watch my weight but back then it was just natural. I would say if it's natural don't worry about it, but if it is from your dieting then you should probably think about adding a few pounds.
If you aren't dieting and that is just the weight you are naturally at then it's okay. If you think you are too thin try weight lifting. Joina gym, you can tone up(NOT GET BULKY) and maybe gain a couple of muscle pounds and keep in mind that muscle weighs more than fat.
yea.. that's pretty thin.. if you're feeling weak because of your weight, then its not healthy.. otherwise.. you're fine.. dont even worry, once you hit ages 18, 19, 20 and beyond.. you'll see the difference in your metabolism and dream about the days when you were able to eat without gaining weight so quickly.
It's a thin frame but it's okay if it's naturally like that. I'm 5'2", 86 lbs., asian. I'm thin but I eat like a grown man!! I don't gain weight at all.
If you're concerned, ask your doctor. And it's all about body fat, not a number on a scale.

If we eat fruits regularlly, will we become fat or disorder in shape?

my friend ate fruits a lot and has become fat so i fear if i eat fruits daily i will become fat.
Too much of anything is bad. What is requiered is a balanced diet. Only furits will not give u a good shape
oh no it all depends on ur physical ex. so do lot of work.
HE must have ate too much or ITS ROTTEN MAN! 鈾?
definitely you will not become fat by eating fruits,your friend may have ate fatty substances too much, so what she has become fat
Don't avoid fruits.ur friend may have been lazy.But u can eat a lots of fruits.But exercise a lot
What?! Fruits should definitely become part of your daily diet. At least two serves of fruit should be consumed each day. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Fruits are the best food we can give our body. They are a rich source of vitamins and essential minerals. But we should take care that we have a wholesome diet rather than concentrating only on one kind of food like protien diet, carbohydrate diet etc.
It depends on the fruit u use. If u eat fruits , take lemon juice a little %26 salads , weight will never increase.
To reduce weight without any exercise apply this simple formula: Have
2-3 gm desi garlic paste + 250 gm pure honey + 250 gm apple or grape vinegar,
enclose in a glass bottle of deep colour with 1-2" space left over it. Keep at the bottom of fridge for 10 days. Start consuming a teaspoon of it daily half an hour before breakfast. Within three months even the fattest man will be a man of normal weight. Applicable for both men %26 women.
Additionally, this formula is extremely useful for heart patients so much that blood cholestrol comes to normal without bypass surgery, undoubtedly.
It is useful to get rid of joint pains too.
Go on taking fruits without any fear. Banana is better than apple.
You must add plenty of fruits in your diet. This will definitely help and you will be in proper shape too.
fruits are basically fructose sugar. It is the same whether you eat Fruits or Wheat or rice. Hence eating fruits irregularly will cause fatness.
To reduce fats have a well balanced eating plan.

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